Washington State Senate 1st Order

2022 Regular Session of the 67th Legislature
DENNY HECK, President of the Senate KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem
SARAH BANNISTER, Secretary of the Senate STEVE CONWAY, Vice President Pro Tem
JOHN LOVICK, Vice President Pro Tem

January 26, 2022 - Wednesday 17TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SB 5515 f Hospitality employment/B&O BFST DPS6 DNP1 WM
SB 5609 f Juvenile fingerprinting HSRR DP5 w/oRec2 RULE
SB 5620 f Medicaid expenditures WM DPS22 w/oRec2 RULE
SB 5654 f Health benefit ex./B&O tax WM DP24 RULE
SB 5694 f DOC-tribal agreements HSRR DP7 RULE
SB 5725 LCEDIR/tourism slogan BFST DP7 RULE
SB 5728 f Drug forfeiture collections WM DPS24 RULE
SB 5729 f Hearing deadlines/good cause HSRR DPS7 RULE
SB 5745 f Personal needs allowance HSRR DP7 WM
SB 5760 f Motion picture program BFST DPS7 WM
SB 5764 f Apprenticeships & higher ed. HEWD DPS5 WM
SB 5770 Convention economy grants BFST DPS7 WM
SB 5771 f Basic ed./caseload forecast HEWD DP5 WM
SB 5785 Transitional food assistance HSRR DPS7 WM
SB 5810 f Legal service plans BFST DPS7 RULE
SJM 8006 National infrastructure bank BFST DP4 DNP3 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1732 f Long-term care/delay WM DP23 DNP1 RULE
ESHB 1733 f Long-term care/exemptions WM DP14 w/oRec9 DNP1 RULE