66th Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1063 f Primary elections/age 17 Bergquist,Stonier SGOV DPS5 DNP4
HB 1067 f Employment after public serv Pellicciotti,Pollet SGOV DP2S9
HB 1076 f Common schools Dolan,Jinkins ED DP2S17
HB 1120 f State learning standards Dolan ED DPS16 DNP1
HB 1191 f School notifications Goodman,Frame ED DP2S10 DNP7
HB 1201 f National guard ed. grants Kilduff,Klippert APP DP32
HB 1205 f Plastic bags Peterson,Orwall FIN DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)8 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1256 f Driving w/ electronic device Lovick,Irwin TR DPS31
HB 1293 f Discover pass penalty dist. Tharinger,Blake APP DPS31
HB 1313 f Rewards cards Kirby,Vick APP DPS(CPB)27 DNP4
HB 1315 f Concealed pistol training Lovick,Jinkins CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 1323 f Zoological facilities B&O tx Fitzgibbon,Stokesbary FIN DPS12
HB 1333 f Bargaining/judicial assist. Valdez,Hudgins APP DP18 DNP11 w/oRec2
HB 1342 f Electronics servicing Hudgins,Morris ITED DPS7 DNP2
HB 1345 f Correctional officer OT Frame,Irwin LAWS DPS5 DNP2
HB 1390 f PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase Leavitt,Volz APP DP31
HB 1445 f Unempl benefits/family resp Gregerson,Chapman APP DP19 DNP14
HB 1473 f Surplus trans. property Young,Walsh TR DP29 w/oRec1
HB 1502 f Heavy equipment rental prop. Tarleton,Stokesbary FIN DPS9 DNP4
HB 1507 f School safety/design Walsh,Kraft CB DPS23
HB 1514 f Wage liens Gregerson,Hansen APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)19 DNP12
HB 1515 f Employer-employee status Riccelli,Doglio LAWS DPS7
HB 1538 Sunshine committee recs. Springer SGOV DPS7 DNP2
HB 1540 f Minors/serious offenses Goodman,Frame PS DPS8 DNP2
HB 1552 f Health carrier credentialing Dolan,Doglio HCW DP15
HB 1626 f LCB authority/Liquor, etc. Pettigrew,Griffey PS DP6 DNP4
HB 1650 f LGBT coordinator/veterans Kilduff,Reeves APP DPS29 w/oRec3
HB 1651 f DSHS dev. disability clients Kilduff,Dent HSEL DP2S13
HB 1654 f Facial recognition tech. Ryu,Shea APP DP2S(w/o sub ITED)28 w/oRec3
E2SHB 1660 f Extracurricular/low income APP(Bergquist) ED DP3S13 DNP3 w/oRec1
SHB 1661 f Higher education retirement APP(Chandler) APP DP2S32
HB 1671 Confiscated firearm disposal Dolan,Klippert CRJ DP11 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1701 f Low-cost course material/bac Van Werven,Leavitt APP DP2S(w/o sub CWD)33
HB 1733 f Productive farmland Gregerson,Dye APP DP2S24 DNP7
HB 1781 f Land use petitions Pollet,Fitzgibbon LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 1782 f Advisory group meetings Pollet,Orwall SGOV DPS5 DNP4
HB 1842 f Railroad employee work hours Gregerson,Walsh LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1853 $f Vehicle leaks/drip & drive Ramos,Peterson TR DP2S (w/o sub ENVI)23 DNP8
HB 1871 f Prison safety Klippert,Goodman PS DP2S10
HB 1898 f Dental only coverage Cody,Caldier HCW DPS14
HB 1915 f Child support services fee Kilduff,Gregerson APP DP33
HB 1977 f Judicial assistants, etc. Morgan,Valdez CRJ DP9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 2010 Housing tax credit program Gildon,Walsh HOUS DP9
HB 2017 f Admin. law judge bargaining Frame,Dolan APP DPS19 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 2022 f Fish barrier removal funding Chambers,Fey CB DPS23
HB 2069 Utility service charges Dufault,Springer CRJ DPS15
HB 2085 f Mt. St. Helens license plate Orcutt,Blake TR DPS30
HB 2116 Institutional education Callan,Eslick ED DPS17
HB 2128 CTE reporting requirements Leavitt,Gildon ED DPS17
HB 2138 Signs on closed public lands Blake,Kretz RDAN DPS15
HB 2185 f Higher ed residency/military Leavitt,Van Werven CWD DPS17
HB 2188 f Military veteran CDL waivers Leavitt,Gildon TR DP29
HB 2193 f Financial fraud/theft crimes Kirby,Irwin APP DP32
HB 2197 f License plate visibility Thai,McCaslin TR DP31
HB 2205 Technical corrections Goodman,Dufault CRJ DPS14
HB 2207 f Insurance group supervision Walen CPB DPS12 DNP1
HB 2211 f Life insurance/behavior Kirby,Vick CPB DP13
HB 2212 f Interest arbitration/WDFW Blake,Chapman APP DPS27 DNP6
HB 2216 Sports pools maximum bet Eslick,Dent COG DP11
HB 2220 f School volunteers/conviction Dolan,Callan ED DPS9 DNP7 w/oRec1
HB 2229 f Land dev. & management/tax Sullivan,Stokesbary FIN DP11
HB 2230 f Indian tribe-owned property Gregerson,Stokesbary FIN DP9 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 2231 f Bail jumping Pellicciotti,Hudgins PS DPS9 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 2236 f Private airplanes/sales tax Ybarra,Springer FIN DP9 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 2238 f State wildlife account Ormsby,Stokesbary APP DP31
HB 2240 f High capacity magazines Valdez,Peterson CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 2245 f Roundabouts Barkis,Ramos TR DPS31
HB 2246 f Environment reorganization Fitzgibbon,Lekanoff ENVI DPS11
HB 2251 f Biological product notice Thai,Cody HCW DP14 DNP1
HB 2252 f Student health plans Thai,Callan HCW DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 2259 f Background checks/education Rude,Leavitt ED DP17
HB 2261 f County auditors/marriage Leavitt,Chambers CRJ DP11 DNP3
HB 2265 f Firefighting foam Doglio,Leavitt ENVI DPS11
HB 2270 School bus stop signals Dolan,Thai TR DPS31
HB 2271 Transp. bonds/budget ref. Duerr,Rude TR DP29
HB 2273 f Human genome editing study Slatter,Irwin ITED DPS9
HB 2281 f Gambling/nonprofit orgs Kloba,Peterson COG DP11
HB 2283 f State university admissions Stokesbary,Van Werven CWD DP16 w/oRec1
HB 2290 f Dyslexia early screening Pollet,Leavitt ED DP17
HB 2293 Election security/PRA Dolan,Ryu SGOV DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 2295 Small claims court judgments Goodman,Griffey CRJ DPS14
HB 2302 f Child support Kilduff CRJ DPS11 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 2305 Vulnerable adults/firearms Doglio,Pollet CRJ DP10 DNP5
HB 2307 f Fireworks prohibitions Fitzgibbon,Kilduff LG DP4 DNP2
HB 2316 f Trafficking & prostit. fees Orwall,Lovick PS DPS10
HB 2317 f Animals Orwall,Lovick PS DPS11
HB 2319 Sale of liquor in kegs Fitzgibbon,Vick COG DP9
HB 2335 f Opioid use/medications Davis,Kilduff HCW DPS14
HB 2341 f Retirement strategy funds Fitzgibbon,Stokesbary APP DP32
HB 2342 f Comprehensive plan updates Fitzgibbon,Leavitt ENVI DPS11
HB 2343 f Urban housing Fitzgibbon,Frame ENVI DPS10
HB 2345 f Retirement communities Macri,Wylie HCW DP10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 2347 f County clerk bonds Duerr,Pollet LG DP6
HB 2353 f Fire trailer registration Blake,Dent TR DPS31
HB 2359 f Marijuana compliance cert. Vick,Wylie COG DPS11
HB 2363 Biometric data remedies Smith,Hudgins ITED DPS9
HB 2365 f User data transmit notices Smith,Hudgins ITED DPS9
HB 2366 f Chief privacy officer, elect Smith,Hudgins SGOV DPS9
HB 2367 f Legal defense subscriptions Hoff,Vick CPB DP8 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 2371 f Road vacation/body of water Hoff,Harris LG DPS6
HB 2375 f Controlled substances Leavitt,Irwin PS DPS11
HB 2378 f Physician assistants Riccelli,Harris HCW DPS13 DNP2
HB 2383 f Children's meal beverage Stonier,Gregerson LG DPS4 DNP2
HB 2387 f School bus diesel emissions Kilduff,Ybarra ED DPS10 DNP6 w/oRec1
HB 2390 Dev. disability language Kilduff,Goodman HSEL DP13
HB 2400 f Privacy assessment surveys Hudgins,Smith SGOV DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 2401 AI in job applications Hudgins,Smith LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 2407 f Debenture company laws Kirby,Vick CPB DP13
HB 2411 f Suicide prevention/providers Orwall,Kilduff HCW DPS14
HB 2412 f Domestic brewery retail Stonier,MacEwen COG DP9
HB 2416 f Forensic mental health info. Kilduff,Chopp HCW DP15
HB 2427 f Climate change/GMA Duerr,Springer ENVI DPS8 DNP3
HB 2431 Watercraft criminal offenses Klippert PS DPS11
HB 2432 f Coroners Klippert,Goodman LG DPS6
HB 2439 f Rail investigation info. Kilduff,Leavitt TR DPS16 DNP13 w/oRec2
HB 2442 f Online services/minors Leavitt,Hudgins ITED DP9
HB 2443 f Personal flotation devices Ryu,Davis HOUS DPS5 DNP4
HB 2448 f Enhanced services facilities Schmick,Chambers HCW DPS14
HB 2449 f Water-sewer district comp. Griffey,Gregerson LG DP6
HB 2453 Residential tenants Macri,Thai CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 2458 f Optional benefits/schools Stonier,Sells ED DP17
HB 2464 Excess Rx medication charges Gildon,Young HCW DPS14
HB 2474 f Sales commissions Sells LAWS DP7
HB 2483 f DUI vehicle impoundment Van Werven,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 2484 Sunshine committee/juveniles Van Werven,Springer SGOV DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 2485 f Genetic data Kloba,Slatter ITED DP9
HB 2492 f Pull-tab dollar limit Peterson,MacEwen COG DP10
HB 2501 f Multiuse roadway safety acct Eslick,Blake TR DP28 w/oRec3
HB 2508 City utility surplus Wylie,Vick LG DP6
HB 2512 f Mobile home delinquent taxes Orwall,Stokesbary CRJ DP13
HB 2520 f Landlord damage claims Thai,Macri CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 2531 Unsafe dental practices Caldier,Leavitt HCW DPS15
HB 2535 Past due rent grace period Kirby,Pollet CRJ DPS11 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 2544 f Definition of veteran Paul,Dufault APP DPS33
HB 2551 Tribal regalia/graduation Lekanoff,Ramel SGOV DPS7 w/oRec1 DNP1
HB 2565 f Disposable wipe labeling Fitzgibbon,Doglio ENVI DPS11
HB 2567 f Courts/arrests Thai,Santos CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 2571 f Fish and wildlife violations Goodman,Klippert CRJ DPS13
HB 2576 f Private detention facilities Ortiz-Self,Gregerson PS DPS7 DNP4
HB 2580 f Independent living reports Caldier,Callan HSEL DP13
HB 2586 Electrification Ramel,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP4
HB 2588 f Special purpose districts Pollet,Leavitt LG DPS6
HB 2589 f Suicide prevention/ID cards Callan,Rude ED DPS17
HB 2592 f All-terrain vehicles Barkis,Doglio TR DP31
HB 2593 f State agency permitting Boehnke,DeBolt SGOV DP9
HB 2594 f Electric & gas disclosures Boehnke,DeBolt ENVI DP10 DNP1
HB 2595 Smoke detection devices Boehnke,Chapman CRJ DPS13
HB 2599 f Multiple handicaps, children Eslick,Kilduff HSEL DP12
HB 2600 f Comm. res. service business Callan,Kilduff HSEL DP12
HB 2602 f Hair discrimination Morgan,Thai CRJ DP11 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 2603 f Trust water rights Springer,Chandler RDAN DPS11 DNP4
HB 2610 f Mobile home community sales Duerr,Ramel CRJ DP9 DNP4
HB 2613 f Unemployment benefits Sells,Mosbrucker LAWS DPS7
HB 2616 f Nonparticipating providers Cody,Macri APP DP32
HB 2617 Surplus school property Robinson,Ortiz-Self ED DP14 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 2621 f Home health shortage areas Maycumber,Tharinger HCW DPS15
HB 2622 f Firearm orders compliance Kilduff,Walen CRJ DPS9 DNP5
HB 2623 f Firearm possession/crimes Walen,Valdez CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 2624 f Dept. of ag./examinations Shewmake,Kretz RDAN DP13
HB 2629 f Utility connection charges Walen,Goodman HOUS DPS6 DNP3
HB 2632 f False reporting Valdez,Griffey PS DPS11
HB 2635 Collection agency fees Barkis,Walen CPB DP12 DNP1
HB 2641 Passenger-only ferry service Fey,Valdez TR DP26 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 2643 f Educator recertification Callan,Ybarra ED DPS14 DNP3
HB 2645 f Photovoltaic modules Smith,Eslick ENVI DPS11
HB 2649 f Homeless shelter capacity Ryu,Doglio HOUS DPS6 DNP3
HB 2664 f Sheriff qualifications Lovick,Klippert PS DP11
HB 2673 f Infill development Barkis,Griffey ENVI DPS11
HB 2677 f Health insurance information Chopp,Cody HCW DP15
HB 2680 f Emerg. mgmt. council/tribes Chapman,Jenkin SGOV DP9
HB 2682 Out-of-home services Senn,Kilduff HSEL DP12
HB 2683 f Local wine industry license Chapman,Jenkin COG DPS11
HB 2684 f Traffic control signals Shewmake,Slatter TR DPS21 DNP10
HB 2686 Liquor/common carriers Orwall,MacEwen COG DPS10 w/oRec1
HB 2687 f GMA/affordable housing plans Barkis,Griffey ENVI DP9
HB 2694 f Underground utilities/safety Pollet,Duerr LG DP5 w/oRec1
HB 2696 f Meat and poultry misbranding Dent,Blake RDAN DPS13 w/oRec2
HB 2701 f Fire & smoke control systems Ormsby,Eslick LG DP7
HB 2704 Sexual assault counseling Caldier,Orwall APP DP30 DNP2
HB 2709 f Food benefit trafficking Lovick,Dent PS DP11
HB 2710 Drug price transparency data Robinson,Tarleton HCW DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 2712 f Beef country of origin Kretz,Riccelli RDAN DPS11 w/oRec2 DNP2
HB 2715 Airport labor standards Gregerson,Orwall LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 2722 f Minimum recycled content Mead,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS10 DNP1
HB 2725 Foster resource parents Ortiz-Self,Morgan HSEL DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 2727 f Liquor license/postsecondary Doglio,Springer COG DPS11
HB 2730 f Military spouse employment Kilduff,Ryu CRJ DPS15
HB 2731 Student head injury reports Irwin,Doglio ED DPS17
HB 2732 f Landlord mitigation/victims Riccelli,Barkis CRJ DPS11 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 2736 f State guard retirement age Kilduff,Klippert HOUS DP9
HB 2739 f Shared leave program Kloba,Stonier SGOV DP9
HB 2747 State microanimal Ramel,Lekanoff SGOV DP9
HB 2755 f Air ambulance cost transp. Schmick,Caldier HCW DP13 w/oRec1
HB 2757 Official state designations Corry,Appleton SGOV DP9
HB 2762 Peer support privilege/DOC Rude,Irwin CRJ DP14
HB 2773 f Motor vehicle share & rental Kirby,Vick CPB DPS13
HB 2775 f Colon hydrotherapy Macri,Van Werven HCW DPS13
HB 2782 f Auto. insurance policies Kirby CPB DPS7 DNP6
HB 2783 f On-demand gasoline providers Griffey,Springer LG DPS7
HB 2785 f CJTC membership Lekanoff,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 2786 f Opioid response council Robinson,Davis APP DPS19 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 2792 Missing & unident. persons Mosbrucker,Orwall PS DP11
HB 2794 f Juvenile record sealing Frame,Davis HSEL DPS9 DNP4
HB 2795 $f Juvenile court/jurisdiction Frame,Senn HSEL DPS7 DNP6
HB 2796 f Juvenile sex offense regist. Frame,Peterson HSEL DPS13
HB 2800 Personal services/liquor Kirby,Vick COG DPS11
HB 2803 f Indian tribes compact/taxes Tarleton,Robinson FIN DPS11 w/oRec1
HB 2806 f Mediation/family law cases Goodman,Fey CRJ DPS11 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 2811 f Environmental education Johnson, J.,Steele APP DP18 DNP13 w/oRec1
HB 2815 f Library districts Ortiz-Self LG DPS6 DNP1
HB 2816 f School & classroom climates Corry,Steele ED DPS17
HB 2819 f Pumped storage projects Mosbrucker,Blake ENVI DP11
HB 2820 Court orders/weapons & DV Klippert,Kilduff CRJ DPS12 w/oRec1
HB 2828 f Cargo handling equipment Valdez,Hudgins LG DP4 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 2830 f Electronic benefit cards Gregerson,Eslick HSEL DP12 DNP1
HB 2832 f Comm. service org. contracts Orwall,Gregerson LG DPS7
HB 2833 f Engineers and land surveyors Hoff CPB DP13
HB 2837 f Historical societies, powers Boehnke,Hudgins SGOV DP8 DNP1
HB 2853 Charter school commission Harris,Santos ED DP15 w/oRec2
HB 2856 f Facial recog. moratorium Entenman,Morgan ITED DPS9
HB 2860 f Plane coordinate system Orcutt,Fey RDAN DP15
HB 2865 f Kindergarten readiness info. Chambers,Shewmake HSEL DPS13
HB 2879 f In-state manufacturing Vick,Eslick ITED DPS9
HB 2882 f Interbay community authority Tarleton,Frame HOUS DPS9
HB 2883 f Adolescent behavioral health Eslick,Frame HSEL DPS13
HB 2884 f Travis alert demo. campaign Mosbrucker,Pettigrew HOUS DPS9
HB 2889 f Utility tax disclosures Griffey LG DPS7
HB 2890 Boarding homes MacEwen LG DPS5 w/oRec1 DNP1
HB 2896 Surplus land, buildings Ryu,Santos HOUS DP6 DNP3
HJM 4014 Dental care/Medicare Riccelli,Chapman HCW DPS12
HJM 4016 f SR 902/Gold Star Memorial Riccelli,Volz TR DP31