By Senator L. Wilson
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds and declares that firearms are not a threat to the public health and safety of Washingtonians. Firearms are a tool for self-defense, hunting, and developing skills. Certain firearms were banned in the United States from 1994 to 2004, but, statistically, the ban did not result in any measurable reduction in shootings or crime. Certain of these firearms have the capability to add on attachments, such as a flash suppressor, noise suppressor, or muzzle brake. These attachments make a firearm easier for vulnerable users to use. The legislature finds that the gun industry helps people defend themselves, feed themselves in the face of an ever-uncertain food supply, and provides a valuable skill-based form of recreation. Misuse of firearms should not be a reason to punish the industry or force the firearms industry out of business. In contrast, an escalation of the misuse of firearms should trigger more vigorous investigation, prosecution, and retribution for crimes. Income inequality, poverty, a lack of education, and a lack of opportunity for vulnerable and overburdened communities are the root cause of crime. In contrast to destroying viable industries and causing law abiding citizens to choose between defenselessness or criminalization, the legislature finds that it should find ways to create firm boundaries for people who engage in criminal behavior and invest in building communities, instead of outlawing industries and self-defense."