THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019, 9:43 AM 53RD DAY
SB 5350 f Optional life annuity
SB 5404 f Fish habitat projects
SB 5688 Athletic trainers
SB 5764 f WA medical commission
SB 5011 f Aviation revital. loan prg
SB 5150 f Comm. college security
SB 5160 f Sr's, disab. vets/prop tx ex
SB 5164 f Trafficking victims assist.
SB 5190 f Health care employees
SB 5199 f Correctional emp arbitration
SB 5228 f Lodging special excise taxes
SB 5236 f Apprenticeships
SB 5282 Pelvic exam consent
SB 5310 f OFM/agency names & accounts
SB 5311 f OFM/obsolete provisions
SB 5344 Nursing fatigue
SB 5360 f Retirement system defaults
SB 5418 Local government procurement
SB 5533 Parental improvement certs.
SB 5640 f Youth courts
SB 5651 f Kinship care legal aid
SB 5670 Fire district powers
SB 5695 f HOV lane penalties
SB 5720 f Involuntary treatment act
SB 5740 f Retirement savings program
SB 5816 f Utility rate making/property
SB 5872 Small rural hospital payment
SB 5876 f DOC women's division
SB 5885 Child trafficking/hearsay
SB 5936 f Industrial symbioses
SB 5958 Public works/second-class
SB 5127 f Brain injury fee increase
SB 5602 Reproductive health care
SB 5505 f Local stormwater charges
SB 5605 f Marijuana misdemeanors
SB 5327 f Career connected learning
SB 5959 f Livestock identification
SB 5274 f Pacific islanders/dental
SB 5025 f Self-help housing dev./taxes
SB 5682 f Beer & wine license/spirits
SB 5205 f Incomp. for trial/firearms
SB 5167 f Linked deposit program
SB 5844 f Industrial ins claim records
SB 5635 f Behav. health professions
SB 5405 Organ transplant nondiscrim.
SB 5572 f School modernization grants
SB 5393 f College promise scholarship
SB 5812 f Accessory dwelling units
SJR 8201 School district bonds
SB 5672 f Adult fam. home spec. servs
SB 5397 f Plastic packaging
SB 5354 f Highly capable student prgs.
SB 5443 Engineers and land surveyors
SB 5828 Medicaid home health rate
SB 5696 f Payments in lieu of prop tax
SB 5174 f Concealed pistol training
SB 5718 f Child welfare housing assist
SB 5550 f Pesticide application safety
SB 5388 f Campaign treasurers training
SB 5279 f Outdoor burning
SB 5536 f Intellectual disability care