66th Legislature - 2019 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1001 f Service contract providers Kirby,Vick CPB DP13
HB 1005 f Mobile home foreclosure sale Appleton CRJ DPS15
HB 1013 f Walla Walla watershed pilot Jenkin,Blake APP DPS33
HB 1026 Breed-based dog regulations Appleton,Fitzgibbon PS DP9 DNP2
HB 1033 f Mobile home relocation asst. Ryu,Barkis APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)23 DNP7
HB 1039 f Opioid medications/schools Pollet,Cody APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)28 DNP5
HB 1042 f DOC/interest arbitration Blake,Griffey APP DPS(LAWS)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 1043 f Uniformed personnel arbitrat Goodman,Irwin APP DP26 DNP4
HB 1048 f Small claims court judgments Goodman,Stokesbary APP DP2S(w/o sub CRJ)32
HB 1049 Health care whistleblowers Macri,Stokesbary CRJ DPS15
HB 1053 f Feminine hygiene/sales tax Reeves,Peterson FIN DP13
HB 1056 Domestic violence/workplace Mosbrucker,Orwall LAWS DP7
HB 1059 f B&O return filing due date Van Werven,Kraft APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)33
HB 1061 State clam Blake,Walsh SGOV DP9
HB 1062 f Commercial fishing access Blake,Walsh RDAN DP14
HB 1063 f Primary elections/age 17 Bergquist,Stonier SGOV DPS5 DNP4
HB 1065 f Out-of-network health care Cody,Jinkins APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)30 DNP3
HB 1067 f Employment after public serv Pellicciotti,Pollet SGOV DPS9
HB 1068 f High capacity magazines Valdez,Jinkins CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 1070 f Natural gas tax treatment Mosbrucker,Fitzgibbon FIN DP13
HB 1072 Prevailing wage laws Sells,Doglio LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1075 Consumer comp grp insurance Kirby,Vick CPB DPS13
HB 1079 f Board of regents/faculty Pollet,Kloba CWD DP15 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1088 Littering restitution MacEwen ENVI DPS11
HB 1092 f Metro. park district comm'rs Fey,Jinkins LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1094 f Medical marijuana renewals Blake,Walsh HCW DPS13 DNP1
HB 1095 f Medical marijuana/students Blake,Walsh HCW DPS11 DNP3
HB 1105 f Home foreclosure/taxes Orwall,Ryu APP DP2S(w/o sub LG)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 1107 f Nonprofit homeownership dev. Slatter,Ryu FIN DPS9 DNP2
HB 1110 f Greenhouse gas/transp. fuels Fitzgibbon,Slatter APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP14
HB 1114 f Food waste reduction Doglio,Slatter APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP12
HB 1116 f Motorcycle safety Lovick,Ryu TR DPS25 DNP5
HB 1117 f Motor vehicle laws Valdez TR DP29
HB 1126 Distributed energy Morris,Ryu ENVI DP8 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1143 f Firefighting foam notices Reeves,Gregerson ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1147 f First informer broadcasters Chapman,Klippert HOUS DP8
HB 1148 f Architect registration Kirby,Vick CPB DPS13
HB 1150 Digital assets, compliance Reeves CRJ DP12 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1155 f Health care employees Riccelli,Appleton APP DPS21 DNP12
HB 1158 f Permanent cosmetics Ryu,Eslick CPB DPS7 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1165 Low-water landscaping Orwall,Dent CB DP14 DNP9
HB 1168 f Self-help housing dev./taxes Leavitt,Barkis FIN DPS13
HB 1171 f Trust institutions Walen,Vick CPB DP12 w/oRec1
HB 1174 Cities/lowest resp. bidder Walsh,Blake LG DPS7
HB 1181 f Seniors & veterans/prop. tax Lekanoff,Pellicciotti FIN DPS12 DNP1
HB 1191 f School notifications Goodman,Frame ED DPS14 DNP5
HB 1192 Marriage/elected officials Hudgins,Dolan CRJ DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1195 f Campaign finance Hudgins,Walsh SGOV DPS6 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1198 f Health prv misconduct notice Caldier,Cody HCW DPS15
HB 1199 f Health care/disability Cody,DeBolt APP DPS33
HB 1205 f Plastic bags Peterson,Orwall FIN DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)8 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1207 f Manuf. housing communities Ryu,Jenkin HOUS DPS9
HB 1220 Insurance commissioner/PEBB Dolan,Volz SGOV DP9
HB 1222 f PUD contracting Griffey,Blake LG DPS7
HB 1227 Coroners/subpoena authority Walen,Klippert CRJ DPS15
HB 1229 f Traffic cameras, photo tolls Caldier,Kilduff PS DPS11
HB 1239 Pub. hospital board meetings Cody,Schmick HCW DPS15
HB 1241 f Water-sewer comm'r insurance Appleton,Griffey LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1242 f Lodging special excise taxes Blake,Walsh FIN DP9 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1251 f Election security breaches Tarleton,Hudgins SGOV DPS9
HB 1254 f Vehicle regist./marine cargo Fey,Barkis TR DPS29
HB 1256 f Driving w/ electronic device Lovick,Irwin TR DP24 w/oRec3 DNP3
HB 1261 f Clean water act/discharges Peterson,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1264 f Secondary traumatic stress Ortiz-Self,Orwall APP DPS33
HB 1266 f Financial information/taxes Springer,Orcutt FIN DPS10 DNP3
HB 1285 f Treasurer/public works board Doglio,Steele CB DP23
HB 1290 f Voluntary cleanups/haz waste Peterson,Barkis APP DPS(ENVI)32
HB 1292 f Voter registration deadlines Walsh,Dolan SGOV DPS9
HB 1295 f Public works contracting Tharinger CB DPS22 w/oRec1
HB 1298 f Weights and measures program Pettigrew,Chandler APP DPS(RDAN)33
HB 1301 f Arenas/leasehold excise tax Kirby,Fey FIN DP12
HB 1302 f Gambling self-exclusion Kloba,Ryu APP DPS(COG)33
HB 1308 f Retirement system defaults Stanford,Volz APP DPS22 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 1318 f Capital budget/public art Tharinger,Van Werven CB DP23
HB 1323 f Zoological facilities B&O tx Fitzgibbon,Stokesbary FIN DPS12
HB 1326 f DNA sample collection Klippert,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 1329 f Office of pub. guardianship Kilduff,Harris CRJ DPS13 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1330 f Public guardianship cases Kilduff,Harris CRJ DP15
HB 1332 f Energy site eval. council Wylie,DeBolt ENVI DPS11
HB 1334 f Electric util wildland fires Blake,Kretz RDAN DPS12
HB 1337 f Assault 3/code enf. officers Barkis,Klippert PS DPS10 w/oRec1
HB 1342 f Electronics servicing Hudgins,Morris ITED DPS7 DNP2
HB 1345 f Correctional officer OT Frame,Irwin LAWS DPS5 DNP2
HB 1347 f Vehicle reseller permits Barkis,Kirby FIN DP13
HB 1350 Temporary protection orders Kilduff,Irwin CRJ DPS13 DNP2
HB 1352 f Drug compounding Thai,Harris HCW DPS15
HB 1354 f Scan-down allowances Walen,Stokesbary FIN DP12
HB 1355 f CTC counselor staffing Ortiz-Self,Orwall CWD DPS14 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1357 Unincorp. island annexation Doglio,Macri LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1359 Local government procurement Leavitt,Irwin LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1360 f Driving record abstracts Irwin,Fey TR DPS29 w/oRec1
HB 1368 f Cooperative finance org. B&O Springer,Kretz FIN DP12
HB 1372 f State guard retirement age Klippert,Ryu HOUS DP8
HB 1381 f Contraband/unmanned aircraft Pellicciotti,Irwin PS DP11
HB 1382 f Emergency aid/prostitution Pellicciotti,Kraft PS DP11
HB 1383 f Patronizing a prostitute Pellicciotti,Kraft PS DPS11
HB 1391 f Early achievers program Senn,Dent APP DP2S(w/o sub HSEL)30 DNP3
HB 1397 f Electric aircraft Slatter,Dent TR DP24 DNP5
HB 1400 f Employment security records Sells,Hudgins LAWS DP7
HB 1401 $f Hemp production Shea,Blake APP DP2S(w/o sub COG)32 w/oRec1
HB 1403 f Municipal B&O tax apportion. Frame,Orcutt FIN DPS13
HB 1406 f Affordable housing/sales tax Robinson,Macri FIN DPS(HOUS)9 DNP4
HB 1408 f Survivorship benefit options Volz,Ormsby APP DP32
HB 1413 f Optional life annuity Ormsby,Volz APP DP25 DNP8
HB 1415 f Medical marijuana auth db Schmick,Cody APP DPS33
HB 1416 f Liquor licensees/events Stanford,Jenkin COG DPS10
HB 1419 f Emergency planning/nuclear MacEwen,Shea HOUS DP9
HB 1423 f Adult family home egress Tharinger,Harris HCW DP14
HB 1426 f Conservation district coop. Ramos,Orcutt LG DP6
HB 1429 f Dairy milk assessment fee Shewmake,Chandler APP DP33
HB 1430 f Licensing moderniz. account MacEwen,Stanford APP DPS33
HB 1431 f Joint self-insurance prgs Kirby,Vick CPB DP12
HB 1432 f Hospitals/ARNPs & PAs Cody,DeBolt HCW DP14
HB 1434 f Noncriminal youth detention Frame,Eslick HSEL
HB 1435 Cultural access programs Springer,Stokesbary HOUS DP9
HB 1436 f Snow bikes Mosbrucker,Wylie TR DPS28 w/oRec2
HB 1437 f Noncollection of taxes Pollet,Kraft LG DP6 DNP1
HB 1440 Rent increase notices Robinson,Macri CRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1441 f Local infrastruct. financing Tharinger,Doglio CB DP16 DNP6 w/oRec1
HB 1442 f Election candidate names Goehner,Hudgins SGOV DP9
HB 1444 f Appliance efficiency Morris,Fitzgibbon APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)18 DNP14
HB 1445 f Unempl benefits/family resp Gregerson,Chapman APP DP19 DNP14
HB 1448 f Veterans service officer prg Maycumber,Chapman APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)33
HB 1449 Public lands day Peterson,Chandler SGOV DP9
HB 1450 Noncompetition covenants Stanford,Kloba LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1456 f Aviation revital. loan prg Dent,Springer TR DPS28 DNP1
HB 1465 f Pistol sales or transfers Goodman,Jinkins CRJ DP10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1466 f Marijuana billboards Klippert,Kirby COG DP6 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1469 f Driving/emerg. & work zones Jenkin,Chapman TR DPS28
HB 1471 f On-site sewage systems Young,Walsh ENVI DPS11
HB 1476 Contracts for dogs and cats Stanford,Appleton CPB DPS7 DNP5
HB 1480 f Dredged material disposal Fey,Barkis ENVI DPS11
HB 1483 f Behavioral health/B&O tax Young FIN DPS13
HB 1487 f Elevators Chapman,Chandler LAWS DPS7
HB 1494 Redistricting deadlines Walsh,Gregerson SGOV DP9
HB 1495 f Criminal sentencing task frc Goodman,Klippert PS DPS11
HB 1499 f Public facilities/recreation Jenkin,Peterson LG DP6
HB 1502 f Heavy equipment rental prop. Tarleton,Stokesbary FIN DPS9 DNP4
HB 1505 Child victims/sexual assault Klippert,Kraft PS DP11
HB 1507 f School safety/design Walsh,Kraft CB DPS23
HB 1512 f Transp. electrification Fey,Steele ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1515 Employer-employee status Riccelli,Doglio LAWS DPS7
HB 1516 f DFW dog training, nonlethal Blake,Dent RDAN DP14
HB 1537 Sunshine committee recs. Springer,Van Werven SGOV DP9
HB 1538 Sunshine committee recs. Springer SGOV DPS7 DNP2
HB 1540 f Minors/serious offenses Goodman,Frame PS DPS8 DNP2
HB 1544 f GMA actions effective date Mead,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP3
HB 1548 f WA medical commission Davis,Cody HCW DP15
HB 1551 f Communicable disease control Jinkins,Cody HCW DPS9 DNP6
HB 1554 f Dental hygienists Thai,Harris HCW DP15
HB 1557 f Liquor licenses MacEwen,Stanford APP DPS(COG)33
HB 1561 f DCYF oversight board Dent,Senn HSEL
HB 1564 f Nursing facilities/medicaid Macri,Schmick APP DP32
HB 1565 f Background check sharing Robinson,Tharinger HCW DPS15
HB 1569 f Product degradability Ramos,Chapman APP DPS(ENVI)19 DNP14
HB 1577 f K-12 computer sci. ed. data Callan,Stonier ED DPS19
HB 1579 f Chinook abundance Fitzgibbon,Peterson APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)19 DNP14
HB 1582 Manuf./mobile home tenants Gregerson,Kloba CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1583 f Mosquito control districts Kraft,Pollet LG DP6
HB 1585 f Brain injury fee increase Doglio,DeBolt APP DP29
HB 1587 f Fruits and vegetables access Riccelli,Entenman APP DPS31 DNP2
HB 1589 Correctional emps/firearms Chapman,Rude CRJ DP15
HB 1590 Housing tax/councilmanic Doglio,Dolan FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 1594 Telecommunication installat. Chandler,Chapman LAWS DPS7
HB 1598 f City annexing/interlocal ag. Doglio,Dolan LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1605 f Foster care TBI screenings Dent,Peterson HSEL DPS13
HB 1607 f Health marketplace notices Caldier,Jinkins CRJ DPS10 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1608 f Patient care/health entities Macri,Dolan HCW DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1622 f Drought preparedness Blake,Kretz CB DPS(RDAN)12 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 1625 f Utility rate making/property Fitzgibbon,Shea ENVI DP11
HB 1626 f LCB authority/Liquor, etc. Pettigrew,Griffey PS DP6 DNP4
HB 1629 f Disabled veterans prop. tax Reeves,Walen FIN DPS13
HB 1632 f Plastic food service ware Gregerson,Doglio ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1634 f Tax foreclosure/as-is sale Goehner,Eslick LG DP6
HB 1642 f On-bill repayment programs Doglio,Fey ENVI DPS9 DNP1
HB 1643 f Address confid./property Doglio,Walsh SGOV DPS9
HB 1646 f Juvenile rehab. confinement Goodman,Eslick APP DP2S(w/o sub HSEL)24 DNP8 w/oRec1
HB 1653 f Emergency comm. max tax rate Doglio,Dolan FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 1665 f Domestic waste stream Smith,Morris ITED DP8
HB 1666 f Abandon/council-manager plan Vick,Walen LG DP6
HB 1669 Fire district powers Eslick,Sutherland LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1673 Explosives/public record act Steele,Eslick SGOV DP9
HB 1676 f Arts & crafts/liquor license MacEwen COG DP11
HB 1682 f Self-insured claim closures Sells LAWS DPS6
HB 1686 f Hospital access to care Macri,Cody HCW DPS14
HB 1687 f Victim identity defenses Stanford,Doglio PS DP8 DNP3
HB 1688 f Resident student/veterans Morgan,Sutherland APP DP33
HB 1692 f Agency employees/harassment Jinkins,Caldier SGOV DPS9
HB 1694 Tenants/installment payments Morgan,Macri CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1702 f Low-cost course material/CTC Van Werven,Leavitt APP DP33
HB 1718 f Existing resources/local gov Volz,Senn FIN DP10 DNP3
HB 1723 f Active transp safety council Kloba,Goodman TR DPS19 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 1727 Gift cards Walen,Ormsby CPB DP13
HB 1732 f Bias-based criminal offenses Valdez,Entenman PS DPS7 DNP4
HB 1734 f College in high school accr. Leavitt,Boehnke CWD DPS16 w/oRec1
HB 1746 f Commercial office space dev. Fey,Gildon FIN DPS(LG)13
HB 1747 f Risk-based water standards Doglio,Gregerson LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1748 Hospital safety net assess. Jinkins,Schmick APP DPS19 DNP13 w/oRec1
HB 1750 County sheriff vacancies Mosbrucker,Lovick LG DP7
HB 1752 f Contractor bonding Orwall,Sells LAWS DP4 DNP3
HB 1753 f Health profession fees/rules Riccelli,Macri HCW DP15
HB 1754 Homeless hosting/religious Santos,Jinkins HOUS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1755 f Education doctorate degrees Leavitt,Van Werven CWD DP16 DNP1
HB 1756 f Adult entertainer safety Orwall,Mosbrucker LAWS DP7
HB 1762 f Ticket sale interference Young ITED DP8
HB 1769 Vessel crewmember license Blake,Chandler RDAN DPS14
HB 1777 f Surgical facilities/CON Cody,Harris HCW DP14
HB 1781 f Land use petitions Pollet,Fitzgibbon LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1782 f Advisory group meetings Pollet,Orwall SGOV DPS5 DNP4
HB 1786 f Protection, etc. orders Jinkins,Wylie CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1787 Filipino American history Chandler,Santos SGOV DP9
HB 1788 f WA state bar association Stokesbary CRJ DPS15
HB 1789 f Vehicle service fees Fey,Barkis TR DP20 w/oRec5 DNP4
HB 1792 Marijuana retailer penalties Pettigrew,Appleton COG DP11
HB 1794 f Marijuana bus. agreements Stanford,MacEwen COG DPS9 w/oRec1
HB 1796 Comm. property/clean energy Doglio,Fitzgibbon LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1797 f Accessory dwelling units Gregerson,Barkis LG DPS5 DNP1
HB 1798 f Short-term rentals Ryu,Mosbrucker CPB DPS13
HB 1801 f Abandoned cemeteries, entry Orcutt,DeBolt SGOV DP9
HB 1808 f Nonprofit fund-raising/tax Orcutt FIN DPS13
HB 1813 f Pupil transp. contracts Sullivan,Santos APP DPS19 DNP14
HB 1829 f Veterans' assistance levies Chapman,Goehner FIN DP11 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1836 f Child sex crimes/fee waivers Kraft,Van Werven PS DPS10
HB 1837 f Lurid criminal contact Irwin,Griffey PS DP11
HB 1838 f Distillery information Walsh,Goehner COG DP11
HB 1839 f Arena projects/taxes Sullivan,MacEwen FIN DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1841 f Crew size on certain trains Riccelli,Chandler LAWS DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1842 f Railroad employee work hours Gregerson,Walsh LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1843 f Railroad workers Chapman,Volz LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1847 f Aircraft noise abatement Pellicciotti,Orwall LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1852 f Property tax refunds Ramos,Pollet FIN DP13
HB 1856 Scleral tattooing Tharinger,Caldier HCW DPS15
HB 1865 f Acupuncture & Eastern med. Cody,Harris HCW DPS14
HB 1866 Day care prof dev compliance Dent,Chapman HSEL DP13
HB 1869 f Emerging therapies work grp Schmick,Cody HCW DPS15
HB 1879 Rx drug utilization mngmt Jinkins,Cody HCW DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1880 Problem gambling task force Kloba,Harris COG DPS6 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1894 f Wildland fire advisory comm. Dent,Griffey RDAN DP15
HB 1896 f Sentencing scoring Morgan,Jinkins PS DPS8 DNP2
HB 1902 f Single bill/health services Cody,Appleton HCW DP10 DNP4
HB 1908 f Electronic authentication Graham,Walsh ITED DP7
HB 1915 f Child support services fee Kilduff,Gregerson APP DP33
HB 1917 Animal traps/airports Peterson,Dent RDAN DPS14
HB 1918 Community preservation auth. Santos HOUS DP7 w/oRec1
HB 1924 f Voting rights/felony offense Dolan,Pettigrew SGOV DPS5 DNP4
HB 1930 f Expression of breast milk Doglio,Dolan LAWS DPS7
HB 1934 f Pistol license/armed forces Caldier,Kilduff CRJ DP15
HB 1948 f Warehousing & manuf. jobs Entenman,Stokesbary FIN DP13
HB 1952 f Building communities fund Ortiz-Self,Kilduff CB DP13 DNP9 w/oRec1
HB 1977 Judicial assistants, etc. Morgan,Valdez CRJ DP9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1980 f Federal tax lien recording Macri,Ryu APP DP33
HB 1983 Natural resource management Maycumber,Kretz RDAN DP13 DNP1
HB 1998 Higher ed. sexual violence Pellicciotti,Leavitt CWD DPS16
HB 2004 Low-income housing/prop. tax Doglio,Gregerson FIN DP10 DNP3
HB 2008 Ballot security alt. methods Hudgins,Gregerson SGOV DP9
HB 2010 Housing tax credit program Gildon,Walsh HOUS DP9
HB 2015 f Library-archives building Doglio,DeBolt CB DPS23
HB 2018 Harassment/legislature Morgan,Jinkins SGOV DPS9
HB 2020 Employment investigations Dolan,Kretz SGOV DP9
HB 2022 f Fish barrier removal funding Chambers,Fey CB DPS23
HB 2024 f Medicaid incentive payments Robinson,Cody FIN DPS12
HB 2031 f Foster parent case aides Frame HSEL DP12
HB 2032 f Convention cntrs tx deferral Tarleton,Morris FIN DP12
HB 2033 f Mandatory reporting of abuse Chambers,Paul HSEL DP12
HB 2035 f In-state broadcasters, taxes Lovick,Frame FIN DP13
HB 2049 Commercial egg layers Blake RDAN DPS10 DNP4
HB 2057 Ethics act/special privilege Harris,Ybarra SGOV DP9
HB 2063 f DCYF/statewide system Senn,Leavitt HSEL DPS11
HB 2066 Driver's license restriction Davis,Pellicciotti PS DP9
HB 2069 Utility service charges Dufault,Springer CRJ DPS13 DNP2
HB 2099 Invol. treatment/video tech. Irwin,Jinkins CRJ DPS15
HB 2110 f Affordable workforce housing Ryu,Santos FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 2119 f State forestland moneys Morris,Lekanoff CB DP21 DNP1 w/oRec1
HJM 4000 Biochar Shea,Fitzgibbon RDAN DP14
HJM 4007 f Regina Clark memorial bridge Orcutt,Appleton TR DPS30
HJM 4009 Puerto Rico Stokesbary,Caldier SGOV DP9
SB 5124 f Appraisal mngmt companies Das CPB DP13
SSB 5581 f State tax laws WM (Rolfes) FIN DPA9 DNP4