MONDAY, MARCH 2, 2020, 3:13 PM |
2EHB 1056 |
f |
Domestic violence/workplace |
HB 1165 |
Low-water landscaping |
EHB 1187 |
f |
Fish habitat projects |
3SHB 1504 |
f |
Impaired driving |
ESHB 1520 |
f |
Ballot envelope dates |
EHB 2008 |
Ballot security alt. methods |
HB 2109 |
Chehalis board membership |
SHB 2205 |
Technical corrections |
HB 2251 |
f |
Biological product notice |
HB 2259 |
f |
Background checks/education |
HB 2266 |
Expression of breast milk |
SHB 2295 |
Small claims court judgments |
HB 2315 |
Mitigation equipment |
SHB 2378 |
Physician assistants |
HB 2390 |
Dev. disability language |
ESHB 2411 |
Suicide prevention/providers |
HB 2416 |
f |
Forensic mental health info. |
SHB 2473 |
f |
Domestic violence |
HB 2474 |
f |
Sales commissions |
SHB 2476 |
Debt buyers |
SHB 2483 |
DUI vehicle impoundment |
HB 2508 |
f |
City utility surplus |
HB 2512 |
f |
Mobile home delinquent taxes |
ESHB 2535 |
Past due rent grace period |
ESHB 2571 |
f |
Fish and wildlife violations |
HB 2579 |
f |
Horse program/Coyote Ridge |
HB 2580 |
f |
Independent living reports |
SHB 2589 |
f |
Suicide prevention/ID cards |
HB 2599 |
f |
Multiple handicaps, children |
SHB 2632 |
False reporting |
HB 2677 |
f |
Health insurance information |
HB 2682 |
f |
Out-of-home services |
SHB 2758 |
911 dispatch personnel/PTSD |
HB 2762 |
Peer support privilege/DOC |
ESHB 2783 |
f |
On-demand gasoline providers |
SHB 2785 |
CJTC membership |
EHB 2792 |
f |
Missing & unident. persons |
HB 2833 |
f |
Engineers and land surveyors |
HB 2858 |
f |
Assessment rolls filing |
SHB 2868 |
f |
Historic property valuation |
SHB 2873 |
Families in conflict |
ESHB 2879 |
f |
In-state manufacturing |
SHB 2883 |
Adolescent behavioral health |
2SHB 1182 |
f |
Learning assistance program |
2SHB 1191 |
f |
School notifications |
ESHB 1551 |
Communicable disease control |
ESHB 1608 |
Patient care/health entities |
ESHB 1754 |
Homeless hosting/religious |
HB 1755 |
f |
Education doctorate degrees |
HB 1983 |
f |
Natural resource management |
EHB 2040 |
f |
Nonhigh school districts |
SHB 2393 |
f |
Community custody credit |
SHB 2394 |
f |
Community custody |
SHB 2409 |
f |
Industrial insur./employers |
SHB 2448 |
Enhanced services facilities |
HB 2524 |
f |
Ag. product negotiations |
SHB 2613 |
Unemployment benefits |
HB 2640 |
Private detention/GMA |
HB 2664 |
f |
Sheriff qualifications |
HB 2497 |
f |
Affordable housing financing |
SHB 2343 |
f |
Urban housing |
HB 2617 |
Surplus school property |
SHB 1847 |
f |
Aircraft noise abatement |
ESHB 1261 |
Clean water act/discharges |
HB 2449 |
f |
Water-sewer district comp. |
SHB 2714 |
f |
Riparian easement carbon val |
ESHB 1023 |
f |
Adult family homes, 8 beds |
HB 1841 |
f |
Crew size on certain trains |
ESHB 2816 |
f |
School & classroom climates |
ESHB 2318 |
f |
Criminal investigation |
SHB 2417 |
f |
Community custody terms |
SHB 2614 |
Paid family & medical leave |
HB 1702 |
f |
Low-cost course material/CTC |
SHB 2673 |
Infill development |
EHB 2755 |
f |
Air ambulance cost transp. |
3SHB 1660 |
f |
Extracurricular/low income |
SHB 2527 |
Census rights |
ESHB 2576 |
f |
Private detention facilities |
ESHB 2551 |
Tribal regalia/graduation |
SHB 2567 |
f |
Courts/arrests |
ESHB 2565 |
f |
Disposable wipe labeling |
SHB 2889 |
Utility tax disclosures |
HB 2701 |
f |
Fire & smoke control systems |
EHB 1694 |
Tenants/installment payments |
SHB 2794 |
f |
Juvenile record sealing |
HB 2837 |
f |
Historical societies, powers |
HB 2602 |
f |
Hair discrimination |
ESHB 2231 |
f |
Bail jumping |
SHB 2511 |
f |
Domestic worker protections |
HB 2217 |
Cottage food product labels |
ESHB 2890 |
f |
Boarding homes |
SHB 2464 |
Excess Rx medication charges |
HB 2402 |
f |
Statutory committees |