5051-S2.E AMH CORR HARO 546


E2SSB 5051 - H AMD TO APP COMM AMD (H-1458.2/21) 635

By Representative Corry

NOT ADOPTED 04/07/2021

On page 39, after line 37 of the striking amendment, insert the following:

"NEW SECTION. Sec. 31. The changes in this act, including but not limited to those that will result in additional costs to local governments to cooperate with commission investigations, provide overtime staffing and service coverage for suspended officers, and acquire additional space, staff, or technology to accommodate expanded records retention and disclosure requirements, constitute a new program or increased level of service on political subdivisions of the state, and the provisions of RCW 43.135.060 apply."

EFFECT:   Provides that the changes in the act that result in additional costs to local governments constitute a new program or level of service that must be reimbursed by the state.

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