Agricultural Fairs. Agricultural fairs are fairs or exhibitions intended to promote agriculture by including, among other things, a balanced variety of exhibits of livestock and agricultural products. Agricultural fairs are divided into four categories:
Fair Fund. For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the state treasurer is required to transfer $2,750,000 from the state general fund into the Fair Fund administered by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA). Ninety-five percent of all allocations from the fair fund must be distributed to agricultural fairs based on a merit rating system set up by the director. This merit rating must take into account certain factors, including:
Any state allocations must be made only as a reimbursement for operating expenses incurred by the fairs. WSDA may use up to 10 percent for special assistance to any participating fair and may use the remaining 5 percent for expenses, including fair commission expenses.
Voluntary, grassroots organizations representing the social and economic interest of farm and ranch families at the local, state, and national levels may sponsor youth development programs to promote participation in agricultural fairs, youth shows, and exhibitions and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and robotics as well as animal husbandry and agricultural education. The youth development program must incorporate civics, civil society, and participation in government into its programming.
It is in the public interest to support youth participation in youth development programs, including youth development programs sponsored by voluntary, grassroots organizations, youth development programs under Washington State University Extension, and membership in the Washington Future Farmers of America Association.
The Legislature will appropriate funds to fulfill the enrollment fees owed to the programs by participants. To receive appropriated funds after the annual enrollment period, the programs must submit a roster of enrolled youth to the WSDAin which the program is located to receive a reimbursement of all enrollment fees. Any other fees submitted for reimbursement must be done before the end of the fiscal year.
The WSDA director may authorize expenditures from the Fair Fund, subject to the availability of appropriations for this specific purpose, for reimbursing the enrollment fees owed to the youth development programs.
The committee recommended a different version of the bill than what was heard. PRO: 4-H participation is a fraction of what it was ten years ago. Young people are being charged to join 4-H, which seems contrary to increasing participation and this bill will address that issue. This bill will also provide flexibility for other youth development programs and will benefit kids. It is important to continue to support youth development outside of the classroom. Fairs are Washington's largest classroom and they are the beneficiaries of these youth programs through showmanship and displays at fairs. This bill will help ensure the continuation of learning outside the classroom for youth. The experiences and opportunities that youth have in Future Farmers of America (FFA) are life-changing and give youth the opportunity to experience many aspects of agriculture. Youth learn how to speak in front of large groups and gain a confidence to be their true self. Youth will be more interested in participating in FFA if there are no costs to the participant and it allows youth to be involved in something outside of school without any financial strain. Students should be able to participate no matter what their socio-economic status is and no matter whether they come from a rural community or an urban community.
OTHER: There is a need for a holistic view of youth development and this could be part of a broader conversation in the future. These programs impact kids every single day.
PRO: It is a great bill. Young people are being charged to join 4-H, which seems contrary to increasing participation and this bill will address that issue.