Washington Main Street Program. The state Main Street Program (Program) provides technical assistance for local comprehensive downtown or neighborhood commercial district revitalization initiatives. The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) operates the Program through a contract with the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation. DAHP provides initial site evaluations by technical specialists, training for local programs and staff, and design and implementation assistance to local governments, businesses, organizations, and property owners undertaking revitalization initiatives. DAHP also may provide financial assistance for initial start-up costs for a local program.
DAHP may designate local downtown or neighborhood commercial district revitalization programs and official local Main Street programs for such assistance based on certain criteria including:
DAHP may not designate a program undertaken by a local government with a population over 190,000 people.
The limit of having a population less than 190,000 within the local government's boundary is clarified to be determined at the time of designation. The Program statute that outlines the duties of DAHP in administering the program is not applicable to any local downtown or neighborhood commercial district revitalization program unless the boundaries have been identified and approved by DAHP.
Senate | 42 | 1 | |
House | 96 | 1 |
June 9, 2022