5576 AMS SALO S3934.1
SB 5576 - S AMD 955
By Senator Salomon
Beginning on page 7, line 32, strike all of section 4 and insert the following:
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter
59.18 RCW to read as follows:
In any unlawful detainer proceeding before the court, any party, including an attorney or witness, upon written notice to the court, must be permitted to appear and participate in the proceeding remotely by video conference, or by telephone if authorized by the judge, at no cost to either party."
SB 5576 - S AMD 955
By Senator Salomon
On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "programs;" strike "and" and on line 4, after "59.18.630," strike the remainder of the title and insert "59.18.660, and
59.18.410; and adding a new section to chapter
59.18 RCW."
EFFECT: Removes the requirement that courts allow and facilitate virtual representation of indigent tenants by appointed attorneys and virtual participation by indigent tenants, upon request, in any unlawful detainer proceeding, and instead provides that courts must, upon request, permit the appearance and participation of any party in an unlawful detainer proceeding by video, or by telephone if authorized by the judge, at no cost to either party.