WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2020, 9:39 AM 52ND DAY
SHB 1255 f Patches pal license plates
2SHB 1651 Dev. disability serv. rights
2SHB 2066 Driver's license restriction
HB 2229 f Land dev. & management/tax
SHB 2525 Family connections program
SHB 2556 f Early learning provider regs
HB 2619 f Early learning access
HB 2624 f Dept. of ag./examinations
HB 2860 f Plane coordinate system
SHB 1154 f Chehalis basin financing
SHB 1251 f Election security breaches
HB 1347 f Vehicle reseller permits
HB 1590 Housing tax/councilmanic
ESHB 1622 f Drought preparedness
E2SHB 1783 f Office of equity
ESHB 2099 Invol. treatment/video tech.
ESHB 2116 f Institutional education
HB 2230 f Indian tribe-owned property
SHB 2244 Wheeled ATVs/state highways
ESHB 2265 f Firefighting foam
E2SHB 2405 f Comm. property/clean energy
ESHB 2421 $f Election cost reimbursement
ESHB 2455 f High school/child care
E2SHB 2467 f Firearm background checks
HB 2491 f Tribal vehicles compact
E2SHB 2528 f Forest products/climate
SHB 2555 f Other firearms/background
EHB 2584 f Behavioral health rates
ESHB 2588 Special purpose districts
HB 2601 f Parks & rec. comm'n leases
SHB 2607 f Identicards/homelessness
SHB 2622 f Firearm orders compliance
ESHB 2660 f School meals at no cost
SHB 2711 f Educational outcomes
ESHB 2713 f Compost procurement and use
2SHB 2737 Child. mental health wk grp
SHB 2803 f Indian tribes compact/taxes
2SHB 2864 f Running start summer pilot
SHB 2456 Working connect. eligibility
E2SHB 1521 f Government contracting
ESHB 2638 f Sports wagering/compacts
EHB 1948 f Warehousing & manuf. jobs
E2SHB 2518 f Natural gas transmission
ESHB 2723 f Off-road vehicle enforcement
E2SHB 2662 Total cost of insulin
2ESHB 1332 f Energy site eval. council
SHB 2384 f Nonprofit housing/prop. tax
SHB 2374 Auto dealer products
SHB 2320 Human trafficking training
SHB 2441 f TANF access
SHB 2017 Admin. law judge bargaining
HB 2926 f Critical incident stress
HB 2853 f Charter school commission
ESHB 2676 f Autonomous vehicle testing
HJM 4016 f SR 902/Gold Star Memorial
2SHB 2277 f Youth solitary confinement
SHB 1009 f State auditor
SHB 2308 f Job title reporting
ESHB 2722 f Minimum recycled content
HB 2242 Travel trailers
SHB 2419 f Death with dignity barriers
SHB 2554 f Health plan exclusions
2SHB 1888 f Employee info. disclosure
SHB 1293 f Discover pass penalty dist.
EHB 2623 f Firearm possession/crimes
E2SHB 2311 f Greenhouse gas emissions
HB 2691 f Language access providers
EHB 2166 f Working forest license plate
HB 2013 f Allied veteran emblems
2SHB 2513 f Higher ed. debt collection