BILLS IN SENATE RULES - January 30, 2020 - Thursday
12:16 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5016 Animal control/firearms Van De Wege,Sheldon,etc. LAW DP4 w/oRec3
SB 5033 f Employment after public serv Carlyle,Hunt,etc.,ATTY SGTE DPS5 w/oRec2
SB 5059 f Leg. gift center/alcohol Hasegawa,Conway,etc. LBRC DP2S7 DNP1 w/oRec1
2SSB 5093 f State highway litter control Fortunato
SB 5182 f Juvenile record sealing Kuderer,Darneille,etc. HSRR DP2S7
SB 5249 f Unincorp. island annexation Hunt LGOV DP4 w/oRec1
SB 5275 f Insurance commissioner/PEBB Hunt,Randall,etc. WM DP16 w/oRec6
SB 5315 f Student support staff Wellman,Dhingra,etc.,OFM WM DP2S15 w/oRec7
SB 5402 f Tax and licensing laws Schoesler,Rolfes WM DP23
SB 5486 Dwarfism/exploitation Padden,Kuderer,etc. LAW DPS5 w/oRec2
SB 5522 City annexing/interlocal ag. Takko LGOV DPS3 DNP2
SB 5590 f School depreciation subfunds Schoesler,Mullet,etc. EDU DPS11
SB 5592 Ambulances in rural areas Schoesler,Nguyen,etc. HLTC DP11
SB 5636 f Fiscal notes Brown,Becker,etc. WM DPS23
SB 5676 Councilmanic REET/GMA Takko,Walsh,etc. LGOV DPS4 DNP1
SB 5679 Public facilities mitigation Hasegawa,Conway,etc. LGOV DPS5
SB 5697 f Solid fuel burning devices Cleveland,Darneille,etc.,ECY ENET DPS8 DNP6
SB 5830 f Vehicle combinations King,Hobbs,etc. TRAN DP8 DNP6 w/oRec1
SB 5834 Student immigration status Hunt,Wellman,etc. EDU DP7 DNP4
SB 5871 f Columbia river endorsement Warnick,Takko AWNP
SB 5939 f Comm. facilities districts Mullet,Fortunato LGOV DP5
SB 5996 f Fires/prevent, suppress Van De Wege,Rolfes,etc. WM DPS13 DNP10
SB 5999 $f Unfunded actuarial liability Braun,Mullet WM DP22 w/oRec2
SB 6009 Budget stabilization account Rolfes,Braun WM DPS23 w/oRec1
SB 6032 f Apples special license plate Hawkins,Hobbs,etc. TRAN DP15
SB 6035 Liquor license employees Keiser,King,etc. LBRC DPS9
SB 6039 f Living organ donors Keiser,Hunt,etc. HLTC DPS10
SB 6045 Vulnerable public way users Takko,Kuderer,etc. TRAN DP14
SB 6049 f Insurance fraud account Liias,Das,etc.,INS WM DP18 w/oRec5
SB 6051 f Medicare part D supplement Cleveland,O'Ban,etc. HLTC DPS8
SB 6057 f Marijuana price differential Stanford,Rivers,etc. LBRC DP9
SB 6061 f Telemedicine training Becker,Conway HLTC DPS8 DNP1
SB 6071 f Fish and wildlife violations Van De Wege,Warnick,etc.,DFW AWNP DPS5 DNP2
SB 6077 High capacity magazines Kuderer,Pedersen,etc.,ATTY,OOG LAW DPS4 DNP3
SB 6078 f Fire juris. reimbursement Mullet FIET DP5 w/oRec1
SB 6083 Travel trailers Zeiger,Saldaña,etc. TRAN DP15
SB 6096 Labor unrest/state services Keiser,Stanford,etc. LBRC DP8 w/oRec1
SB 6099 f EASOC repeal Hunt,Wilson, C. EDU DP11
SB 6102 f School bus stop signals Wellman,Mullet,etc.,SPI TRAN DP14
SB 6103 f Educational reporting Wellman,Wilson, C.,SPI EDU DP11
SB 6115 f Off-road vehicle reg. Takko,Warnick,etc. TRAN DP13
SB 6126 Housing tax/councilmanic Hunt,Darneille,etc. LGOV DP3 DNP2
SB 6152 Foreign national ownership Salomon,Billig,etc. SGTE DPS4 w/oRec2 DNP1
SB 6180 f Juvenile sex offense regist. Darneille,Nguyen,etc. HSRR DP7
SB 6219 f WSP retirement/index def. Conway,Schoesler,SCPP WM DP23
SB 6220 Restitution/insurance Dhingra,Das,etc. LAW DPS4 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6237 f Day-care facilities/cities Kuderer,Darneille,etc. LGOV DPS3 DNP2
SB 6251 f Tribal vehicles compact Lovelett,Zeiger,etc.,DOL TRAN DP15
SB 6257 f Underground storage tanks Wellman,Short,PLIA ENET DPS14
SB 6280 f Facial recognition services Nguyen,Carlyle,etc. ENET DPS9 DNP3 w/oRec2
SB 6284 f Shared leave/balances Hunt,Nguyen SGTE DP7
SB 6294 f Concealed pistol training Salomon,Kuderer,etc. LAW DP4 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6312 f Nonprofit fund-raising/tax Zeiger,O'Ban,etc. WM DP23
SB 6313 f Young voters Liias,Kuderer,etc. SGTE DPS4 DNP3
SB 6349 f Paid family & medical leave Keiser,King,etc.,ESD LBRC DPS6 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6363 f All-terrain vehicles Takko,Warnick TRAN DP15
SB 6378 Residential tenants Kuderer,Darneille,etc. HSA DPS4 DNP3
SB 6383 f Retirement strategy funds Conway,Schoesler,etc.,SCPP WM DP22
SB 6418 f Pensions/"period of war" Holy,Van De Wege,etc.,LPRB WM DP21 w/oRec1
SB 6455 Children's meal beverage Liias,King,etc. HLTC DPS8
SB 6464 Building code membership Wilson, L.,Becker,etc. LGOV DPS5
SB 6473 Asbestos building materials Stanford,Frockt,etc. LBRC DPS5 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6481 City utility surplus Cleveland,Wilson, L.,etc. LGOV DP5
SB 6582 Fire district comm'r, number Hobbs,Stanford,etc. LGOV DP5
SJM 8001 Elections, money spent on Hasegawa,Frockt SGTE DPS4 w/oRec1
SJM 8016 Harbor maintenance tax Hasegawa,Mullet,etc. FIET DP7
ESSB 5077 f Single-use plastic straws Kuderer,etc.
SB 5078 f Candidate tax return discl. Kuderer,Hunt,etc.
SSB 5137 f Aircraft excise tax Honeyford,etc.
SSB 5184 f Rx coverage/mail order Kuderer,etc.
SB 5224 f Advisory votes Kuderer,Hunt,etc.
ESSB 5228 f Lodging special excise taxes Takko,etc.
SB 5263 f School bus drivers Zeiger
ESSB 5279 f Outdoor burning Van De Wege,etc.
SB 5304 f Local infrastruct. financing Mullet,WHFC
2SSB 5308 f Energy service contractors Short,etc.
SSB 5354 f Highly capable student prgs. Rivers,etc.
ESSB 5485 f Music therapists Darneille,etc.
2SSB 5489 Environ. health disparities Saldaña,etc.
ESB 5496 Boundary line modification Zeiger,Hunt
ESSB 5523 f Medicaid managed care perf. Braun,etc.
SSB 5525 f Whitetail deer population Short
2SSB 5572 School modernization grants Honeyford,etc.
SB 5635 f Behav. health professions Brown,Bailey,etc.
SSB 5694 f Commercial beekeeper drivers King,etc.
SB 5731 f School district territory Short
SSB 5739 f Housing/urban growth areas Sheldon,etc.
ESSB 5746 Low-income homeownership Saldaña,etc.
SB 5782 Spring blade knives Zeiger,Fortunato,etc.
SB 5787 f City, district publ. records Walsh,Hunt,etc.
SSB 5829 f Vol. firefighter pensions Mullet,etc.
2SSB 5873 f Community forests pilot Hawkins,etc.
SSB 5936 Industrial symbioses Brown,etc.
ESSB 5986 f Vapor & heated tobacco/tax Braun,etc.
ESCR 8405 Cutoff resolution, amending Liias
SGA 9003 JOE M. TORTORELLI, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC15
SGA 9014 JOHN M. MEYER, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9018 JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9021 JULIE MCCULLOCH, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9027 HAROLD W. WITHROW, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9030 DOUG MAH, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9033 DARRELL S. MITSUNAGA, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9035 MAUREEN P. WEST, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9048 TIMOTHY RASMUSSEN, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9049 ARTHUR A. BLAUVELT III, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9063 LOIS BERNSTEIN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9075 J. A. VANDER STOEP, Member, Chehalis Board AWNP BC7
SGA 9085 LORETTA S. DEKAY, Member, Columbia River Gorge Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9087 BETHANY S. RIVARD, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9089 GREGORY A. CHRISTIANSEN, Member, Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board HEWD BC6
SGA 9091 ROY CAPTAIN, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9092 LAURA S. WILDFONG, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9093 JEFFREY BRECKEL, Member, Salmon Recovery Funding Board AWNP BC6 w/oRec1
SGA 9096 PHILLIP R. LEMLEY, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9100 CHARLENE D. STRONG, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9101 JON J. TUNHEIM, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9104 JANET M. MCDANIEL, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9106 MICHAEL S. MAXWELL, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9119 NEIL A. MCCLURE, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9122 REBECCA M. JOHNSON, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9126 STEVEN R. HILL, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9128 BAHRAM BAGHERPOUR, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC6
SGA 9129 CHERYL A. MILLER, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9136 JOHN C. SCRAGG, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9140 RANDY J. ROBINSON, Member, Housing Finance Commission HSA BC6
SGA 9141 RICHARD LEIGH, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9142 DIANA H. PEREZ, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9145 REGINALD GEORGE, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9146 GLENN A. JOHNSON, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9151 SKYLEE SAHLSTROM, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC6
SGA 9154 HOLLY A. KOON, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC9 w/oRec2
SGA 9156 KIM PEARMAN-GILLMAN, Member, Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9158 JERAMIE MAXWELL, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC5
SGA 9159 JEFFREY C. ESTES, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9161 BRADLEY F. SMITH, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9163 HARIUM J. MARTIN-MORRIS, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC11
SGA 9166 FIASILI L. SAVUSA, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9178 PAULA M. AKERLUND, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9182 WILLIAM C. HOUSER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9201 JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9203 MARIA J. CHRISTIANSON, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC11
SGA 9206 CATHERINE SHAFFER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9208 TIM G. WETTACK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC5
SGA 9209 ROGER S. ROGOFF , Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9214 GREGORY C. LINK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9215 DENNIS W. MATHEWS, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9219 DEBORAH COOK, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9220 D. MICHAEL KELLY, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9221 NANCY L. MCDANIEL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9224 DEBBIE J. AHL, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9227 DAVID PARKER, Member, Small Business Export Finance Assistance Center Board of Directors FIET BC6
SGA 9229 ARLENE M. PIERINI, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9231 ASTRID E. AVELEDO, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9232 ELAINE CHU, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9233 JEREMY JAECH, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9234 THOMAS W. LUX, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9238 ROBERT H. MALTE, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9239 BRENT L. STARK, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9240 FAITH L. PETTIS, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9241 TERESA N. TAYLOR, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9242 STEVEN H. YOSHIHARA, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC6
SGA 9245 PAUL B. SPEER, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9247 LILY CLIFTON, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC11
SGA 9254 PATRICIA E. SHUMAN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec3
SGA 9256 RHONDA SALVESEN, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9257 PAUL A. PASTOR, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9258 KENNETH BOUNDS, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9259 MICHAEL S. LATIMER, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission AWNP BC7
SGA 9261 HENRIK KROMBEEN, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9264 ELI TAYLOR, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9265 TIMOTHY J. FARRELL, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9266 RUSSELL LEHMAN, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGTE BC5 w/oRec2
SGA 9269 CHELSEA MASON, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC4 w/oRec2
SGA 9271 CHERYL ANGELETTI-HARRIS, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9275 ELEANOR K. KIRTLEY, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC15
SGA 9276 MICHELLE L. MILNE, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9277 BILL KALLAPPA, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC11
SGA 9278 ADAM L. AGUILERA, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9281 MARISSA WINMILL, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC11
SGA 9287 CHARLES CLARK, Director, Department of Financial Institutions - Agency Head FIET BC7
SGA 9289 FRED JARRETT, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGTE BC6
SGA 9291 GEORGE D. HACKNEY, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9292 JAMES A. MCDEVITT, Member, Clemency and Pardons Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9298 LUCERA M. COX, Member, The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9299 ALEX R. HARRINGTON, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9301 MIA A. HYDE, Member, Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9307 JOHANNA MAE B. PANTIG, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC5
SGA 9308 DANIELA H. SUAREZ, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC5
SGA 9311 PAYTON O. SWINFORD, Member, Washington Student Achievement Council HEWD BC5
SGA 9316 KEN A. LARSEN, Member, Housing Finance Commission HSA BC7
SGA 9317 WENDY L. LAWRENCE, Member, Housing Finance Commission HSA BC7
SGA 9365 NANCY L. ISSERLIS, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGTE BC7

Total Count: 192