BILLS IN SENATE RULES - February 28, 2022 - Monday
11:18 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5309 f Diapers/sales & use tax Rivers,Brown,etc. WM DP23 w/oRec1
SB 5459 f Credit card processing/B&O Mullet,L. Wilson WM DPS20 w/oRec2 DNP1
SB 5714 f Solar canopies tax deferral Carlyle,Liias,etc. WM DPS (ENET)14 DNP9
SB 5755 f Vacant land redevelopment Trudeau,Billig,etc. WM DP2S15 w/oRec7 DNP2
SB 5760 f Motion picture program Wellman,Frockt,etc. WM DPS (BFST)19 w/oRec2 DNP2
SB 5799 f Workforce surcharge/clinics Robinson,Lovick WM DPS (BFST)23
SB 5849 f Tax incentives Warnick WM DP18 w/oRec5
SB 5901 f Economic dev. tax incentives Randall,Billig,etc. WM DP24
SB 5980 f B&O tax credits Carlyle,Randall,etc. WM DPS24
2SSB 5062 f Data Carlyle,etc.
E2SHB 1015 f Equitable access to credit Maycumber,etc. WM DPA18 DNP4 w/oRec2
ESHB 1041 f Sunshine committee/juveniles Springer,etc. SGE DPA3 w/oRec2
ESHB 1048 Criminal mistreatment Wicks,etc. HSRR DP7
HB 1051 Board of regents/faculty Pollet,Leavitt,etc. HEWD DP4 w/oRec1
SHB 1052 Group insurance contracts Bateman,etc. HLTC DP11
E2SHB 1099 f Comprehensive planning Duerr,etc. WM DPA14 DNP10
HB 1105 Medical use of cannabis Kloba,Simmons,etc. LAW DP5 DNP2 w/oRec2
SHB 1124 f Nurse delegation/glucose Cody HLTC DP11
E2SHB 1153 f Language access in schools Orwall,etc. WM DPA17 w/oRec6 DNP1
ESHB 1169 f Sentencing enhancements Goodman,etc. LAW DPA5 DNP3
HB 1172 f Tribal fishing rights Lekanoff,Kloba,etc.,ATTY AWNP DP6
2SHB 1173 f State lands development auth Berry,etc. WM DPA19 w/oRec5
ESHB 1175 f Host homes/property tax J. Johnson,etc. WM DPA13 DNP6 w/oRec5
E2SHB 1181 f Veterans & military suicide Orwall,etc. WM DPA (HSRR)24
HB 1183 f Home sharing support grants Caldier,J. Johnson WM DPA15 w/oRec7 DNP2
E2SHB 1241 f Growth management act plans Duerr,etc. HLG DP6 DNP5
HB 1280 f Greenhouse gas/facilities Ramel,Duerr,etc. ENET DP8 DNP5
ESHB 1329 Public meetings Wicks,etc. SGE DPA5
ESHB 1333 f Rural public facilities/tax Tharinger,etc. WM DPA18 w/oRec3 DNP3
ESHB 1357 f Voters' pamphlets overseas Mosbrucker,etc. SGE DPA5
3SHB 1359 f Liquor license fees Stonier,etc. WM DPA22 DNP2
HB 1376 f Registration of land titles Fey HLG DPA7 w/oRec4
SHB 1389 Peer-to-peer vehicle sharing Corry,etc. BFST DP6 w/oRec1
E4SHB 1412 f Legal financial obligations Simmons,etc. WM DPA17 DNP7
EHB 1453 Voters' pamphlets Bergquist,Volz,etc. SGE DPA5
ESHB 1497 Telephone solicitation Mosbrucker,etc. BFST DP7
SHB 1508 f Shellfish sanitary control Chapman,etc. WM DPA23
SHB 1571 f Indigenous persons/services Mosbrucker,etc. WM DP24
SHB 1590 f Enrollment stabilization Dolan,etc. WM DPA14 DNP10
SHB 1593 f Landlord mitigation/victims Leavitt,etc. WM DP24
HB 1611 f Highly capable students Dolan,Steele,etc. EDU DPA9
HB 1613 Employer reports/private Sells,Berry,etc.,ESD LCTA DP8
SHB 1615 Cosmetics tested on animals Walen,etc. LAW DP5 w/oRec2 DNP1
SHB 1616 f Charity care Simmons,etc. WM DPA (HLTC)14 DNP8 w/oRec2
SHB 1617 f State and school holidays Morgan,etc. EDU DP7 w/oRec2
ESHB 1619 f Appliance efficiency Fitzgibbon,etc. ENET DP8 DNP4
SHB 1620 f Extreme weather events Leavitt,etc. WM DP18 w/oRec5 DNP1
HB 1622 f Sex. assault nurse education Mosbrucker,Orwall,etc. HEWD DP5
HB 1625 f Space force reserve members Bronoske,Leavitt,etc. LCTA DP8
SHB 1626 f WDFW electronic licensing Chapman,etc. AWNP DP7
ESHB 1629 f Aerial imaging technology Dolan,etc. WM DP16 w/oRec4 DNP4
ESHB 1630 f Weapons/certain meetings Senn,etc. LAW DP5 DNP4
SHB 1642 National guard ed. grants Leavitt,etc. HEWD DP5
ESHB 1643 f Affordable housing/REET Hackney,etc. WM DPA22 DNP2
SHB 1644 f Pupil transp./electric Senn,etc. EDU DP7 w/oRec2
HB 1647 f Building for the arts Tharinger,Leavitt,etc. WM DP23
HB 1648 f Accountancy/inactive license Vick,Kirby,etc. BFST DP6
SHB 1649 WDFW disabilities adv. comm. Shewmake,etc. AWNP DP7
HB 1651 f Postpartum contraception Thai,Macri,etc. HLTC DP10 w/oRec1
SHB 1655 f Safety rest areas Griffey,etc. TRAN DPA17
E2SHB 1659 f Higher education grants Slatter,etc. WM DP13 DNP9 w/oRec2
ESHB 1660 f Accessory dwelling units Shewmake,etc. HLG DPA6 DNP5
E2SHB 1663 f Landfill methane emissions Duerr,etc. WM DPA13 DNP10
2SHB 1664 f Schools/support funding Rule,etc. WM DPA19 w/oRec4 DNP1
HB 1666 f Public infra./tax valuation Wylie,Orcutt WM DP17 w/oRec4 DNP3
ESHB 1673 f Public works board/broadband Ryu,etc. ENET DPA11 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1688 f Out-of-network health care Cody,etc. WM w/oRec21
ESHB 1689 f Biomarker testing prior auth Walen,etc. HLTC DPA11 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1691 f Oil spills/financial resp. Gregerson,etc. WM DP18 DNP3 w/oRec2
ESHB 1694 f Chemicals/consumer products Berry,etc. WM DP13 DNP6 w/oRec3
ESHB 1699 f Work in retirement/schools Bergquist,etc. WM DPA20 w/oRec2 DNP2
HB 1700 f Derelict vessel removal Paul,Griffey,etc.,RES WM DP20 DNP3 w/oRec1
SHB 1701 f LEOFF benefits Bergquist,etc. WM DP24
HB 1704 f Service contracts Kirby,Vick,etc. BFST DP7
ESHB 1705 f Untraceable guns Berry,etc. LAW DP5 DNP3
SHB 1706 Truck drivers/restrooms Sells,etc. LCTA DPA8
SHB 1708 Audio-only telemed fac fees Cody,etc. HLTC DP10 w/oRec1
ESHB 1716 Ballot casting locations Valdez,etc. SGE DP4
SHB 1717 f GMA planning/tribes Pollet,etc. WM DP23 w/oRec1
E2SHB 1723 f Telecommunications access Gregerson,etc. WM DPA13 w/oRec7 DNP4
SHB 1724 Supportive housing resources Macri,etc. HLG DP11
SHB 1725 f Missing indigenous persons Lekanoff,etc. WM DPA (LAW)24
SHB 1728 Insulin work group reauth. Maycumber,etc. HLTC DPA12
E2SHB 1736 f State student loan program Sullivan,etc. WM DPA14 DNP9 w/oRec1
HB 1738 f Housing finance comm'n debt Peterson,Bateman,etc.,HFC HLG DP6 DNP5
HB 1739 f Hospital policies/pathogens Maycumber,Cody,etc. HLTC DP10 w/oRec1 DNP1
SHB 1747 f Child relative placements Ortiz-Self,etc. WM DP23
2SHB 1751 f Hazing prevention Leavitt,etc. WM DPA24
EHB 1752 f Deferred compensation/Roth Stokesbary,Bergquist,etc.,LPRB WM DP24
ESHB 1753 Climate funding/tribes Lekanoff,etc. WM DP23 w/oRec1
SHB 1759 f School websites/drug info. Callan,etc. EDU DPA8 DNP1
HB 1765 f Health benefit ex./B&O tax Chopp,Cody,etc.,OFM WM DP24
SHB 1768 f Energy conservation projects Duerr,etc. ENET DP9 DNP3
SHB 1773 f Assisted outpatient treat. Taylor,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec9 DNP1
HB 1780 f Workforce investment board Slatter,Chambers WM DP24
EHB 1784 f License plate visibility Thai TRAN DP16
SHB 1789 f Adult family homes/prop. tax Ramos,etc. WM DP23 DNP1
SHB 1790 Temporary license plates Ramos,etc. TRAN DP13 w/oRec3
ESHB 1795 Nondisclosure/illegal acts Berry,etc. LCTA DP5 DNP4
E2SHB 1799 Organic materials management Fitzgibbon,etc. WM DPA (ENET)13 DNP10 w/oRec1
SHB 1800 f Behavioral health/minors Eslick,etc. WM DPA (BH)22 w/oRec2
HB 1804 f Military service credit Paul,Griffey,etc.,SCPP,LPRB WM DP24
HB 1805 f Opportunity scholarship prog Paul,Boehnke,etc. WM DPA (HEWD)24
E2SHB 1812 f Energy facility site council Fitzgibbon,etc. WM DPA (ENET)13 DNP9 w/oRec2
E2SHB 1815 f Catalytic converter theft Ryu,etc. TRAN DPA16
2SHB 1818 f Reentry and rehabilitation Simmons,etc. WM DP18 w/oRec4 DNP2
HB 1825 f Single judge courts Dye,Orwall,etc.,AFC LAW DPA8
2SHB 1827 Community reinvestment Morgan,etc. WM DP13 DNP10 w/oRec1
HB 1832 f Code city form of government Springer,Vick,etc. HLG DP11
HB 1833 f School meals/electronic info Berg,Riccelli,etc. EDU DP9
2SHB 1835 f Postsecondary enrollment Hansen,etc. WM DPA14 w/oRec5 DNP5
EHB 1837 Musculoskeletal injuries Bronoske,Ortiz-Self,etc. LCTA DPA5 DNP4
ESHB 1852 f Prescription drug labels Thai,etc. HLTC DPA7 DNP5
HB 1859 f Cannabis analysis labs Kloba,Chambers,etc.,AGR,LACB WM DPA (LCTA)24
2SHB 1860 f Behavioral health discharge Davis,etc. WM DPA (BH)23 w/oRec1
ESHB 1866 f Supportive housing Chopp,etc. WM DPA13 w/oRec7 DNP4
SHB 1867 f Dual credit program data Paul,etc. EDU DP9
SHB 1876 f Ballot measures/impact discl Gregerson,etc. SGE DPA3 DNP2
HB 1888 f Working fam. credit/rates Thai,Berry,etc. WM DP21 DNP2 w/oRec1
2SHB 1890 f Children behavioral health Callan,etc. WM DPA (BH)24
SHB 1893 EMTs/public health Donaghy,etc. HLTC DP11 w/oRec1
SHB 1901 f Civil protection orders Goodman,etc. WM DPA14 DNP10
SHB 1902 Workers' comp reopening Schmick,etc. LCTA DPA9
2SHB 1905 Homelessness/youth discharge Senn,etc. WM DP24
HB 1907 f Gift equity packaging Steele,Jacobsen HEWD DP5
HB 1920 f Child abuse/res. facilities Wicks,Lekanoff,DCYF HSRR DP7
HB 1927 f Legislative service leave Riccelli,Sullivan,etc. LCTA DP6 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1928 f Equine industry support Schmick,Stokesbary,etc. WM DPA19 w/oRec3 DNP2
ESHB 1930 f Cosmetologists, etc/licenses Jacobsen,etc. BFST DP7
EHB 1931 f Hydropower license fees Fey,ECY WM DP23 w/oRec1
HB 1934 f Tribal exchange agreements Fey,Robertson,etc.,DOT TRAN DP17
SHB 1941 f Active shooter drills Walen EDU DP9
EHB 1942 f Paraeducator course of study Donaghy,Stonier,etc. EDU DP9
HB 1953 Sensitive voter information Valdez,Volz,etc.,SEC SGE DP5
SHB 1955 f Dependency/education Rule,etc. EDU DP9
ESHB 1956 f Incarcerated individuals/PRA Hackney,etc. SGE DPA3 DNP2
SHB 1957 Disaster recovery assistance Rule,etc. WM DPA (BFST)23 w/oRec1
SHB 1958 Shovel-ready site cert. Berg,etc. WM DP24
SHB 1961 Name change fee waivers Peterson,etc. LAW DP5 DNP3
SHB 1967 f Nonprofits/property tax Steele,etc. WM DPA (BFST)24
HB 1974 f Education elections/WSSDA Ybarra,Callan,SPI EDU DP6 w/oRec3
HB 1975 Management/housing auths Wylie,Harris,etc. HLG DPA11
HB 1978 f Shoreline master programs Duerr,Pollet ENET DP12
SHB 1980 Concurrent services Taylor,etc. WM DP24
EHB 1982 f Property tax penalties Volz,Caldier,etc. WM DP24
SHB 1984 f Vehicle reg. cert. addresses Jacobsen,etc. TRAN DP16
SHB 2001 Tiny houses/GMA McCaslin,etc. HLG DP11
HB 2007 f Nurse educator loans Slatter,Cody,etc. WM DP24
2SHB 2008 f Dev. disability programs/IQ Taylor,etc. WM DPA (HSRR)24
HB 2010 f Homeless budgets & audits Donaghy,Peterson,etc.,WSDC HLG DP6 DNP5
SHB 2019 f Careers in retail Boehnke,etc. HEWD DP5
HB 2033 f Emergency and work zones Donaghy,Bronoske,etc. TRAN DP17
ESHB 2037 f Peace officers/use of force Goodman,etc. LAW DPA5 DNP3 w/oRec1
SHB 2050 f Parent pay/child detention Harris-Talley,etc. WM DP17 w/oRec7
SHB 2051 f Agricultural disaster assist Rule,etc. WM DP24
SHB 2057 $f State patrol workforce Valdez,etc. TRAN DPA10 DNP4 w/oRec3
HB 2058 f Parks & rec. leasehold tax Tharinger,Leavitt,etc. WM DP23 DNP1
ESHB 2059 f Real estate broker duties Gregerson,etc. BFST DPA5 w/oRec2
ESHB 2064 Residential tenant deposits Peterson,etc. HLG DP11
HB 2074 f Off-road vehicles fees Wylie TRAN DP16
E2SHB 2075 f DSHS service requirements Peterson,etc. HSRR DPA4 w/oRec3
ESHB 2076 f Transp. network companies Berry,etc. TRAN DPA13 w/oRec2 DNP1
2SHB 2078 f Outdoor learning grant prg. Rule,etc. WM DPA22 w/oRec1 DNP1
EHB 2096 f Working families' tax exempt Thai,Frame,etc.,DOR WM DP22 DNP2
HB 2097 f First-time home buyer def. Donaghy,Ryu,etc. WM DP21 w/oRec3
HB 2098 f Home rehab. loan program Shewmake,Ramel,etc. WM DP24
SGA 9006 KAREN T. LEE, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9027 REGINALD GEORGE, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9028 GLENN A. JOHNSON, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9031 BRADLEY F. SMITH, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9041 JUANITA J. KAMPHUIS, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9042 MARIA J. CHRISTIANSON, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9045 RON SIMS, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9047 DENNIS W. MATHEWS, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9049 D. MICHAEL KELLY, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9050 NANCY L. MCDANIEL, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9051 DEBBIE J. AHL, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9052 ASTRID E. AVELEDO, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9053 ELAINE CHU, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9054 JEREMY JAECH, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9055 THOMAS W. LUX, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9056 ROBERT H. MALTE, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9058 TERESA N. TAYLOR, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9060 PAUL B. SPEER, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9061 LILY CLIFTON, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9067 ELI TAYLOR, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9077 MARK P. MARTINEZ, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9078 SUSANA REYES, Member, State Board of Education EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9086 ISABEL A. COLE, Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals LCTA BC7 NBC1
SGA 9091 KEN A. LARSEN, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC9 w/oRec2
SGA 9092 WENDY L. LAWRENCE, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC10 w/oRec1
SGA 9095 FLORENCE S. CHANG, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9099 GUADALUPE GAMBOA, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9100 MOLLY F. LINVILLE, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC5 NBC2
SGA 9102 CANDELARIO GONZALEZ, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9107 MEGHAN B. QUINT, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9109 ADRIANNE WAGNER, Member, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9110 JUANITA D. RICHARDS, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9111 WENDY K. BOHLKE, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9112 HARRIETTE C. BRYANT, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9113 KRISTIN M. RAY, Member, Pierce College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9114 MEGAN S. O'BRYAN, Member, Skagit Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9115 EBEN POBEE, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9116 RICHARD G. FUKUTAKI, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9117 ANNE E. HAMILTON, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9118 MICHAEL D. WILSON, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9119 SARA I. CATE, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9120 CONSTANCE W. RICE, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9121 ROGELIO RIOJAS, Member, University of Washington Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9122 MICHELLE LIBERTY, Member, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9124 F. MARIBEL VILCHEZ, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9125 WESLEY HENSON, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9128 NORRIS "NORRIE" GREGOIRE, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC9
SGA 9129 DONA PONEPINTO, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9130 STANLEY RUMBAUGH, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC8
SGA 9133 CAROL MITCHELL, Member, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9135 JENNIFER G. ACUNA, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9136 ROBERT HAND, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9142 TONY F. GOLIK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC9
SGA 9151 HOLLY M. SILER, Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9155 ANN M. ROBBINS, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9158 GERALD L. MARTIN, Member, Everett Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9160 WILMA CARTAGENA, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9163 CHASE D. FRANKLIN, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9164 LURA J. POWELL, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9167 LORI M. RAMSDELL, Member, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board HSRR BC7
SGA 9172 FRANKIE L. COLEMAN, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9186 HARRY L. CARTHUM, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9188 ALLIE M. JOINER, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9189 NANCY J. SINKOVITZ, Member, Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth EDU BC6 w/oRec3
SGA 9194 VICKI L. LOWE, Member, Washington State Women’s Commission SGE BC5
SGA 9196 JAMES M. MOHR, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC9
SGA 9202 ANNA FRANZ, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9203 RICHARD, JR. E. LEIGH, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9204 ARLENE M. PIERINI, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9205 JENNIFER RAMIREZ ROBSON, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9206 JAY A. REICH, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC5
SGA 9207 CHARLES C. STANLEY, Member, Centralia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9211 RICHARD P. KAISER, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9212 MICHAEL KARNOFSKI, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9214 JAMES R. SAYCE, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9215 THERESE N. PASQUIER, Member, Pierce College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9216 JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9218 TOM ECKMANN, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9219 KIMBERLY L. HARPER, Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9220 COLLEEN F. PONTO, Member, Cascadia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9221 PAULA ARNO MARTINEZ, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9222 CRISTHIAN A. CANSECO JUAREZ, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9223 DOUG MAH, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9224 FRIEDA K. TAKAMURA, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9225 TERESITA BATAYOLA, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9226 CASTULO (CUS) ARTEAGA, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9227 JOSEPH S. BOWMAN IV, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9229 LISA T. KEOHOKALOLE SCHAUER, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9234 TIA H. BENSON TOLLE, Member, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9235 KIANTHA L. DUNCAN, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9239 TIMOTHY BURT, Member, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9241 WILLIAM C. HOUSER, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC9
SGA 9243 TORAYA MILLER , Member, Everett Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9245 ANN E. RENDAHL, Member, Utilities and Transportation Commission ENET BC9 w/oRec2 NBC1
SGA 9250 LORNA SMITH, Member, Fish and Wildlife Commission AWNP BC4 NBC3
SGA 9252 LAYNE BLADOW, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9258 MARIKO K. DOERNER, Member, Skagit Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9267 JEFF DAVIS, Member, South Puget Sound Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9268 BERTHA ORTEGA, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9276 JEFF SBAIH, Member, Human Rights Commission LAW BC5 NBC4
SGA 9277 ERIN L. BLACK, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9285 MARTIN VALADEZ, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC5
SGA 9302 KIM WELLS, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9303 REBECCA A. CHAN, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9304 BRIAN SURRATT, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9316 WILLIAM S. KEHOE, Director, Washington Technology Solutions - Agency Head ENET BC12
SGA 9320 NICOLE R. BASCOMB, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC11
SGA 9324 BRIAN SURRATT, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC9 w/oRec1
SGA 9325 DAWN E. RAINS, Member, Washington State Women’s Commission SGE BC5
SGA 9326 CARL J. ZAPORA, Member, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9327 LOIS BERNSTEIN, Member, Tacoma Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9328 TARA C. SMITH, Director, Department of Enterprise Services - Agency Head SGE BC5
SGA 9334 JOHN M. MEYER, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9335 ROBERT L. NELLAMS, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9336 MAUREEN P. WEST, Member, Western Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9337 LAURA S. WILDFONG, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9338 BEN BAGHERPOUR, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC5
SGA 9339 CLEMENCIA CASTRO-WOOLERY, Member, Pierce College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9341 JOHN SUK, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9343 JEANNE K. BENNETT, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9344 JACELYN M. BOSCHOK, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9347 ROSA PERALTA, Member, Seattle College District Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9348 MARK C. SCHEIBMEIR, Member, Centralia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9351 PRETRINA L. MULLINS, Member, Centralia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9353 KELLY A. SHEPHERD, Member, Everett Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9355 AMY E. PARRIS, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9356 SANDRA P. BENDIXEN, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC16
SGA 9359 OFELIA P. BREDT, Member, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9360 OZELL M. JACKSON III, Member, Skagit Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9362 CHERYL A. MILLER, Member, Olympic College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9364 JOE W. FLOYD, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9366 SASCHA WEST, Member, Bellevue College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9368 CLAIRE S. RONEY, Member, Peninsula College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9369 TIMOTHY G. WETTACK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission LAW BC7
SGA 9370 SHAUNIE J. WHEELER - JAMES, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9373 TRAVIS A. EXSTROM, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9374 STEVEN H. YOSHIHARA, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9375 PATRICK BALDOZ, Member, Yakima Valley Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9379 BRETT BLANKENSHIP, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9380 CHRISTINA BLOCKER, Member, Bates Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9382 DENISE E. GIDEON, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9383 TARA LEER, Member, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9384 HEATHER B. REDMAN, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC4
SGA 9390 DEBRA J. ENTENMAN, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4
SGA 9392 LOWEL J. KRUEGER, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC11
SGA 9393 ALISHIA F. TOPPER, Member, Housing Finance Commission HLG BC11
SGA 9398 JASON R. HAMILTON, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC16
SGA 9400 GARY D. CHANDLER, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5

Total Count: 314