BILLS IN SENATE RULES - March 15, 2019 - Friday
11:07 AM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5005 f Vanity collector plates Takko,Sheldon,etc. TRAN DPS15
SB 5016 Animal control/firearms Van De Wege,Sheldon,etc. LAW DP4 w/oRec3
SB 5019 f Fire service mobilization Takko,Rivers WM DP2S24
SB 5029 f Law enforcement Frockt,Padden,etc. LAW DP7
SB 5034 f Debt collection complaints Dhingra,Frockt,etc.,ATTY LAW DP4 DNP3
SB 5059 f Leg. gift center/alcohol Hasegawa,Conway,etc. LBRC DPS7
SB 5061 f Undetectable firearms Dhingra,Pedersen,etc.,ATTY LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 5062 f High capacity magazines Kuderer,Hunt,etc.,ATTY LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 5064 f Personal information Nguyen,Darneille,etc.,ATTY WM DP2S22
SB 5066 f School district elections Wellman,Frockt,etc.,SPI WM DPS13 DNP8 w/oRec1
SB 5068 f State learning standards Wellman,Zeiger,etc.,SPI EDU DP11
SB 5071 f Obsolete school provisions Zeiger,Wellman,SPI EDU DP11
SB 5090 f Wage and salary information Wellman,Kuderer,etc. LBRC DPS6
SB 5097 Massage therapists/photo Cleveland,Wilson, L.,etc. HLTC DPS9
SB 5099 f Rec. target shooting areas Sheldon,Fortunato,etc. AWNP DPS5 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 5115 f Appliance efficiency Carlyle,Palumbo,etc.,WSDC WM DP2S13 DNP10 w/oRec1
SB 5128 f Electric motorcycle fees Rolfes,Braun,etc. TRAN DPS15
SB 5143 f Domestic violence/firearms Dhingra,Wellman,etc. LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 5168 Homeowners' assocs./notice Hasegawa,Saldaña LAW DPS7
SB 5182 f Juvenile record sealing Kuderer,Darneille,etc. HSRR DPS6 DNP1
SB 5183 f Mobile home relocation asst. Kuderer,Pedersen,etc. WM w/oRec23 DNP1
SB 5186 First informer broadcasters Hunt,Zeiger,etc. SGTE DP7
SB 5187 f School compost & recycling Kuderer,Wellman,etc. EDU DP10 w/oRec1
SB 5196 f Nat guard pay/wildland fires Hobbs,Zeiger,etc.,MIL WM DP23
SB 5198 f Arenas/leasehold excise tax Darneille,O'Ban,etc. WM DP13 w/oRec9
SB 5217 f Industrial ins. wage loss Keiser,Conway,etc. LBRC DP4 w/oRec2
SB 5249 f Unincorp. island annexation Hunt LGOV DP4 w/oRec1
SB 5270 Election dates and timelines Hunt,Kuderer,etc. SGTE DPS4 DNP3
SB 5275 f Insurance commissioner/PEBB Hunt,Randall,etc. WM DP16 w/oRec6
SB 5296 f Liquor and cannabis board Keiser LBRC DPS6
SB 5306 f Treasurer invest. portfolios Mullet,Braun,etc.,TRE WM DP22 w/oRec1
SB 5315 f Student support staff Wellman,Dhingra,etc.,OFM WM DP2S15 w/oRec7
SB 5317 f School safety & well-being Wellman,Nguyen,etc. WM DP2S24
SB 5338 f Vulnerable adults Darneille,Rivers,etc.,DSHS WM DPS (HSRR)21
SB 5361 f Low-income housing dev. cost Zeiger,Kuderer,etc. HSA DP7
SB 5372 Local project review Palumbo,Honeyford LGOV DPS4 w/oRec1
SB 5378 f Personal delivery devices Liias,Wellman,etc. TRAN DPS11 DNP2
SB 5384 f Tiny house comm. locations Zeiger,Palumbo,etc. LGOV DPS4 DNP1
SB 5391 f Drug production disclosure Zeiger,Mullet,etc. FIET DPS6 w/oRec1
SB 5407 f Scan-down allowances Mullet,Conway,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
SB 5419 f Vehicle service fee adjust. Hobbs,Warnick,etc. TRAN DPS13 w/oRec1
SB 5426 f Hydrofluorocarbon emissions Mullet,Palumbo,etc. WM DP2S15 DNP7 w/oRec2
SB 5431 f Behavioral health facilities Frockt,Rivers,etc.,OTG WM DP2S24
SB 5449 f Paid family & medical leave Keiser,King,etc.,ESD LBRC DPS5 w/oRec1
SB 5450 f Adding superior court judges Rivers,Wilson, L.,BJA WM DPS (LAW)21 w/oRec2
SB 5458 f Building trades apprentices Hobbs,Wagoner,etc. WM w/oRec23 DNP1
SB 5468 f Weights and measures program Van De Wege,McCoy,etc.,AGR AWNP DP7
SB 5484 f Early achievers program Wilson, C.,Billig,etc. WM DP2S21 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 5509 f Election candidate names Zeiger,Hunt,etc.,SEC SGTE DPS7
SB 5512 f Teacher prep. skills assess. McCoy,Wellman,etc.,PESB EDU DP9 w/oRec2
SB 5522 City annexing/interlocal ag. Takko LGOV DPS3 DNP2
SB 5563 f Pilot rest periods Hobbs,Fortunato,etc.,BPC TRAN DP13 w/oRec2
SB 5568 f Background check sharing Wilson, C.,Darneille,etc.,DSHS HSRR DPS6
SB 5570 f Port district worker dev. Saldaña,Warnick,etc. HEWD DP6
SB 5636 f Fiscal notes Brown,Becker,etc. WM DP18 w/oRec2
SB 5661 f Survivorship benefit options Conway,Bailey,etc.,SCPP,LPRB WM DP18 w/oRec1
SB 5665 Youth development work group Wilson, C.,Randall,etc. WM w/oRec24
SB 5676 Councilmanic REET/GMA Takko,Walsh,etc. LGOV DPS3 w/oRec1
SB 5677 f Promoter’s permit/liquor Keiser,LACB LBRC DP7
SB 5679 Public facilities mitigation Hasegawa,Conway,etc. LGOV DP5
SB 5693 Agricultural supply chains Saldaña,Keiser,etc. LBRC DPS4 DNP3
SB 5697 f Solid fuel burning devices Cleveland,Darneille,etc.,ECY ENET DPS8 DNP6
SB 5706 f College in high school accr. Randall,Wellman,etc. HEWD DPS6
SB 5713 f Resident student/veterans Randall,O'Ban,etc.,DVA WM DP23 DNP1
SB 5729 f Dual credit enroll. priority Rivers,Becker,etc. EDU DP11
SB 5733 f Residential tenants Saldaña,Nguyen,etc. FIET DPS4 w/oRec2 DNP1
SB 5749 Mistreatment/faith exemption Mullet,Van De Wege,etc. HSRR DP7
SB 5751 Motorized foot scooters Liias,Rivers,etc. TRAN DPS11 w/oRec2
SB 5762 f Veteran-owned businesses Hasegawa,Conway,etc. SGTE DP7
SB 5801 f Teacher postretirement empl. Wellman,Rivers,etc. WM DPS14 DNP6 w/oRec3
SB 5827 f Safety belt exe/comm vehicle Randall,Fortunato,etc.,WSP TRAN DP13 w/oRec1
SB 5830 f Vehicle combinations King,Hobbs,etc. TRAN DP8 DNP6 w/oRec1
SB 5838 f Correctional industries Darneille,Rolfes,etc. HSRR DPS7
SB 5850 f Bias-based criminal offenses Salomon,Pedersen,etc. LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 5880 Juvenile sentencing Kuderer,Darneille,etc. HSRR DP7
SB 5896 f Shared employer shuttles Palumbo,Zeiger,etc. TRAN DPS9 w/oRec4 DNP2
SB 5898 f Homeless housing surcharge Rolfes WM DPS20
SB 5939 f Comm. facilities districts Mullet,Fortunato LGOV DP5
SB 5963 State budget outlook Rolfes WM DPS16 w/oRec8
SB 5970 Transportation funding bonds Hobbs,King,etc. TRAN DP13 DNP2
SB 5972 Additive trans funding Hobbs,King,etc. TRAN DPS15
SJM 8001 Elections, money spent on Hasegawa,Frockt SGTE DPS4 w/oRec1
SJM 8006 Nuclear war/checks, balances Hasegawa,Keiser,etc. SGTE DP4 DNP1
SJM 8010 Dental care/Medicare Frockt,Dhingra,etc. HLTC DP11
SJR 8206 Car purchase taxes Fortunato,King,etc. TRAN DPS14 w/oRec1
HB 1001 f Service contract providers Kirby,Vick FIET DP6
SHB 1002 Rape in the third degree Orwall,etc. LAW DPA5 w/oRec1
HB 1011 Working forests/real estate Reeves,Barkis,etc. FIET DP6
SHB 1034 f Restaurant soju endorsement Ryu,etc. LBRC DP6
HB 1055 f No-contact orders/arrest Entenman,Orwall,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1075 f Consumer comp grp insurance Kirby,etc. FIET DP6
HB 1133 Apiarist liability Peterson,Griffey,etc. LAW DPA6
ESHB 1138 Tenancy termination/military Ryu,etc. FIET DP6
HB 1176 f Businesses & professions Hoff,Kirby,DOL LBRC DP6
HB 1247 State credit union act Reeves,Hoff FIET DP6
HB 1252 f Business entities/crime Pellicciotti,Klippert,etc. LAW DPA6
HB 1335 f Life sciences discovery fund Slatter,Schmick,etc. FIET DP5 w/oRec1
HB 1431 f Joint self-insurance prgs Kirby,Vick,BPC FIET DP6
HB 1490 f Hanford workers/cancer Ormsby,Sells,etc.,ATTY LBRC DP5 w/oRec1
SHB 1764 Found property Chambers,etc. LGOV DP4
HB 1852 f Property tax refunds Ramos,Pollet,etc. LGOV DP4
SHB 2044 Park district deannexation Senn,etc. LGOV DP3 DNP1
SGA 9003 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9010 WAYNE J. MARTIN, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9011 TORAYA MILLER , Member, Everett Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9014 JOHN M. MEYER, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9018 JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9019 HESTER SEREBRIN, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC13 w/oRec2
SGA 9021 JULIE MCCULLOCH, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9023 SHIV BATRA, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9026 JANE L. JACOBSEN, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9027 HAROLD W. WITHROW, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9030 DOUG MAH, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9031 JANE E. RUSHFORD, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board LBRC BC6
SGA 9033 DARRELL S. MITSUNAGA, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9035 MAUREEN P. WEST, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9041 DEBORAH C. YOUNG, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9048 TIMOTHY RASMUSSEN, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9049 ARTHUR A. BLAUVELT III, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9055 PATRICK BALDOZ, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9056 JEFFERSON S. DAVIS, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9059 CHRISTINA BLOCKER, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9060 HEATHER L. MANSY, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9061 RUSSELL D. HAUGE, Chair, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9063 LOIS BERNSTEIN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9070 OLLIE A. GARRETT, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board LBRC BC6
SGA 9089 GREGORY A. CHRISTIANSEN, Member, Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board HEWD BC6
SGA 9090 JERALD (JERRY) R. LITT, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9091 ROY CAPTAIN, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9092 LAURA S. WILDFONG, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9093 JEFFREY BRECKEL, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board AWNP BC6 w/oRec1
SGA 9101 JON J. TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9104 JANET M. MCDANIEL, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9119 NEIL A. MCCLURE, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9121 WENDY K. BOHLKE, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9122 REBECCA M. JOHNSON, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9126 STEVEN R. HILL, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9128 BAHRAM BAGHERPOUR, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9129 CHERYL A. MILLER, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9134 THEODORE R. WILLHITE, Member, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board AWNP BC6 w/oRec1
SGA 9136 JOHN C. SCRAGG, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9138 MICHAEL L. ANTHONY, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9139 CRYSTAL DONNER, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9141 RICHARD LEIGH, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9146 GLENN A. JOHNSON, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9154 HOLLY A. KOON, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC9 w/oRec2
SGA 9159 JEFFREY C. ESTES, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9161 BRADLEY F. SMITH, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9166 FIASILI L. SAVUSA, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9178 PAULA M. AKERLUND, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9187 JOEDY R. MORROW, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9194 JAMES A. RESTUCCI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9201 JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9206 CATHERINE SHAFFER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9211 STEVEN J. DREW, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 NBC2 w/oRec1
SGA 9215 DENNIS W. MATHEWS, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9219 DEBORAH COOK, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9220 D. MICHAEL KELLY, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9221 NANCY L. MCDANIEL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9224 DEBBIE J. AHL, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9227 DAVID PARKER, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9229 ARLENE M. PIERINI, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9231 ASTRID E. AVELEDO, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9232 ELAINE CHU, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9233 JEREMY JAECH, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9234 THOMAS W. LUX, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9238 ROBERT H. MALTE, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9240 FAITH L. PETTIS, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9241 TERESA N. TAYLOR, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9242 STEVEN H. YOSHIHARA, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9245 PAUL B. SPEER, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9249 "GIDGET" JENNIE H. TERPSTRA, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9254 PATRICIA E. SHUMAN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9256 RHONDA SALVESEN, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9257 PAUL A. PASTOR, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9259 MICHAEL S. LATIMER, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9261 HENRIK KROMBEEN, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9264 ELI TAYLOR, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9265 TIMOTHY J. FARRELL, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9266 RUSSELL LEHMAN, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGTE BC5 w/oRec2
SGA 9269 CHELSEA MASON, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9271 CHERYL ANGELETTI-HARRIS, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9275 ELEANOR K. KIRTLEY, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15

Total Count: 183