The Department of Commerce (Commerce) provides management services for the Growth Management Planning and Environmental Review Fund. A grant or loan may be awarded to certain counties or cities required to or choosing to plan under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to assist in paying for the cost of preparing an environmental analysis under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) that is integrated with a comprehensive plan, subarea plan, plan element, countywide planning policy, development regulation, monitoring program, or other planning activity adopted under or implementing that:
In order to qualify for a grant or loan, a county or city must:
In awarding grants or loans, Commerce must give preference to proposals that include one or more of the following elements:
If the local funding includes funding provided by other state functional planning programs, including open space planning and watershed or basin planning, the functional plan must be integrated into and be consistent with the comprehensive plan.
State agencies must work with grant or loan recipients to facilitate state and local project review processes that will implement the projects receiving grants or loans.
Appropriations to the Growth Management Planning and Environmental Review Fund for the purpose of grants to cities to facilitate transit-oriented development may be used to pay for the costs associated with the preparation of SEPA environmental impact statements, planned action ordinances, subarea plans, costs associated with the utilization of other tools under SEPA, and the costs of local code adoption and implementation of such efforts.
Grant awards may only fund efforts that address environmental impacts and consequences, alternatives, and mitigation measures in sufficient detail to allow the analysis to be adopted in whole or in part by applicants for development permits within the geographic area analyzed in the plan.
Commerce must prioritize applications for grants to facilitate transit-oriented development that maximize the following policy objectives in the area covered by a proposal:
For purposes of this section, "transit access" includes walkable access to light rail and other fixed guideway rail systems; bus rapid transit; high frequency bus service; or park and ride lots.