FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 2019, 11:19 AM 12TH DAY
SB 5001 f Human remains
SB 5036 Metro. park district comm'rs
SB 5051 f Commercial office space
SB 5124 f Appraisal mngmt companies
SB 5131 Mobile home foreclosure sale
SB 5177 Cemetery district withdrawal
SB 5273 f Presidential primary
SGA 9017 RONALD P. ERICKSON, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees
SGA 9045 BILL GORDON, Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees
SGA 9046 JONATHAN M. LANE, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees
SGA 9069 PHYLLIS L. GLEASMAN, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees
SGA 9077 LISA MARSH, Member, Board of Tax Appeals
SGA 9105 TAMRA L. JACKSON, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees
SGA 9114 KEDRICH JACKSON, Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees
SGA 9116 DONALD R. MCQUARY, Member, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees
SGA 9160 JUDY F. KUSCHEL, Member, State Investment Board
SGA 9176 CITLALY P. RAMIREZ , Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees
SGA 9177 KAITLYN ZHOU, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents
SGA 9179 JORDAN FROST, Member, Board of Regents, Washington State University
SGA 9180 KATHLEENA K. LY, Member, The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees
SGA 9181 TERESA BERNTSEN, Director, Department of Licensing - Agency Head
SGA 9184 DEMIE WAMSLEY, Member, Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees
SGA 9207 YAZMIN AGUILAR , Member, Washington Student Achievement Council
SGA 9237 GARY EPP, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees
SGA 9260 CLAIRE HESSELHOLT, Member, Board of Tax Appeals