People call 911 to get help in the event of an emergency requiring law enforcement, fire, or medical services. A 911 call is routed over dedicated networks to the appropriate 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Enhanced 911 (E911) allows the caller's phone number and location to be automatically displayed at the PSAP.
Enhanced 911 Coordinating Office. The E911 Coordination Office (Office) is part of the Emergency Management Division of the Military Department. Duties of the office include:
Enhanced 911 Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee advises and assists the E911 Coordinator in coordinating and facilitating the implementation and operation of E911 throughout the state. The Advisory Committee members represent diverse geographical areas of the state and include a variety of public safety professionals, state and local government officials, and telecommunications providers.
Enhanced 911 Coordinating Office. A Certification Board (Board) of ten members is established in the Office to create a certification and training program for Public Safety Telecommunicators (Telecommunicators) throughout the state. The Office must provide staff support and assistance to the Board, including but not limited to:
Board Duties. The Board has authority to:
Board Membership. The Board must represent diverse stakeholders of the 911 system. The Board membership consists of: