1445-S2 AMH CONN BUR 143
2SHB 1445 - H AMD 825
By Representative Connors
On page 2, beginning on line 34, after "(1)" strike "As a matter of state interest and public concern under RCW 43.10.030(1)" and
insert "Upon a written finding of reasonable cause by the attorney general that a law enforcement or corrections agency has engaged in a
pattern or practice of violating clearly established rights under the
Washington state constitution, RCW 10.120.020, or RCW 10.93.160"
On page 2, beginning on line 37, after "act" strike ", for a
violation of the Washington state Constitution or state law, including
where insufficient accountability systems, training, and policies at
the agency lead to such violations"
| EFFECT: Requires the Attorney General, prior to beginning an investigation of, or action against, a law enforcement or correction agency, to make a written finding of reasonable cause of a pattern or practice in violation of clearly established rights under the Washington state constitution, the state law governing permissible use of force by law enforcement, or the state law governing permissible use of immigration or citizenship status by law enforcement.
Strikes language authorizing an investigation or action on the basis of any violation of the state Constitution or state law, including where insufficient accountability systems, training, and policies at the agency lead to such violations. |
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