State Board of Education. The 16-member State Board of Education (SBE) is comprised of five members elected by geographic regions by school board directors, one member elected by private school directors, seven members appointed by the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and two non-voting student members selected in a manner determined by the SBE.
The SBE has various duties and powers prescribed in statute, including:
All members except the student members are voting members. Eight voting members of the Board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
All members of the SBE are considered voting members, including student members. The quorum requirement for the transaction of business is changed from eight voting members to nine members.
PRO: Advocates are concerned that student voices are not authentically being heard in State Board of Education policy decisions. The involvement of students on the SBE is critical as educational policies should be student-centered. It is critical that future student members and all students have a strong voice in educational decisions. Students should be seen and heard as equals in educational decision-making. Giving students voting authority would allow them to be equal partners in education. This legislation would place pressure on local school boards to give greater recognition to student voices. Granting students voting authority would help students have greater trust in decisions made by the State Board of Education.