1445-S2 AMH SCHM BUR 147
2SHB 1445 - H AMD 823
By Representative Schmidt
On page 3, after line 29, insert the following:
"(5) Prior to the initiation of any action against a law
enforcement or corrections agency under this section, the attorney
general must exhaust all remedies to assist the law enforcement or
corrections agency in achieving compliance and ending the alleged unlawful pattern or practice. Such remedies may include, but are not limited to, legal analysis and legal advice, policy analysis and
policy development, assistance in acquiring and implementing accountability systems, funding for training, funding to recruit and
hire additional officers, funding to implement community policing models, assistance in achieving accreditation from a state or federally recognized law enforcement or corrections accrediting organization, recommending amendments to collective bargaining agreements, or challenging any arbitration or court ruling or other state requirement that contributed to the alleged unlawful pattern or
practice. Insufficient funding to the attorney general’s office is not a basis to fail to exhaust remedies required under this subsection."
| EFFECT: Requires the Attorney General, prior to taking any action against a law enforcement or corrections officer pursuant to the underlying bill, to exhaust all remedies to assist the agency in achieving compliance and ending the alleged unlawful pattern or practice. Provides that insufficient funding to the Attorney General's Office is not a basis to fail to exhaust remedies.
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