The Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee (JARRC) is a bipartisan legislative committee that reviews selected proposed and existing agency rules. Membership of the committee consists of four members from the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate, four members from the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, and one alternate member from each caucus of each house.
Appointments for Chair of the JARRC (Chair) and Vice Chair of the JARRC (Vice Chair) are made from among the committee membership as soon as possible after a legislative session convenes in regular session in an even-numbered year. The appointments are made on an alternating basis. Beginning in the year 2018 the Speaker of the House appoints the Chair and Vice Chair in alternating even-numbered years. Beginning in 2020 the Secretary of the Senate appoints the Chair and Vice Chair in alternating even-numbered years.
A vacancy must be filled by appointment of a legislator from the same political party as the original appointment.
The appointment process for the Chair and Vice Chair is modified such that the Chair and Vice Chair may not be from the same chamber of the Legislature during a given term. Specifically, appointments must be made as follows:
The Chair and Vice Chair may not be from the same caucus. The vacancy process is clarified to specify that a vacancy of the Chair or Vice Chair position must be filled by appointment of a legislator from the same political party as the original appointment.
(In support) None.
(Opposed) None.