Name Change Process. A person may apply for a name change to the district court in the jurisdiction where they reside. The petition must state the reasons for the name change, and the court in its discretion may order the name change. A copy of the name change order is sent to the county auditor for recording.
Name Change Fees. The total cost of changing one's name varies by county and includes both court fees and the county auditor's fees. The auditor's fees include the fee for filing and recording name change orders, which is $5 for the first page and $1 for every subsequent page. There are also various statutory surcharges that the auditor is required to collect.
Waiver of Court Fees. General Rule 34 of the Washington court rules provides a process for an indigent individual to apply to waive court fees and clerk's fees when the payment of fees is required for the individual to secure access to judicial relief. A person seeking a waiver must submit a financial statement to the court. If the motion is granted, the court waives the court fees and clerk's fees.
The court must waive all auditor's fees for filing and recording a name change order if the person requesting the name change submits an affidavit stating that the person is unable to pay the fees due to financial hardship. When the court grants the waiver, the court must direct the county auditor or recorder to process the name change order at no expense to the person requesting the name change. If the person requesting a name change order has received victim compensation for name change fees, the court is prohibited from waiving the auditor's fees.