Dedicated Marijuana Account. The Dedicated Marijuana Account (Marijuana Account) is an appropriated account in the custody of the state treasurer. All moneys received by the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) from marijuana-related activities must be deposited in the Marijuana Account. These moneys include marijuana excise taxes collected on sales of marijuana and marijuana products, license fees, penalties, and forfeitures from marijuana producers, processors, researchers, and retailers. Moneys from the account are distributed to agencies, local governments, and to the Basic Health Plan Trust Account. At the end of each fiscal year (FY), unappropriated amounts in the Marijuana Account are transferred into the state general fund.
Cannabis Appropriations. According to LCB's 2021 Annual Report, total cannabis income, which includes excise tax, license fees, and penalties, was $473.9 million in FY20 and $559.5 million in FY21. The current structure and amounts of cannabis appropriations are as follows:
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC) is a committee comprised of an equal number of House of Representative and Senate members, Democrats and Republicans. JLARC conducts performance audits, program evaluations, sunset reviews, and other analyses. Assignments to conduct studies are made by the Legislature and JLARC itself. Based on these assignments, JLARC's non-partisan staff auditors, under the direction of the legislative auditor, independently seek answers to audit questions and issue recommendations to improve performance. JLARC's audits are directed to be independent, objective, and accurate.
The Marijuana Account is renamed the Dedicated Cannabis Account (Cannabis Account).
Cannabis Appropriations. Modified, New Appropriations. The Legislature must annually appropriate money in the Cannabis Account as follows:
The amounts listed above that continue beyond FY23 must be adjusted annually based on the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index for the Seattle area.
Any amounts remaining after the distributions above must be distributed as follows:
Lapsed Appropriations. Specific FY appropriations that have lapsed are removed.
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee Audit. JLARC must conduct a review of the appropriation and expenditure of cannabis revenues and report to the Legislature by December 1, 2023. The report must evaluate how the funds have been appropriated and expended, whether the appropriations and expenditures are consistent with the law, and whether information related to the appropriations and expenditures is readily available to the general public. Additionally, the report must include options for increasing the transparency and accountability of the appropriations and expenditures of cannabis-related revenues.
Senate | 41 | 7 | |
House | 78 | 18 | (House amended) |
Senate | 37 | 12 | (Senate concurred) |
June 9, 2022