BySenator Fortunato
WHEREAS, The Democratic Republic of Congo sent a congressional delegation to Washington state, extending a hand of friendship to create stronger trade and economic partnerships; and
WHEREAS, The delegation toured our state's agricultural centers, manufacturing facilities, and visited the Grand Coulee Dam and other infrastructural sites; and
WHEREAS, The Democratic Republic of Congo is making great strides to improve the social and economic welfare of its people with a renewed commitment to democratic principles, emerging from a period of internal strife that has seen the displacement of millions of Congolese; and
WHEREAS, Washington state has warmly received these immigrants who number in the top five of resettled populations to our state, with an estimated 8,000 Congolese refugees who live, work, and call Washington state home; and
WHEREAS, These refugees are served by the Congolese Integration Network, which was founded five years ago to facilitate the social, economic, cultural, and spiritual integration of Congolese immigrants and refugees into American society by providing access to critical resources to empower this community; and
WHEREAS, The network continues to advocate for resources to support its community in the construction of a healing center where those suffering from trauma can feel safe and recover from their mental, physical, and spiritual wounds;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate recognize the progress of the fledgling democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo working toward the betterment of its citizens and to promote peace and justice and highlight the work of the Congolese Integration Network in its efforts to support refugees in Washington.
I, Sarah Bannister, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8651,
adopted by the Senate
February 21, 2022
Secretary of the Senate