BILLS IN SENATE RULES - April 5, 2019 - Friday
12:27 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5128 f Electric motorcycle fees Rolfes,Braun,etc. TRAN DPS15
SB 5133 State gen. obligation bonds Frockt,Honeyford,etc.,OFM WM DPS17 w/oRec4
SB 5134 Capital budget 2019-2021 Frockt,Honeyford,etc.,OFM WM DPS18 w/oRec3
SB 5214 Transportation budget 19-21 Hobbs,Palumbo,OFM TRAN DPS15
SB 5313 f School levies Wellman,OFM WM DP2S13 DNP9
SB 5338 f Vulnerable adults Darneille,Rivers,etc.,DSHS WM DPS (HSRR)21
SB 5407 f Scan-down allowances Mullet,Conway,etc. WM DP22 w/oRec1
SB 5419 f Vehicle service fee adjust. Hobbs,Warnick,etc. TRAN DPS13 w/oRec1
SB 5549 f Distillery marketing & sales Liias,King,etc. WM DP2S17 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 5643 f Theater licenses King,Palumbo,etc. WM DPS13 DNP4 w/oRec2
SB 5970 Transportation funding bonds Hobbs,King,etc. TRAN DP13 DNP2
SB 5972 Additive trans funding Hobbs,King,etc. TRAN DPS15
SB 5986 f Vapor & heated tobacco/tax Braun,Keiser,etc. WM DPS18 DNP4 w/oRec1
SB 5992 f State ferry funding Nguyen,Lovelett,etc. TRAN DPS11 w/oRec4
SJR 8206 Car purchase taxes Fortunato,King,etc. TRAN DPS14 w/oRec1
SHB 1002 Rape in the third degree Orwall,etc. LAW DPA5 w/oRec1
SHB 1009 f State auditor Dolan,etc. SGTE DPA5
SHB 1012 Child passenger restraint Bergquist,etc. TRAN DP11 w/oRec1
HB 1014 Motorcycle operators Jenkin,Kirby,etc. FIET DP6
HB 1016 f Sexual assault kit notice Caldier,Cody,etc. HLTC DPA11
SHB 1023 f Adult family homes, 8 beds Macri,etc. HLTC DPA8
HB 1026 Breed-based dog regulations Appleton,Fitzgibbon,etc. LGOV DP3 DNP1
SHB 1028 Off-road vehicles/local gov. Shea,etc. TRAN DPA13 w/oRec2
SHB 1049 Health care whistleblowers Macri,etc. HLTC DP10
2SHB 1059 f B&O return filing due date Van Werven,etc. WM DP17
HB 1061 State clam Blake,Walsh SGTE DP5
HB 1062 f Commercial fishing access Blake,Walsh AWNP DP5 w/oRec1 DNP1
HB 1079 f Board of regents/faculty Pollet,Kloba,etc. HEWD DP6
SHB 1082 Massage therapists/photo Kraft,etc. HLTC DPA11
SHB 1083 Off-street parking, sale of Stonier,etc. LGOV DPA4
SHB 1091 Technical corrections Goodman LAW DP5
HB 1092 f Metro. park district comm'rs Fey,Jinkins LGOV DP4 w/oRec1
SHB 1095 f Medical marijuana/students Blake,etc. EDU DPA7 w/oRec4
E2SHB 1105 f Home foreclosure/taxes Orwall,etc. LGOV DPA5
SHB 1116 f Motorcycle safety Lovick,etc. TRAN DP13 w/oRec1
HB 1120 f State learning standards Dolan,SPI EDU DP11
HB 1137 f Nat guard pay/wildland fires Leavitt,Klippert,etc.,MIL WM DP20
HB 1146 f Christmas tree growers MacEwen,Young AWNP DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1147 f First informer broadcasters Chapman,Klippert,etc. SGTE DP7
SHB 1148 Architect registration Kirby,etc. LBRC DP7
HB 1149 Sex. assault protect. orders Jinkins,Griffey,etc. LAW DP5
SHB 1151 f Education reporting Volz,etc. EDU DP11
SHB 1155 f Health care employees Riccelli,etc. WM DPA(LBRC)13 DNP10
EHB 1169 f Fire juris. reimbursement Peterson,Griffey,etc. FIET DPA5 DNP1
EHB 1175 Health care decisions Kilduff,Irwin,etc. LAW DP4 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1187 f Fish habitat projects Dent,Blake,etc. AWNP DP7
SHB 1189 f Ferry system performance Fitzgibbon,etc. TRAN DP11 w/oRec3
SHB 1195 Campaign finance Hudgins,etc. SGTE DPA4 DNP1
SHB 1196 f Perm. daylight saving time Riccelli,etc. SGTE DPA6 w/oRec1
SHB 1197 Gold star license plates Riccelli,etc. TRAN DPA14
SHB 1198 f Health prv misconduct notice Caldier,etc. HLTC DP10
SHB 1199 Health care/disability Cody,etc. WM DP21
ESHB 1207 f Manuf. housing communities Ryu,etc. HSA DPA7
SHB 1210 School enrollment/military Kilduff,etc. EDU DP11
HB 1220 f Insurance commissioner/PEBB Dolan,Volz,etc. SGTE DP5
SHB 1225 Domestic violence/law enf. Jinkins,etc. LAW DPA4 DNP2
SHB 1231 f Sex offenses/modify SOL Griffey,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1239 Pub. hospital board meetings Cody,etc. HLTC DP9
SHB 1254 Vehicle regist./marine cargo Fey,etc. TRAN DP13
HB 1255 f Patches pal license plates Lovick,Orwall,etc. TRAN DP14
HB 1279 Committee on trade policy Hudgins,Stokesbary,etc. FIET DP4 DNP1
SHB 1295 f Public works contracting Tharinger SGTE DP5
SHB 1298 f Weights and measures program Pettigrew,etc. AWNP DP7
HB 1301 f Arenas/leasehold excise tax Kirby,Fey,etc. WM DP15 w/oRec4 DNP2
SHB 1302 f Gambling self-exclusion Kloba,etc. LBRC DP5 w/oRec1
HB 1305 Notices of disqualification Walen,Irwin,etc. LAW DP6
ESHB 1308 Retirement system defaults Stanford,etc. WM DP14 DNP6
HB 1318 f Capital budget/public art Tharinger,Van Werven,etc.,ART WM DP20
ESHB 1325 f Personal delivery devices Kloba,etc. TRAN DPA15
ESHB 1329 f Office of pub. guardianship Kilduff,etc. LAW DP4 DNP1
ESHB 1332 f Energy site eval. council Wylie,etc. ENET DPA9 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1335 f Life sciences discovery fund Slatter,Schmick,etc. FIET DP5 w/oRec1
HB 1341 f UAVs near marine species Hudgins,Morris,etc. ENET DPA10 DNP2 w/oRec1
SHB 1350 Temporary protection orders Kilduff,etc. LAW DP4 DNP1 w/oRec1
EHB 1354 f Scan-down allowances Walen,Stokesbary,etc. WM DP21
ESHB 1355 f CTC counselor staffing Ortiz-Self,etc. HEWD DP4 DNP2
SHB 1356 Peer support group privilege Lovick,etc. LAW DP5
HB 1375 f Port district campaign cntrb Wylie,Stonier,etc. SGTE DP7
SHB 1377 Housing dev./religious orgs. Walen,etc. HSA DPA7
ESHB 1379 f Political comm. disclosures Pellicciotti,etc. SGTE DPA4 DNP2
HB 1380 f Assault of utility worker Pellicciotti,Goodman,etc. LAW DP5
HB 1382 f Emergency aid/prostitution Pellicciotti,Kraft,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1383 Patronizing a prostitute Pellicciotti,etc. LAW DP5 DNP1
HB 1385 f FDA nonpublic information Springer,Kretz,etc.,AGR SGTE DP5
HB 1397 f Electric aircraft Slatter,Dent,etc. TRAN DPA11 w/oRec1
SHB 1403 f Municipal B&O tax apportion. Frame,etc. WM DP17
HB 1413 f Optional life annuity Ormsby,Volz,etc.,SCPP WM DP22
HB 1429 f Dairy milk assessment fee Shewmake,Chandler,etc.,AGR AWNP DP7
SHB 1430 Licensing moderniz. account MacEwen,etc. WM DP17
SHB 1436 f Snow bikes Mosbrucker,etc. TRAN DPA15
HB 1441 f Local infrastruct. financing Tharinger,Doglio,etc.,HFC HSA DP7
HB 1449 Public lands day Peterson,Chandler,etc. SGTE DP7
ESHB 1450 Noncompetition covenants Stanford,etc. LBRC DP4 DNP2
EHB 1465 f Pistol sales or transfers Goodman,Jinkins,etc. LAW DP4 DNP2
SHB 1469 Driving/emerg. & work zones Jenkin,etc. TRAN DP12
SHB 1476 Contracts for dogs and cats Stanford,etc. FIET DPA6
SHB 1480 Dredged material disposal Fey,etc. ENET DP12 DNP1
HB 1490 f Hanford workers/cancer Ormsby,Sells,etc.,ATTY LBRC DP5 w/oRec1
HB 1499 f Public facilities/recreation Jenkin,Peterson LGOV DP4 DNP1
HB 1505 f Child victims/sexual assault Klippert,Kraft,etc. LAW DPA6
ESHB 1510 f Narrow track vehicles Shea,etc. TRAN DP10 w/oRec2
HB 1516 f DFW dog training, nonlethal Blake,Dent,etc. AWNP DP7
SHB 1520 f Ballot envelope dates Morgan,etc. SGTE DPA5
SHB 1529 Peer counselors/agency affil Davis,etc. BH DPA5
SHB 1531 Medical debt Jinkins,etc. LAW DP5
HB 1533 f D.V. resources in workplace Mosbrucker,Pettigrew,etc. LBRC DP7
HB 1537 Sunshine committee recs. Springer,Van Werven SGTE DP7
SHB 1545 Curing ballots Mead,etc. SGTE DP5
HB 1554 f Dental hygienists Thai,Harris,etc. HLTC DP9
ESHB 1565 Background check sharing Robinson,etc. HSRR DPA7
HB 1568 f Port district worker dev. Chapman,Dent,etc. HEWD DP6
ESHB 1569 f Product degradability Ramos,etc. ENET DP10 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1583 f Mosquito control districts Kraft,Pollet,etc. LGOV DP5
HB 1589 Correctional emps/firearms Chapman,Rude,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1602 Consumer debt Reeves,etc. LAW DPA4 w/oRec1
HB 1604 f Childhood deafness center Stonier,Harris,etc.,CCDH EDU DP9
SHB 1607 f Health marketplace notices Caldier,etc. LAW DP4 DNP1 w/oRec1
EHB 1638 f Vaccine preventable diseases Harris,Stonier,etc. HLTC DPA7 DNP4
ESHB 1643 f Address confid./property Doglio,etc. SGTE DP7
SHB 1658 Paraeducators Paul,etc. EDU DP11
SHB 1661 f Higher education retirement Chandler,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1673 f Explosives/public record act Steele,Eslick,etc. SGTE DP7
SHB 1686 f Hospital access to care Macri,etc. HLTC DP9 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1688 f Resident student/veterans Morgan,Sutherland,etc.,DVA WM DP21
ESHB 1696 f Wage and salary information Dolan,etc. LBRC DPA4 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1702 f Low-cost course material/CTC Van Werven,Leavitt,etc. HEWD DP6
2SHB 1713 Native American women Mosbrucker,etc. WM DP20 w/oRec1
HB 1714 f High school diplomas by CTC Entenman,Boehnke,etc.,BCTC HEWD DP6
SHB 1715 Withholding of transcripts Entenman,etc. EDU DPA7 DNP4
HB 1726 f Health care prof. students Riccelli,Schmick,etc. HLTC DP10
HB 1727 Gift cards Walen,Ormsby FIET DPA6
SHB 1734 f College in high school accr. Leavitt,etc. HEWD DP6
SHB 1739 f Firearms/undetectable, etc. Valdez,etc. LAW DP4 DNP2
SHB 1742 Juvenile offenses/depictions Frame,etc. LAW DP4 DNP2
SHB 1746 f Commercial office space dev. Fey,etc. FIET DPA5 DNP1
HB 1753 f Health profession fees/rules Riccelli,Macri,etc. HLTC DP10
HB 1755 f Education doctorate degrees Leavitt,Van Werven,etc. HEWD DP6
SHB 1769 Vessel crewmember license Blake,etc. AWNP DP7
ESHB 1772 Motorized foot scooters Macri,etc. TRAN DPA12 w/oRec2
SHB 1786 Protection, etc. orders Jinkins,etc. LAW DPA4 DNP2
ESHB 1788 WA state bar association Stokesbary LAW DPA6
HB 1792 Marijuana retailer penalties Pettigrew,Appleton LAW DP4 w/oRec2
ESHB 1794 f Marijuana bus. agreements Stanford,etc. LBRC DP6 w/oRec1
SHB 1798 Short-term rentals Ryu,etc. FIET DPA6
HB 1803 f Minimum school days Orcutt,Santos EDU DPA11
HB 1841 f Crew size on certain trains Riccelli,Chandler,etc. LBRC DPA4 DNP1
EHB 1846 f Off-road vehicle moneys Paul,Walsh,etc. TRAN DP15
SHB 1847 f Aircraft noise abatement Pellicciotti,etc. LGOV DP3 DNP2
ESHB 1849 Unplatted tidelands, etc. Lekanoff,etc. AWNP DP7
SHB 1856 Scleral tattooing Tharinger,etc. HLTC DP10
SHB 1865 f Acupuncture & Eastern med. Cody,etc. HLTC DP10
HB 1866 f Day care prof dev compliance Dent,Chapman,etc. EDU DP11
ESHB 1879 f Rx drug utilization mngmt Jinkins,etc. HLTC DPA11
ESHB 1880 Problem gambling task force Kloba,etc. LBRC DPA6
HB 1900 f Federal funding/family serv. Callan,Dent,etc.,DCYF HSRR DPA7
HB 1901 f Safety belt exe/comm vehicle Lovick,Griffey,etc.,WSP TRAN DP13
2SHB 1907 SUD treatment system Davis,etc. BH DPA5
HB 1908 f Electronic authentication Graham,Walsh,etc.,SEC SGTE DP5
EHB 1912 f Vol. firefighter pensions Blake,Griffey,etc. WM DP22
HB 1913 f Occup. disease presumption Doglio,Sells,etc. WM DP20 w/oRec2
SHB 1917 f Animal traps/airports Peterson,etc. AWNP DP7
SHB 1930 f Expression of breast milk Doglio,etc. LBRC DP6
HB 1934 f Pistol license/armed forces Caldier,Kilduff,etc. LAW DP6
SHB 1953 Sno-park recreation permits Corry,etc. AWNP DPA7
HB 1980 f Federal tax lien recording Macri,Ryu WM DP21 w/oRec1
ESHB 1994 Significant transp. projects Wylie,etc. TRAN DP12
EHB 1996 f San Juan license plate Lekanoff,Shewmake TRAN DPA14
HB 2008 Ballot security alt. methods Hudgins,Gregerson,etc. SGTE DP5
EHB 2020 Employment investigations Dolan,Kretz,etc. SGTE DPA5
HB 2035 f In-state broadcasters, taxes Lovick,Frame WM DP17
HB 2040 f Nonhigh school districts MacEwen EDU DP11
SHB 2044 Park district deannexation Senn,etc. LGOV DP3 DNP1
HB 2051 f Pension & disability boards Lovick,Chapman,etc. WM DPA22
HB 2058 f Purple Heart license plates Callan,Dufault,etc. TRAN DP14
HB 2062 f Seattle Storm license plates Slatter,Senn,etc. TRAN DP14
EHB 2067 f Vehicle & vessel owner info. Davis,Chambers,etc. TRAN DPA15
HB 2110 f Affordable workforce housing Ryu,Santos HSA DP4 DNP2
HB 2119 f State forestland moneys Morris,Lekanoff,RES WM DP17 DNP6
SHJM 4007 Regina Clark memorial bridge Orcutt,etc. TRAN DP12 w/oRec1
SGA 9003 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9010 WAYNE J. MARTIN, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9011 TORAYA MILLER , Member, Everett Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9014 JOHN M. MEYER, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9018 JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9019 HESTER SEREBRIN, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC13 w/oRec2
SGA 9021 JULIE MCCULLOCH, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9023 SHIV BATRA, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9026 JANE L. JACOBSEN, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9027 HAROLD W. WITHROW, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9030 DOUG MAH, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9031 JANE E. RUSHFORD, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board LBRC BC6
SGA 9033 DARRELL S. MITSUNAGA, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9034 GUADALUPE GAMBOA, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9035 MAUREEN P. WEST, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9041 DEBORAH C. YOUNG, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9048 TIMOTHY RASMUSSEN, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9049 ARTHUR A. BLAUVELT III, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9056 JEFFERSON S. DAVIS, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9059 CHRISTINA BLOCKER, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9060 HEATHER L. MANSY, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9061 RUSSELL D. HAUGE, Chair, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9063 LOIS BERNSTEIN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9070 OLLIE A. GARRETT, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board LBRC BC6
SGA 9073 TONY F. GOLIK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9074 AMY L. FROST, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9085 LORETTA S. DEKAY, Member, Columbia River Gorge Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9087 BETHANY S. RIVARD, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9089 GREGORY A. CHRISTIANSEN, Member, Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board HEWD BC6
SGA 9090 JERALD (JERRY) R. LITT, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9091 ROY CAPTAIN, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9092 LAURA S. WILDFONG, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9093 JEFFREY BRECKEL, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board AWNP BC6 w/oRec1
SGA 9094 MICHAEL J. FENTON, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9096 PHILLIP R. LEMLEY, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9100 CHARLENE D. STRONG, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9101 JON J. TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9104 JANET M. MCDANIEL, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9121 WENDY K. BOHLKE, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9122 REBECCA M. JOHNSON, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9126 STEVEN R. HILL, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9128 BAHRAM BAGHERPOUR, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9129 CHERYL A. MILLER, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9136 JOHN C. SCRAGG, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9138 MICHAEL L. ANTHONY, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9139 CRYSTAL DONNER, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9141 RICHARD LEIGH, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9142 DIANA H. PEREZ, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9145 REGINALD GEORGE, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9146 GLENN A. JOHNSON, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9151 SKYLEE SAHLSTROM, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9154 HOLLY A. KOON, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC9 w/oRec2
SGA 9158 JERAMIE MAXWELL, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC5
SGA 9159 JEFFREY C. ESTES, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9161 BRADLEY F. SMITH, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9163 HAIRUM J. MARTIN-MORRIS, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC11
SGA 9166 FIASILI L. SAVUSA, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9178 PAULA M. AKERLUND, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9187 JOEDY R. MORROW, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9194 JAMES A. RESTUCCI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9201 JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9203 MARIA J. CHRISTIANSON, Member, Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9206 CATHERINE SHAFFER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9208 TIM G. WETTACK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9211 STEVEN J. DREW, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 NBC2 w/oRec1
SGA 9215 DENNIS W. MATHEWS, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9219 DEBORAH COOK, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9220 D. MICHAEL KELLY, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9221 NANCY L. MCDANIEL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9224 DEBBIE J. AHL, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9227 DAVID PARKER, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9229 ARLENE M. PIERINI, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9231 ASTRID E. AVELEDO, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9232 ELAINE CHU, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9233 JEREMY JAECH, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9234 THOMAS W. LUX, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9238 ROBERT H. MALTE, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9239 BRENT L. STARK, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9240 FAITH L. PETTIS, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9241 TERESA N. TAYLOR, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9242 STEVEN H. YOSHIHARA, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9245 PAUL B. SPEER, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9247 LILY CLIFTON, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9249 "GIDGET" JENNIE H. TERPSTRA, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9254 PATRICIA E. SHUMAN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9256 RHONDA SALVESEN, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9257 PAUL A. PASTOR, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9258 KENNETH BOUNDS, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9259 MICHAEL S. LATIMER, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9261 HENRIK KROMBEEN, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9262 PAUL E. PITRE, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC11
SGA 9264 ELI TAYLOR, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9265 TIMOTHY J. FARRELL, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9266 RUSSELL LEHMAN, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGTE BC5 w/oRec2
SGA 9269 CHELSEA MASON, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9271 CHERYL ANGELETTI-HARRIS, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9272 CHRIS G. ENDRESEN SCOTT, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board AWNP BC7
SGA 9275 ELEANOR K. KIRTLEY, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9276 MICHELLE L. MILNE, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9277 BILL KALLAPPA, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC11
SGA 9278 ADAM L. AGUILERA, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9281 MARISSA WINMILL, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11

Total Count: 281