1362-S.E AMS SGE S2547.1
By Committee on State Government & Elections
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1. INTENT AND FINDINGS.(1) The legislature finds that requiring state agencies to report to the legislature is an important method of providing information and keeping the legislature informed on the implementation and impacts of legislation. Some reports provide information that is no longer relevant or useful to the legislature, which can be discerned by the lack of interest in the report. There are other reports that are redundant as the information is provided through other means. In addition, preparing reports is time consuming, and there may be better, more efficient mechanisms for sharing information with legislators as well as the public, such as posting the information on agency websites. Finally, some reports are required on a more frequent basis than is necessary, as the information does not change to an extent that merits the increased frequency.
(2) In order to improve agency efficiency and still ensure that information is publicly available and provided to the legislature as needed, it is the intent of this act to eliminate reports that no longer serve a relevant purpose, change reporting frequency where warranted, and provide alternative mechanisms in place of submitting reports where appropriate.
Sec. 2. RCW 28A.180.020 and 2017 c 123 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The superintendent of public instruction shall review annually the transitional bilingual instruction program and shall submit a report of such review to the legislature on or before ((February))March 1st of each year.
Sec. 3. RCW 28A.230.150 and 2018 c 109 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) On January 16th of each year or the preceding Friday when January 16th falls on a nonschool day, there shall be observed within each public school "Temperance and Good Citizenship Day." Annually the state superintendent of public instruction shall duly prepare and publish for circulation among the teachers of the state a program for use on such day embodying topics pertinent thereto and may from year to year designate particular laws for special observance.
(2) Each year on "Temperance and Good Citizenship Day," social studies teachers must, as resources allow, coordinate a voter registration event in each history or social studies class attended by high school seniors. This event is part of the future voter program. Teachers must make voter sign up and registration available to all students.
(3) County auditors may, as resources allow, help coordinate elements of the future voter program, and participate in voter registration events for students on "Temperance and Good Citizenship Day."
(4) On each temperance and good citizenship day all students who will be eighteen years of age or older by the time of the next general election will be given the opportunity to register to vote online in the classroom. Paper registration must also be made available in the classroom. Students who do not possess a state identicard or driver's license must be provided a paper registration form. The event must include adequate time for students to complete the registration process in class.
(5) The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the secretary of state, must update and distribute youth voter registration materials annually, by December 1st, for eligible students to register to vote at school. Electronic notification of the availability of the materials must be distributed to high school principals and secondary social studies and history teachers.
(6) The superintendent of public instruction must consult with the secretary of state to provide registration methods that enable the electronic collection of information on the number of students who registered to vote on "Temperance and Good Citizenship Day," with the goal of achieving at least fifty thousand new voter registrations for seventeen and eighteen year olds annually, beginning in January 2020.
(7) Beginning March 1, 2020, and annually thereafter by May 1st, the superintendent of public instruction must report on yearly progress toward the goal established in subsection (((5)))(6) of this section, including the number of ((seventeen))17 and ((eighteen))18 year olds registered to vote by county and recommendations for increasing youth voter registration, to the governor and the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in accordance with RCW 43.01.036.
(8) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Future voter program" refers to the information that may be collected by a number of processes about a future voter. Information that is otherwise disclosable under chapter 29A.08 RCW cannot be disclosed on the future voter until the person reaches age eighteen, except for the purpose of processing and delivering ballots.
(b) "Sign up" means the act of providing information relevant to eventual official voter registration, prior to such time that he or she will be eighteen years of age by the next election.
Sec. 4. RCW 28A.300.476 and 2022 c 109 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) By February 1, 2023, and by ((February))March 1st every odd-numbered year thereafter, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall submit, in accordance with RCW 43.01.036, to the appropriate committees of the legislature a report analyzing the implementation of RCW 28A.150.260(5)(b), related to physical, social, and emotional support staff.
(2) For the analysis, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must use personnel data reported on or around October 1st of the report year and the prior year, and any other relevant data.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the report must:
(a) Compare the staffing units provided for nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, classified staff providing student and staff safety, and parent involvement coordinators under RCW 28A.150.260(5) to the actual school district staffing levels for physical, social, and emotional support staff, disaggregate by school district; and
(b) Analyze trends with respect to: (i) Employed staff and contract staff; and (ii) the percentage of staff with a valid educational staff associate certificate. These trends must be disaggregated by assignment duty code, as well as analyzed year over year and by school district size and geography.
(4) For the report due February 1, 2023, the office of the superintendent of public instruction is required to complete the analysis described in subsection (3) of this section only to the extent that relevant data are available.
(5) For the purposes of this section, "physical, social, and emotional support staff" or "staff" has the same meaning as in RCW 28A.150.260(5)(b).
(6) This section expires June 30, 2030.
Sec. 5. RCW 28A.300.615 and 2020 c 8 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) By ((October))March 1st of each year, a school district must report to the office of the superintendent of public instruction:
(a) The number of substitute teachers hired per school year;
(b) The number of hours worked by each substitute teacher;
(c) The number of substitute teachers that received benefits under the school employees' benefits board;
(d) The full daily compensation rate per substitute teacher; and
(e) The reason for hiring the substitute teacher.
(2) By ((January))May 1st of each year, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must post on its website the information identified in subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 6. RCW 28A.655.090 and 2019 c 252 s 120 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) By September 10, 1998, and by ((September 10th))October 1st each year thereafter, the superintendent of public instruction shall report to schools, school districts, and the legislature on the results of the statewide student assessment.
(2) The reports shall include the assessment results by school and school district, and include changes over time. For the statewide student assessment, results shall be reported as follows:
(a) The percentage of students meeting the standards;
(b) The percentage of students performing at each level of the assessment;
(c) Disaggregation of results by at least the following subgroups of students: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian Native, low income, transitional bilingual, migrant, special education, and, beginning with the 2009-10 school year, students covered by section 504 of the federal rehabilitation act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794); and
(d) A learning improvement ((index))indicator that shows changes in student performance within the different levels of student learning reported on the statewide student assessment.
(3) The reports shall contain data regarding the different characteristics of schools, such as poverty levels, percent of English as a second language students, dropout rates, attendance, percent of students in special education, and student mobility so that districts and schools can learn from the improvement efforts of other schools and districts with similar characteristics.
(4) ((The reports shall contain student scores on mandated tests by comparable Washington schools of similar characteristics.
(5))) The reports shall contain information on public school choice options available to students, including vocational education.
(((6)))(5) The reports shall be posted on the superintendent of public instruction's internet website.
(((7)))(6) To protect the privacy of students, the results of schools and districts that test fewer than ten students in a grade level shall not be reported. In addition, in order to ensure that results are reported accurately, the superintendent of public instruction shall maintain the confidentiality of statewide data files until the superintendent determines that the data are complete and accurate.
(((8)))(7) The superintendent of public instruction shall monitor the percentage and number of special education and limited English-proficient students exempted from taking the assessments by schools and school districts to ensure the exemptions are in compliance with exemption guidelines.
Sec. 7. RCW 28A.655.260 and 2021 c 144 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall collect the following information from school districts: Which of the graduation pathways under RCW 28A.655.250 are available to students at each of the school districts; and the number of students using each graduation pathway for graduation purposes. This information shall be reported ((annually)) to the education committees of the legislature beginning January 10, 2021, and by March 10th each year thereafter. To the extent feasible, data on student participation in each of the graduation pathways shall be disaggregated by race, ethnicity, gender, and receipt of free or reduced-price lunch.
(2) Beginning August 1, 2019, the state board of education shall survey interested parties regarding what additional graduation pathways should be added to the existing graduation pathways identified in RCW 28A.655.250 and whether modifications should be made to any of the existing pathways. Interested parties shall include at a minimum: High school students; recent high school graduates; representatives from the state board for community and technical colleges and four-year higher education institutions; representatives from the apprenticeship and training council; associations representing business; members of the educational opportunity gap oversight and accountability committee; and associations representing educators, school board members, school administrators, superintendents, and parents. The state board of education shall provide reports to the education committees of the legislature by August 1, 2020, and December 10, 2022, summarizing the information collected in the surveys.
(3) Using the data reported by the superintendent of public instruction under subsection (1) of this section, the state board of education shall survey a sampling of the school districts unable to provide all of the graduation pathways under RCW 28A.655.250 in order to identify the types of barriers to implementation school districts have. Using the survey results from this subsection and the survey results collected under subsection (2) of this section, the state board of education shall review the existing graduation pathways, suggested changes to those graduation pathways, and the options for additional graduation pathways, and shall provide a report to the education committees of the legislature by December 10, 2022, on the following:
(a) Recommendations on whether changes to the existing pathways should be made and what those changes should be;
(b) The barriers school districts have to offering all of the graduation pathways and recommendations for ways to eliminate or reduce those barriers for school districts;
(c) Whether all students have equitable access to all of the graduation pathways and, if not, recommendations for reducing the barriers students may have to accessing all of the graduation pathways; and
(d) Whether additional graduation pathways should be included and recommendations for what those pathways should be.
Sec. 8. RCW 43.43.545 and 2020 c 26 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The Washington state patrol shall create and operate a statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. The Washington state patrol may contract with state or nonstate entities including, but not limited to, private software and technology providers, for the creation, operation, and maintenance of the system.
(2) The statewide sexual assault kit tracking system must:
(a) Track the location and status of sexual assault kits throughout the criminal justice process, including the initial collection in examinations performed at medical facilities, receipt and storage at law enforcement agencies, receipt and analysis at forensic laboratories, and storage and any destruction after completion of analysis;
(b) Designate sexual assault kits as unreported or reported;
(c) Indicate whether a sexual assault kit contains biological materials collected for the purpose of forensic toxicological analysis;
(d) Allow medical facilities performing sexual assault forensic examinations, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, the Washington state patrol bureau of forensic laboratory services, and other entities having custody of sexual assault kits to update and track the status and location of sexual assault kits;
(e) Allow victims of sexual assault to anonymously track or receive updates regarding the status of their sexual assault kits; and
(f) Use electronic technology or technologies allowing continuous access.
(3) The Washington state patrol may use a phased implementation process in order to launch the system and facilitate entry and use of the system for required participants. The Washington state patrol may phase initial participation according to region, volume, or other appropriate classifications. All entities having custody of sexual assault kits shall fully participate in the system no later than June 1, 2018. The Washington state patrol shall submit a report on the current status and plan for launching the system, including the plan for phased implementation, to the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices, the appropriate committees of the legislature, and the governor no later than January 1, 2017.
(4) The Washington state patrol shall submit ((a semiannual))an annual report on the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system to the joint legislative task force on sexual assault forensic examination best practices, the appropriate committees of the legislature, and the governor. The Washington state patrol may publish the current report on its website. The first report is due ((July 31, 2018))January 31, 2024, and subsequent reports are due January 31st ((and July 31st)) of each year. The report must include the following:
(a) The total number of sexual assault kits in the system statewide and by jurisdiction;
(b) The total and semiannual number of sexual assault kits where forensic analysis has been completed statewide and by jurisdiction;
(c) The number of sexual assault kits added to the system in the reporting period statewide and by jurisdiction;
(d) The total and semiannual number of sexual assault kits where forensic analysis has been requested but not completed statewide and by jurisdiction;
(e) The average and median length of time for sexual assault kits to be submitted for forensic analysis after being added to the system, including separate sets of data for all sexual assault kits in the system statewide and by jurisdiction and for sexual assault kits added to the system in the reporting period statewide and by jurisdiction;
(f) The average and median length of time for forensic analysis to be completed on sexual assault kits after being submitted for analysis, including separate sets of data for all sexual assault kits in the system statewide and by jurisdiction and for sexual assault kits added to the system in the reporting period statewide and by jurisdiction;
(g) The total and semiannual number of sexual assault kits destroyed or removed from the system statewide and by jurisdiction;
(h) The total number of sexual assault kits, statewide and by jurisdiction, where forensic analysis has not been completed and six months or more have passed since those sexual assault kits were added to the system; and
(i) The total number of sexual assault kits, statewide and by jurisdiction, where forensic analysis has not been completed and one year or more has passed since those sexual assault kits were added to the system.
(5) For the purpose of reports under subsection (4) of this section, a sexual assault kit must be assigned to the jurisdiction associated with the law enforcement agency anticipated to receive the sexual assault kit or otherwise having custody of the sexual assault kit.
(6) Any public agency or entity, including its officials and employees, and any hospital and its employees providing services to victims of sexual assault may not be held civilly liable for damages arising from any release of information or the failure to release information related to the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system, so long as the release was without gross negligence.
(7) The Washington state patrol shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.
(8) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Reported sexual assault kit" means a sexual assault kit where a law enforcement agency has received a related report or complaint alleging a sexual assault or other crime has occurred;
(b) "Sexual assault kit" includes all evidence collected during a sexual assault medical forensic examination; and
(c) "Unreported sexual assault kit" means a sexual assault kit where a law enforcement agency has not received a related report or complaint alleging a sexual assault or other crime has occurred.
Sec. 9. RCW 43.63A.510 and 2018 c 217 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department must work with the designated agencies to identify, catalog, and recommend best use of under-utilized, state-owned land and property suitable for the development of affordable housing for very low-income, low-income or moderate-income households. The designated agencies must provide an inventory of real property that is owned or administered by each agency and is vacant or available for lease or sale. The department must work with the designated agencies to include in the inventories a consolidated list of any property transactions executed by the agencies under the authority of RCW 39.33.015, including the property appraisal, the terms and conditions of sale, lease, or transfer, the value of the public benefit, and the impact of transaction to the agency. The inventories with revisions must be provided to the department by November 1st of each year.
(2) The department must consolidate inventories into two groups: Properties suitable for consideration in affordable housing development; and properties not suitable for consideration in affordable housing development. In making this determination, the department must use industry accepted standards such as: Location, approximate lot size, current land use designation, and current zoning classification of the property. The department shall provide a recommendation, based on this grouping, ((to the office of financial management and appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature))by posting the information on the department's website by December 1st of each year.
(3) Upon written request, the department shall provide a copy of the inventory of state-owned and publicly owned lands and buildings to parties interested in developing the sites for affordable housing.
(4) As used in this section:
(a) "Affordable housing" means residential housing that is rented or owned by a person who qualifies as a very low-income, low-income, or moderate-income household or who is from a special needs population, and whose monthly housing costs, including utilities other than telephone, do not exceed thirty percent of the household's monthly income.
(b) "Very low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose income is at or below fifty percent of the median income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the affordable housing is located.
(c) "Low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose income is more than fifty percent but is at or below eighty percent of the median income where the affordable housing is located.
(d) "Moderate-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose income is more than eighty percent but is at or below one hundred fifteen percent of the median income where the affordable housing is located.
(e) "Affordable housing development" means state-owned real property appropriate for sale, transfer, or lease to an affordable housing developer capable of:
(i) Receiving the property within one hundred eighty days; and
(ii) Creating affordable housing units for occupancy within thirty-six months from the time of transfer.
(f) "Designated agencies" means the Washington state patrol, the state parks and recreation commission, and the departments of natural resources, social and health services, corrections, and enterprise services.
Sec. 10. RCW 43.280.100 and 2013 c 121 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department of commerce shall annually prepare and ((submit an annual report to the legislature))post, on the department's website, the amount of revenue collected by local jurisdictions under RCW 9.68A.105, 9A.88.120, or 9A.88.140 and the expenditure of that revenue.
(2) Any funds remitted to the department of commerce pursuant to RCW 9.68A.105, 9A.88.120, or 9A.88.140 shall be spent on the fulfillment of the duties described in subsection (1) of this section. Any remaining funds may be spent on the administration of grants for services for victims of the commercial sex trade, consistent with this chapter.
Sec. 11. RCW 48.43.0128 and 2021 c 280 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A health carrier offering a nongrandfathered health plan or a plan deemed by the commissioner to have a short-term limited purpose or duration, or to be a student-only plan that is guaranteed renewable while the covered person is enrolled as a regular, full-time undergraduate student at an accredited higher education institution may not:
(a) In its benefit design or implementation of its benefit design, discriminate against individuals because of their age, expected length of life, present or predicted disability, degree of medical dependency, quality of life, or other health conditions; and
(b) With respect to the health plan or plan deemed by the commissioner to have a short-term limited purpose or duration, or to be a student-only plan that is guaranteed renewable while the covered person is enrolled as a regular, full-time undergraduate student at an accredited higher education institution, discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
(2) Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent a carrier from appropriately utilizing reasonable medical management techniques.
(3) For health plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2022:
(a) A health carrier may not deny or limit coverage for gender affirming treatment when that treatment is prescribed to an individual because of, related to, or consistent with a person's gender expression or identity, as defined in RCW 49.60.040, is medically necessary, and is prescribed in accordance with accepted standards of care.
(b) A health carrier may not apply categorical cosmetic or blanket exclusions to gender affirming treatment. When prescribed as medically necessary gender affirming treatment, a health carrier may not exclude as cosmetic services facial feminization surgeries and other facial gender affirming treatment, such as tracheal shaves, hair electrolysis, and other care such as mastectomies, breast reductions, breast implants, or any combination of gender affirming procedures, including revisions to prior treatment.
(c) A health carrier may not issue an adverse benefit determination denying or limiting access to gender affirming services, unless a health care provider with experience prescribing or delivering gender affirming treatment has reviewed and confirmed the appropriateness of the adverse benefit determination.
(d) Health carriers must comply with all network access rules and requirements established by the commissioner.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "gender affirming treatment" means a service or product that a health care provider, as defined in RCW 70.02.010, prescribes to an individual to treat any condition related to the individual's gender identity and is prescribed in accordance with generally accepted standards of care. Gender affirming treatment must be covered in a manner compliant with the federal mental health parity and addiction equity act of 2008 and the federal affordable care act. Gender affirming treatment can be prescribed to two spirit, transgender, nonbinary, intersex, and other gender diverse individuals.
(5) Nothing in this section may be construed to mandate coverage of a service that is not medically necessary.
(6) By December 1, 2022, the commissioner, in consultation with the health care authority and the department of health, must issue a report on geographic access to gender affirming treatment across the state. The report must include the number of gender affirming providers offering care in each county, the carriers and medicaid managed care organizations those providers have active contracts with, and the types of services provided by each provider in each region. The commissioner must update the report ((biannually))biennially and post the report on its website.
(7) The commissioner shall adopt any rules necessary to implement subsections (3), (4), and (5) of this section.
(8) Unless preempted by federal law, the commissioner shall adopt any rules necessary to implement subsections (1) and (2) of this section, consistent with federal rules and guidance in effect on January 1, 2017, implementing the patient protection and affordable care act.
Sec. 12. RCW 61.24.163 and 2018 c 306 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The foreclosure mediation program established in this section applies only to borrowers who have been referred to mediation by a housing counselor or attorney. The referral to mediation may be made any time after a notice of default has been issued but no later than twenty days after the date a notice of sale has been recorded. If the borrower has failed to elect to mediate within the applicable time frame, the borrower and the beneficiary may, but are under no duty to, agree in writing to enter the foreclosure mediation program. The mediation program under this section is not governed by chapter 7.07 RCW and does not preclude mediation required by a court or other provision of law.
(2) A housing counselor or attorney referring a borrower to mediation shall send a notice to the borrower and the department, stating that mediation is appropriate.
(3) Within ten days of receiving the notice, the department shall:
(a) Send a notice to the beneficiary, the borrower, the housing counselor or attorney who referred the borrower, and the trustee stating that the parties have been referred to mediation. The notice must include the statements and list of documents and information described in subsections (4) and (5) of this section and a statement explaining each party's responsibility to pay the mediator's fee; and
(b) Select a mediator and notify the parties of the selection.
(4) Within twenty-three days of the department's notice that the parties have been referred to mediation, the borrower shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the beneficiary. The required documents include an initial homeowner financial information worksheet as required by the department. The worksheet must include, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) The borrower's current and future income;
(b) Debts and obligations;
(c) Assets;
(d) Expenses;
(e) Tax returns for the previous two years;
(f) Hardship information;
(g) Other applicable information commonly required by any applicable federal mortgage relief program.
(5) Within twenty days of the beneficiary's receipt of the borrower's documents, the beneficiary shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the borrower. The required documents include:
(a) An accurate statement containing the balance of the loan within thirty days of the date on which the beneficiary's documents are due to the parties;
(b) Copies of the note and deed of trust;
(c) Proof that the entity claiming to be the beneficiary is the owner of any promissory note or obligation secured by the deed of trust. Sufficient proof may be a copy of the declaration described in RCW 61.24.030(7)(a);
(d) The best estimate of any arrearage and an itemized statement of the arrearages;
(e) An itemized list of the best estimate of fees and charges outstanding;
(f) The payment history and schedule for the preceding twelve months, or since default, whichever is longer, including a breakdown of all fees and charges claimed;
(g) All borrower-related and mortgage-related input data used in any net present values analysis. If no net present values analysis is required by the applicable federal mortgage relief program, then the input data required under the federal deposit insurance corporation and published in the federal deposit insurance corporation loan modification program guide, or if that calculation becomes unavailable, substantially similar input data as determined by the department;
(h) An explanation regarding any denial for a loan modification, forbearance, or other alternative to foreclosure in sufficient detail for a reasonable person to understand why the decision was made;
(i) Appraisal or other broker price opinion most recently relied upon by the beneficiary not more than ninety days old at the time of the scheduled mediation; and
(j) The portion or excerpt of the pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction that prohibits the beneficiary from implementing a modification, if the beneficiary claims it cannot implement a modification due to limitations in a pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction, and documentation or a statement detailing the efforts of the beneficiary to obtain a waiver of the pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction provisions.
(6) Within seventy days of receiving the referral from the department, the mediator shall convene a mediation session in the county where the property is located, unless the parties agree on another location. The parties may agree to extend the time in which to schedule the mediation session. If the parties agree to extend the time, the beneficiary shall notify the trustee of the extension and the date the mediator is expected to issue the mediator's certification.
(7)(a) The mediator may schedule phone conferences, consultations with the parties individually, and other communications to ensure that the parties have all the necessary information and documents to engage in a productive mediation.
(b) The mediator must send written notice of the time, date, and location of the mediation session to the borrower, the beneficiary, and the department at least thirty days prior to the mediation session. At a minimum, the notice must contain:
(i) A statement that the borrower may be represented in the mediation session by an attorney or other advocate;
(ii) A statement that a person with authority to agree to a resolution, including a proposed settlement, loan modification, or dismissal or continuation of the foreclosure proceeding, must be present either in person or on the telephone or videoconference during the mediation session; and
(iii) A statement that the parties have a duty to mediate in good faith and that failure to mediate in good faith may impair the beneficiary's ability to foreclose on the property or the borrower's ability to modify the loan or take advantage of other alternatives to foreclosure.
(8)(a) The borrower, the beneficiary or authorized agent, and the mediator must meet in person for the mediation session. However, a person with authority to agree to a resolution on behalf of the beneficiary may be present over the telephone or videoconference during the mediation session.
(b) After the mediation session commences, the mediator may continue the mediation session once, and any further continuances must be with the consent of the parties.
(9) The participants in mediation must address the issues of foreclosure that may enable the borrower and the beneficiary to reach a resolution, including but not limited to reinstatement, modification of the loan, restructuring of the debt, or some other workout plan. To assist the parties in addressing issues of foreclosure, the mediator may require the participants to consider the following:
(a) The borrower's current and future economic circumstances, including the borrower's current and future income, debts, and obligations for the previous sixty days or greater time period as determined by the mediator;
(b) The net present value of receiving payments pursuant to a modified mortgage loan as compared to the anticipated net recovery following foreclosure;
(c) Any affordable loan modification calculation and net present value calculation when required under any federal mortgage relief program and any modification program related to loans insured by the federal housing administration, the veterans administration, and the rural housing service. If such a calculation is not provided or required, then the beneficiary must provide the net present value data inputs established by the federal deposit insurance corporation and published in the federal deposit insurance corporation loan modification program guide or other net present value data inputs as designated by the department. The mediator may run the calculation in order for a productive mediation to occur and to comply with the mediator certification requirement; and
(d) Any other loss mitigation guidelines to loans insured by the federal housing administration, the veterans administration, and the rural housing service, if applicable.
(10) A violation of the duty to mediate in good faith as required under this section may include:
(a) Failure to timely participate in mediation without good cause;
(b) Failure of the borrower or the beneficiary to provide the documentation required before mediation or pursuant to the mediator's instructions;
(c) Failure of a party to designate representatives with adequate authority to fully settle, compromise, or otherwise reach resolution with the borrower in mediation; and
(d) A request by a beneficiary that the borrower waive future claims he or she may have in connection with the deed of trust, as a condition of agreeing to a modification, except for rescission claims under the federal truth in lending act. Nothing in this section precludes a beneficiary from requesting that a borrower dismiss with prejudice any pending claims against the beneficiary, its agents, loan servicer, or trustee, arising from the underlying deed of trust, as a condition of modification.
(11) If the mediator reasonably believes a borrower will not attend a mediation session based on the borrower's conduct, such as the lack of response to the mediator's communications, the mediator may cancel a scheduled mediation session and send a written cancellation to the department and the trustee and send copies to the parties. The beneficiary may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the mediator's written confirmation of cancellation.
(12) Within seven business days after the conclusion of the mediation session, the mediator must send a written certification to the department and the trustee and send copies to the parties of:
(a) The date, time, and location of the mediation session;
(b) The names of all persons attending in person and by telephone or videoconference, at the mediation session;
(c) Whether a resolution was reached by the parties, including whether the default was cured by reinstatement, modification, or restructuring of the debt, or some other alternative to foreclosure was agreed upon by the parties;
(d) Whether the parties participated in the mediation in good faith; and
(e) If a written agreement was not reached, a description of any net present value test used, along with a copy of the inputs, including the result of any net present value test expressed in a dollar amount.
(13) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the beneficiary may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the mediator's written certification.
(14)(a) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary failed to act in good faith in mediation constitutes a defense to the nonjudicial foreclosure action that was the basis for initiating the mediation. In any action to enjoin the foreclosure, the beneficiary is entitled to rebut the allegation that it failed to act in good faith.
(b) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary failed to act in good faith during mediation does not constitute a defense to a judicial foreclosure or a future nonjudicial foreclosure action if a modification of the loan is agreed upon and the borrower subsequently defaults.
(c) If an affordable loan modification is not offered in the mediation or a written agreement was not reached and the mediator's certification shows that the net present value of the modified loan exceeds the anticipated net recovery at foreclosure, that showing in the certification constitutes a basis for the borrower to enjoin the foreclosure.
(15) The mediator's certification that the borrower failed to act in good faith in mediation authorizes the beneficiary to proceed with the foreclosure.
(16)(a) If a borrower has been referred to mediation before a notice of trustee sale has been recorded, a trustee may not record the notice of sale until the trustee receives the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been completed. If the trustee does not receive the mediator's certification, the trustee may record the notice of sale after ten days from the date the certification to the trustee was due. If, after a notice of sale is recorded under this subsection (16)(a), the mediator subsequently issues a certification finding that the beneficiary violated the duty of good faith, the certification constitutes a basis for the borrower to enjoin the foreclosure.
(b) If a borrower has been referred to mediation after the notice of sale was recorded, the sale may not occur until the trustee receives the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been completed.
(17) A mediator may charge reasonable fees as authorized by this subsection or as authorized by the department. Unless the fee is waived, the parties agree otherwise, or the department otherwise authorizes, a foreclosure mediator's fee may not exceed four hundred dollars for preparing, scheduling, and conducting a mediation session lasting between one hour and three hours. For a mediation session exceeding three hours, the foreclosure mediator may charge a reasonable fee, as authorized by the department. The mediator must provide an estimated fee before the mediation, and payment of the mediator's fee must be divided equally between the beneficiary and the borrower. The beneficiary and the borrower must tender the loan mediator's fee within thirty calendar days from receipt of the department's letter referring the parties to mediation or pursuant to the mediator's instructions.
(18) ((Beginning December 1, 2012, and every year thereafter, the))The department shall report annually ((to the legislature on))by posting the following information on the department's website:
(a) The performance of the program, including the numbers of borrowers who are referred to mediation by a housing counselor or attorney;
(b) The results of the mediation program, including the number of mediations requested by housing counselors and attorneys, the number of certifications of good faith issued, the number of borrowers and beneficiaries who failed to mediate in good faith, and the reasons for the failure to mediate in good faith, if known, the numbers of loans restructured or modified, the change in the borrower's monthly payment for principal and interest and the number of principal write-downs and interest rate reductions, and, to the extent practical, the number of borrowers who report a default within a year of restructuring or modification;
(c) The information received by housing counselors regarding outcomes of foreclosures; and
(d) Any recommendations for changes to the statutes regarding the mediation program.
Sec. 13. RCW 70A.420.050 and 2020 c 20 s 1274 are each amended to read as follows:
The department shall adopt rules to:
(1) Establish procedures and requirements for the accreditation of lead-based paint activities training programs including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Training curriculum;
(b) Training hours;
(c) Hands-on training;
(d) Trainee competency and proficiency;
(e) Training program quality control;
(f) Procedures for the reaccreditation of training programs;
(g) Procedures for the oversight of training programs; and
(h) Procedures for the suspension, revocation, or modification of training program accreditations, or acceptance of training offered by an accredited training provider in another state or Indian tribe authorized by the environmental protection agency;
(2) Establish procedures for the purposes of certification, for the acceptance of training offered by an accredited training provider in a state or Indian tribe authorized by the environmental protection agency;
(3) Certify individuals involved in lead-based paint activities to ensure that certified individuals are trained by an accredited training program and possess appropriate educational or experience qualifications for certification;
(4) Establish procedures for recertification;
(5) Require the conduct of lead-based paint activities in accordance with work practice standards;
(6) Establish procedures for the suspension, revocation, or modification of certifications;
(7) Establish requirements for the administration of third-party certification exams;
(8) Use laboratories accredited under the environmental protection agency's national lead laboratory accreditation program;
(9) Establish work practice standards for the conduct of lead-based paint activities, as defined in RCW 70A.420.020;
(10) Establish an enforcement response policy that shall include:
(a) Warning letters, notices of noncompliance, notices of violation, or the equivalent;
(b) Administrative or civil actions, including penalty authority, including accreditation or certification suspension, revocation, or modification; and
(c) Authority to apply criminal sanctions or other criminal authority using existing state laws as applicable.
The department shall prepare and ((submit))post on the department's website, on a biennial ((report to the legislature regarding))basis, the program's status, its costs, and the number of persons certified by the program.
Sec. 14. RCW 72.09.620 and 1999 c 324 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
The secretary shall ((report)) annually ((to the legislature))post on the department's website on the number of offenders considered for an extraordinary medical placement, the number of offenders who were granted such a placement, the number of offenders who were denied such a placement, the length of time between initial consideration and the placement decision for each offender who was granted an extraordinary medical placement, the number of offenders granted an extraordinary medical placement who were later returned to total confinement, and the cost savings realized by the state.
Sec. 15. RCW 77.135.090 and 2014 c 202 s 111 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If the director finds that there exists an imminent danger of a prohibited level 1 or level 2 species detection that seriously endangers or threatens the environment, economy, human health, or well-being of the state of Washington, the director must ask the governor to order, under RCW 43.06.010(14), emergency measures to prevent or abate the prohibited species. The director's findings must contain an evaluation of the effect of the emergency measures on environmental factors such as fish listed under the endangered species act, economic factors such as public and private access, human health factors such as water quality, or well-being factors such as cultural resources.
(2) If an emergency is declared pursuant to RCW 43.06.010(14), the director may consult with the invasive species council to advise the governor on emergency measures necessary under RCW 43.06.010(14) and this section, and make subsequent recommendations to the governor. The invasive species council must involve owners of the affected water body or property, state and local governments, federal agencies, tribes, public health interests, technical service providers, and environmental organizations, as appropriate.
(3) Upon the governor's approval of emergency measures, the director may implement these measures to prevent, contain, control, or eradicate invasive species that are the subject of the emergency order, notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 15.58 or 17.21 RCW or any other statute. These measures, after evaluation of all other alternatives, may include the surface and aerial application of pesticides.
(4) The director must continually evaluate the effects of the emergency measures and report these to the governor at ((intervals of not less than))least every ten days, except for those measures taken in response to emergency proclamation 22-02, green crab infestation. The director must report the effects of the emergency measures taken in response to emergency proclamation 22-02, green crab infestation, to the governor at least monthly. The director must immediately advise the governor if the director finds that the emergency no longer exists or if certain emergency measures should be discontinued.
Sec. 16. RCW 28A.230.095 and 2011 c 185 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) By the end of the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall have in place in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools assessments or other strategies chosen by the district to assure that students have an opportunity to learn the ((essential academic learning requirements))state learning standards in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness. Social studies includes history, geography, civics, economics, and social studies skills. Health and fitness includes, but is not limited to, mental health and suicide prevention education. ((Beginning with the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall annually submit an implementation verification report to the office of the superintendent of public instruction.)) The office of the superintendent of public instruction may not require school districts to use a classroom-based assessment in social studies, the arts, and health and fitness to meet the requirements of this section and shall clearly communicate to districts their option to use other strategies chosen by the district.
(2) Beginning with the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall require students in the seventh or eighth grade, and the ((eleventh))11th or ((twelfth))12th grade to each complete at least one classroom-based assessment in civics. Beginning with the 2010-11 school year, school districts shall require students in the fourth or fifth grade to complete at least one classroom-based assessment in civics. The civics assessment may be selected from a list of classroom-based assessments approved by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. ((Beginning with the 2008-09 school year, school districts shall annually submit implementation verification reports to the office of the superintendent of public instruction documenting the use of the classroom-based assessments in civics.
(3) Verification reports shall require school districts to report only the information necessary to comply with this section.))
Sec. 17. RCW 28A.300.490 and 2019 c 333 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A task force on gangs in schools is created to examine current adult and youth gang activities that are affecting school safety. The task force shall work under the guidance of the office of the superintendent of public instruction's school safety center, the school safety and student well-being advisory committee established in RCW 28A.300.635, and the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs.
(2) The task force shall be comprised of representatives, selected by the superintendent of public instruction, who possess expertise relevant to gang activity in schools. The task force shall outline methods for preventing new gangs, eliminating existing gangs, gathering intelligence, and sharing information about gang activities.
(((3) Beginning December 1, 2007, the task force shall annually report its findings and recommendations to the education committees of the legislature.))
Sec. 18. RCW 28A.300.530 and 2009 c 546 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1))) Within available resources, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the school districts that participated in the Lorraine Wojahn dyslexia pilot program, and with an international nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting efforts to provide appropriate identification of and instruction for individuals with dyslexia, shall:
(((a)))(1) Develop an educator training program to enhance the reading, writing, and spelling skills of students with dyslexia. The training program must provide research-based, multisensory literacy intervention professional development in the areas of dyslexia and intervention implementation. The program shall be posted on the website of the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The training program may be regionally delivered through the educational service districts. The educational service districts may seek assistance from the international nonprofit organization to deliver the training; and
(((b)))(2) Develop a dyslexia handbook to be used as a reference for teachers and parents of students with dyslexia. The handbook shall be modeled after other state dyslexia handbooks, and shall include guidelines for school districts to follow as they identify and provide services for students with dyslexia. Additionally, the handbook shall provide school districts, and parents and guardians with information regarding the state's relevant statutes and their relation to federal special education laws. The handbook shall be posted on the website of the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
(((2) Beginning September 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, each educational service district shall report to the office of the superintendent of public instruction the number of individuals who participate in the training developed and offered by the educational service district. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall report that information to the legislative education committees.))
Sec. 19. RCW 28A.305.035 and 2006 c 263 s 103 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1) By October 15th of each even-numbered year, the state board of education and the professional educator standards board shall submit a joint report to the legislative education committees, the governor, and the superintendent of public instruction. The report shall address the progress the boards have made and the obstacles they have encountered, individually and collectively, in the work of achieving the goals in RCW 28A.150.210.
(2))) The state board of education shall include the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative education committees in board communications so that the legislature can be kept apprised of the discussions and proposed actions of the board.
Sec. 20. RCW 28A.320.196 and 2022 c 75 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to funds appropriated specifically for this purpose, the academic acceleration incentive program is established as provided in this section. The intent of the legislature is that the funds awarded under the program be used to support teacher training, curriculum, technology, examination fees, textbook fees, and other costs associated with offering dual credit courses to high school students, including transportation for running start students to and from the institution of higher education as defined in RCW 28A.600.300.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall allocate half of the funds appropriated for the purposes of this section on a competitive basis to provide one-time grants for high schools to expand the availability of dual credit courses. To be eligible for a grant, a school district must have adopted an academic acceleration policy as provided under RCW 28A.320.195. In making grant awards, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must give priority to grants for high schools with a high proportion of low-income students and high schools seeking to develop new capacity for dual credit courses rather than proposing marginal expansion of current capacity.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall allocate half of the funds appropriated for the purposes of this section to school districts as an incentive award for each student who earned dual high school and college credit, as described under subsection (4) of this section, for courses offered by the district's high schools during the previous school year. School districts must distribute the award to the high schools that generated the funds. The award amount for low-income students eligible to participate in the federal free and reduced-price meals program who earn dual credits must be set at ((one hundred twenty-five))125 percent of the base award for other students. A student who earns more than one dual credit in the same school year counts only once for the purposes of the incentive award.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the following students are considered to have earned dual high school and college credit in a course offered by a high school:
(a) Students who achieve a score of three or higher on an AP examination;
(b) Students who achieve a score of four or higher on an examination of the international baccalaureate diploma programme;
(c) Students who successfully complete a Cambridge advanced international certificate of education examination;
(d) Students who successfully complete a course through the college in the high school program under RCW 28A.600.287 and are awarded credit by the partnering institution of higher education; and
(e) Students who satisfy the dual enrollment and class performance requirements to earn college credit through a career and technical education course.
(5) If a high school provides access to online courses for students to earn dual high school and college credit at no cost to the student, such a course is considered to be offered by the high school.
(((6) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall report to the education policy committees and the fiscal committees of the legislature, by January 1st of each year, information about the demographics of the students earning dual credits in the schools receiving grants under this section for the prior school year. Demographic data shall be disaggregated pursuant to RCW 28A.300.042.))
Sec. 21. RCW 28B.77.220 and 2013 c 23 s 61 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The council must convene work groups to develop transfer associate degrees that will satisfy lower division requirements at public four-year institutions of higher education for specific academic majors. Work groups must include representatives from the state board for community and technical colleges and the council of presidents, as well as faculty from two and four-year institutions. Work groups may include representatives from independent four-year institutions.
(2) Each transfer associate degree developed under this section must enable a student to complete the lower-division courses or competencies for general education requirements and preparation for the major that a direct-entry student would typically complete in the first-year student and sophomore years for that academic major.
(3) Completion of a transfer associate degree does not guarantee a student admission into an institution of higher education or admission into a major, minor, or professional program at an institution of higher education that has competitive admission standards for the program based on grade point average or other performance criteria.
(4) During the 2004-05 academic year, the work groups must develop transfer degrees for elementary education, engineering, and nursing. As necessary based on demand or identified need, the council must convene additional groups to identify and develop additional transfer degrees. The council must give priority to majors in high demand by transfer students and majors that the general direct transfer agreement associate degree does not adequately prepare students to enter automatically upon transfer.
(5) The council, in collaboration with the intercollege relations commission, must collect and maintain lists of courses offered by each community and technical college and public four-year institution of higher education that fall within each transfer associate degree.
(6) The council must monitor implementation of transfer associate degrees by public four-year institutions to ensure compliance with subsection (2) of this section.
(((7) Beginning January 10, 2005, the council must submit a progress report on the development of transfer associate degrees to the higher education committees of the house of representatives and the senate. The first progress report must include measurable benchmark indicators to monitor the effectiveness of the initiatives in improving transfer and baseline data for those indicators before the implementation of the initiatives. Subsequent reports must be submitted by January 10th of each odd-numbered year and must monitor progress on the indicators, describe development of additional transfer associate degrees, and provide other data on improvements in transfer efficiency.))
Sec. 22. RCW 35.90.020 and 2020 c 139 s 59 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (7) of this section, a city that requires a general business license of any person that engages in business activities within that city must partner with the department to have such license issued, and renewed if the city requires renewal, through the business licensing service in accordance with chapter 19.02 RCW.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, the department must phase in the issuance and renewal of general business licenses of cities that required a general business license as of July 1, 2017, and are not already partnering with the department, as follows:
(i) Between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2021, the department must partner with at least six cities per year;
(ii) Between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2027, the department must partner with the remaining cities; or
(iii) Between July 1, 2017 and December 31, 2022, the department must partner with all cities requiring a general business license if specific funding for the purposes of this subsection (1)(a)(iii) is appropriated in the omnibus appropriations act.
(b) A city that imposes a general business license requirement and does not partner with the department as of January 1, 2018, may continue to issue and renew its general business licenses until the city partners with the department as provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(2)(a) A city that did not require a general business license as of July 1, 2017, but imposes a new general business license requirement after that date must advise the department in writing of its intent to do so at least ninety days before the requirement takes effect.
(b) If a city subject to (a) of this subsection (2) imposes a new general business license requirement after July 1, 2017, the department, in its sole discretion, may adjust resources to partner with the imposing city as of the date that the new general business licensing requirement takes effect. If the department cannot reallocate resources, the city may issue and renew its general business license until the department is able to partner with the city.
(3) The department may delay assuming the duties of issuing and renewing general business licenses beyond the dates provided in subsection (1)(a) of this section if:
(a) Insufficient funds are appropriated for this specific purpose;
(b) The department cannot ensure the business licensing system is adequately prepared to handle all general business licenses due to unforeseen circumstances;
(c) The department determines that a delay is necessary to ensure that the transition to mandatory department issuance and renewal of general business licenses is as seamless as possible; or
(d) The department receives a written notice from a city within sixty days of the date that the city appears on the department's biennial partnership plan, which includes an explanation of the fiscal or technical challenges causing the city to delay joining the system. A delay under this subsection (3)(d) may be for no more than three years.
(4)(a) In consultation with affected cities and in accordance with the priorities established in subsection (5) of this section, the department must establish a biennial plan for partnering with cities to assume the issuance and renewal of general business licenses as required by this section. The plan must identify the cities that the department will partner with and the dates targeted for the department to assume the duties of issuing and renewing general business licenses.
(b) By January 1, 2018, and January 1st of each even-numbered year thereafter until the department has partnered with all cities that currently impose a general business license requirement and that have not declined to partner with the department under subsection (7) of this section, the department must submit the partnering plan required in (a) of this subsection (4) to the governor; legislative fiscal committees; house local government committee; senate financial institutions, economic development and trade committee; senate local government committee; affected cities; association of Washington cities; association of Washington business; national federation of independent business; and Washington retail association.
(c) The department may, in its sole discretion, alter the plan required in (a) of this subsection (4) with a minimum notice of thirty days to affected cities.
(5) When determining the plan to partner with cities for the issuance and renewal of general business licenses as required in subsection (4) of this section, cities that notified the department of their wish to partner with the department before January 1, 2017, must be allowed to partner before other cities.
(6) A city that partners with the department for the issuance and renewal of general business licenses through the business licensing service in accordance with chapter 19.02 RCW may not issue and renew those licenses.
(7)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, a city may decline to partner with the department for the issuance and renewal of a general business license as provided in subsection (1) of this section if the city participates in the online local business license and tax filing portal known as "FileLocal" as of July 1, 2020.
(b) A city that receives at least one million nine hundred fifty thousand dollars in fiscal year 2020 for temporary streamlined sales tax mitigation under the 2019 omnibus appropriations act, section 722, chapter 415, Laws of 2019, may decline to partner with the department for the issuance and renewal of a general business license as provided in subsection (1) of this section if the city participates in FileLocal as of July 1, 2021.
(c) For the purposes of this subsection (7), a city is considered to be a FileLocal participant as of the date that a business may access FileLocal for purposes of applying for or renewing that city's general business license and reporting and paying that city's local business and occupation taxes. A city that ceases participation in FileLocal after July 1, 2020, or July 1, 2021, in the case of a city eligible for the extension under (b) of this subsection, must partner with the department for the issuance and renewal of its general business license as provided in subsection (1) of this section.
(((8) By January 1, 2019, and each January 1st thereafter through January 1, 2028, the department must submit a progress report to the legislature. The report required by this subsection must provide information about the progress of the department's efforts to partner with all cities that impose a general business license requirement and include:
(a) A list of cities that have partnered with the department as required in subsection (1) of this section;
(b) A list of cities that have not partnered with the department;
(c) A list of cities that are scheduled to partner with the department during the upcoming calendar year;
(d) A list of cities that have declined to partner with the department as provided in subsection (7) of this section;
(e) An explanation of lessons learned and any process efficiencies incorporated by the department;
(f) Any recommendations to further simplify the issuance and renewal of general business licenses by the department; and
(g) Any other information the department considers relevant.))
Sec. 23. RCW 43.21A.150 and 2017 c 47 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1))) The director, whenever it is lawful and feasible to do so, shall consult and cooperate with the federal government, as well as with other states and Canadian provinces, in the study and control of environmental problems. On behalf of the department, the director is authorized to accept, receive, disburse, and administer grants or other funds or gifts from any source, including private individuals or agencies, the federal government, and other public agencies, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
(((2)(a) Beginning December 31, 2017, the director must list on the department's website information regarding the current interagency agreements to which the department is a party or in which the department is a participant.
(b) The list must identify each agreement, the type of agreement, parties to the agreement, the effective date of the agreement, and a brief description of the agreement. The list must include all interagency agreements involving the department and other state agencies, local governments, special purpose districts, the federal government and federal government agencies, and the agencies of other states.
(c) For the initial list, the department must by December 31, 2017, list all grant agreements and federal agreements where information is readily extractable from the department's data systems. For those data systems that, because of their age, require programming support to extract and format data for publishing to the internet, the department must complete listing the required information according to the following schedule:
(i) By June 30, 2018, all contract, loan, and grant agreements;
(ii) By December 31, 2018, all agreements pertaining to funds receivable for work performed by the department, leases, and nonfinancial interagency agreements.
(d) Beginning December 1, 2018, the department must annually update the website to include new interagency agreements that the department has entered into and must identify the agreements that have been updated within the past year.
(e) For the purposes of this section, the term "interagency agreement" includes but is not limited to memoranda of understanding, grant contracts, and advisory or nonbinding agreements.
(f) For purposes of this section, the information posted on the department's website is considered to function as a report to the legislature because the report acts as a mechanism of keeping the legislature apprised of the department's interagency agreements.))
Sec. 24. RCW 43.60A.240 and 2020 c 56 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The position of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer coordinator is created within the department.
(2) The duties of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer coordinator include, but are not limited to:
(a) Conducting outreach to, and providing assistance designed for the unique needs of, veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, and to the spouses and dependents of such veterans;
(b) Providing assistance to veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer in applying for an upgrade to the character of a discharge from service or a change in the narrative reason for a discharge from service;
(c) Providing assistance in applying for and obtaining veterans' benefits and benefits available through other programs that provide services and resources to veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, and to the spouses and dependents of such veterans;
(d) Providing assistance to veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer in applying for, and in appealing any denial of, federal and state veterans' benefits and aid that such veterans, and the spouses and dependents of such veterans, may be entitled to; and
(e) Developing and distributing informational materials to veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, and to the spouses and dependents of such veterans, regarding veterans' benefits and other benefit programs that provide services and resources to veterans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, and to the spouses and dependents of such veterans.
(((3) No later than December 15, 2021, the department must prepare and submit a report to the governor, the joint committee on veterans' and military affairs, and the appropriate standing committees of the legislature regarding the implementation and status of the position of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer coordinator created under subsection (1) of this section. The report must include, at a minimum, information regarding the following:
(a) The number of veterans served;
(b) The type of assistance provided;
(c) Recommendations for the improvement and expansion of the services provided by the coordinator; and
(d) Recommendations for legislative changes.))
Sec. 25. RCW 43.61.040 and 1977 c 75 s 60 are each amended to read as follows:
The director of veterans affairs shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The department shall furnish information, advice, and assistance to veterans and coordinate all programs and services in the field of veterans' claims service, education, health, vocational guidance and placement, and services not provided by some other agency of the state or by the federal government. ((The director shall submit a report of the departments' activities hereunder each year to the governor.))
Sec. 26. RCW 43.63A.068 and 2018 c 58 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) The department of commerce shall establish an advisory committee to monitor, guide, and report on recommendations relating to policies and programs for children and families with incarcerated parents.
(b) The advisory committee shall include representatives of the department of corrections, the department of social and health services, the department of children, youth, and families, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, representatives of the private nonprofit and business sectors, child advocates, representatives of Washington state Indian tribes as defined under the federal Indian welfare act (25 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.), court administrators, the administrative office of the courts, the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs, jail administrators, the office of the governor, and others who have an interest in these issues.
(c) The advisory committee shall:
(i) Gather the data collected by the departments as required in RCW 72.09.495, 74.04.800, 43.216.060, and 28A.300.520;
(ii) Monitor and provide consultation on the implementation of recommendations contained in the 2006 children of incarcerated parents report;
(iii) Identify areas of need and develop recommendations for the legislature, the department of social and health services, the department of corrections, the department of children, youth, and families, and the office of the superintendent of public instruction to better meet the needs of children and families of persons incarcerated in department of corrections facilities; and
(iv) Advise the department of commerce regarding community programs the department should fund with moneys appropriated for this purpose in the operating budget. The advisory committee shall provide recommendations to the department regarding the following:
(A) The goals for geographic distribution of programs and funding;
(B) The scope and purpose of eligible services and the priority of such services;
(C) Grant award funding limits;
(D) Entities eligible to apply for the funding;
(E) Whether the funding should be directed towards starting or supporting new programs, expanding existing programs, or whether the funding should be open to all eligible services and providers; and
(F) Other areas the advisory committee determines appropriate.
(((d) The children of incarcerated parents advisory committee shall update the legislature and governor biennially on committee activities, with the first update due by January 1, 2010.))
(2) The department of commerce shall select community programs or services to receive funding that focus on children and families of inmates incarcerated in a department of corrections facility and sustaining the family during the period of the inmate's incarceration.
(a) Programs or services which meet the needs of the children of incarcerated parents should be the greatest consideration in the programs that are identified by the department.
(b) The department shall consider the recommendations of the advisory committee regarding which services or programs the department should fund.
(c) The programs selected shall collaborate with an agency, or agencies, experienced in providing services to aid families and victims of sexual assault and domestic violence to ensure that the programs identify families who have a history of sexual assault or domestic violence and ensure the services provided are appropriate for the children and families.
Sec. 27. RCW 43.105.369 and 2016 c 195 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The office of privacy and data protection is created within the office of the state chief information officer. The purpose of the office of privacy and data protection is to serve as a central point of contact for state agencies on policy matters involving data privacy and data protection.
(2) The director shall appoint the chief privacy officer, who is the director of the office of privacy and data protection.
(3) The primary duties of the office of privacy and data protection with respect to state agencies are:
(a) To conduct an annual privacy review;
(b) To conduct an annual privacy training for state agencies and employees;
(c) To articulate privacy principles and best practices;
(d) To coordinate data protection in cooperation with the agency; and
(e) To participate with the office of the state chief information officer in the review of major state agency projects involving personally identifiable information.
(4) The office of privacy and data protection must serve as a resource to local governments and the public on data privacy and protection concerns by:
(a) Developing and promoting the dissemination of best practices for the collection and storage of personally identifiable information, including establishing and conducting a training program or programs for local governments; and
(b) Educating consumers about the use of personally identifiable information on mobile and digital networks and measures that can help protect this information.
(5) By December 1, 2016, and every four years thereafter, the office of privacy and data protection must prepare and submit to the legislature a report evaluating its performance. The office of privacy and data protection must establish performance measures in its 2016 report to the legislature and, in each report thereafter, demonstrate the extent to which performance results have been achieved. These performance measures must include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) The number of state agencies and employees who have participated in the annual privacy training;
(b) A report on the extent of the office of privacy and data protection's coordination with international and national experts in the fields of data privacy, data protection, and access equity;
(c) A report on the implementation of data protection measures by state agencies attributable in whole or in part to the office of privacy and data protection's coordination of efforts; and
(d) A report on consumer education efforts, including but not limited to the number of consumers educated through public outreach efforts, as indicated by how frequently educational documents were accessed, the office of privacy and data protection's participation in outreach events, and inquiries received back from consumers via telephone or other media.
(6) Within one year of June 9, 2016, the office of privacy and data protection must submit to the joint legislative audit and review committee for review and comment the performance measures developed under subsection (5) of this section and a data collection plan.
(((7) The office of privacy and data protection shall submit a report to the legislature on the: (a) Extent to which telecommunications providers in the state are deploying advanced telecommunications capability; and (b) existence of any inequality in access to advanced telecommunications infrastructure experienced by residents of tribal lands, rural areas, and economically distressed communities. The report may be submitted at a time within the discretion of the office of privacy and data protection, at least once every four years, and only to the extent the office of privacy and data protection is able to gather and present the information within existing resources.))
Sec. 28. RCW 47.01.330 and 2005 c 318 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The secretary shall establish an office of transit mobility. The purpose of the office is to facilitate the integration of decentralized public transportation services with the state transportation system. The goals of the office of transit mobility are: (a) To facilitate connection and coordination of transit services and planning; and (b) maximizing opportunities to use public transportation to improve the efficiency of transportation corridors.
(2) The duties of the office include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Developing a statewide strategic plan that creates common goals for transit agencies and reduces competing plans for cross-jurisdictional service;
(b) Developing a park and ride lot program;
(c) Encouraging long-range transit planning;
(d) Providing public transportation expertise to improve linkages between regional transportation planning organizations and transit agencies;
(e) Strengthening policies for inclusion of transit and transportation demand management strategies in route development, corridor plan standards, and budget proposals;
(f) Recommending best practices to integrate transit and demand management strategies with regional and local land use plans in order to reduce traffic and improve mobility and access;
(g) Producing recommendations for the public transportation section of the Washington transportation plan; and
(h) Participating in all aspects of corridor planning, including freight planning, ferry system planning, and passenger rail planning.
(3) In forming the office, the secretary shall use existing resources to the greatest extent possible.
(4) The office of transit mobility shall establish measurable performance objectives for evaluating the success of its initiatives and progress toward accomplishing the overall goals of the office.
(((5) The office of transit mobility must report quarterly to the secretary, and annually to the transportation committees of the legislature, on the progress of the office in meeting the goals and duties provided in this section.))
Sec. 29. RCW 54.16.425 and 2021 c 294 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Property owned by a public utility district that is exempt from property tax under RCW 84.36.010 is subject to an annual payment in lieu of property taxes if the property consists of a broadband infrastructure used in providing retail telecommunications services.
(2)(a) The amount of the payment must be determined jointly and in good faith negotiation between the public utility district that owns the property and the county or counties in which the property is located.
(b) The amount agreed upon may not exceed the property tax amount that would be owed on the property comprising the broadband infrastructure used in providing retail telecommunications services as calculated by the department of revenue. The public utility district must provide information necessary for the department of revenue to make the required valuation under this subsection. The department of revenue must provide the amount of property tax that would be owed on the property to the county or counties in which the broadband infrastructure is located on an annual basis.
(c) If the public utility district and a county cannot agree on the amount of the payment in lieu of taxes, either party may invoke binding arbitration by providing written notice to the other party. In the event that the amount of payment in lieu of taxes is submitted to binding arbitration, the arbitrators must consider the government services available to the public utility district's broadband infrastructure used in providing retail telecommunications services. The public utility district and county must each select one arbitrator, the two of whom must pick a third arbitrator. Costs of the arbitration, including compensation for the arbitrators' services, must be borne equally by the parties participating in the arbitration.
(3) By April 30th of each year, a public utility district must remit the annual payment to the county treasurer of each county in which the public utility district's broadband infrastructure used in providing retail telecommunications services is located in a form and manner required by the county treasurer.
(4) The county must distribute the amounts received under this section to all property taxing districts, including the state, in appropriate tax code areas in the same proportion as it would distribute property taxes from taxable property.
(((5) By December 1, 2019, and annually thereafter, the department of revenue must submit a report to the appropriate legislative committees detailing the amount of payments made under this section and the amount of property tax that would be owed on the property comprising the broadband infrastructure used in providing retail telecommunications services.))
Sec. 30. RCW 72.09.765 and 2020 c 319 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any contract to provide inmates with access to telecommunication services and electronic media services in state correctional facilities shall be made publicly available and posted on the department's website.
(2) The information in this subsection from the contract shall be prominently displayed on the department's public website:
(a) Rates for facilitating telecommunication services including, but not limited to, phone calls, video visitation, videograms and video clips, emails, and accessing music and entertainment;
(b) Fees charged for money transfers and transactions, maintenance of financial accounts, and any other fee charged to the user to facilitate the money transfer or online deposit account; and
(c) All fees or costs charged to the inmate or customer in exchange for use of telecommunication or electronic media services through the contract.
(3) By July 1st of each year, the contractor that provides inmates with access to telecommunication services and electronic media services under subsection (1) of this section shall report to the department the following information:
(a) A summary of services offered at each correctional facility;
(b) Rates charged for, or associated with, providing each type of service including, but not limited to, monthly financial account maintenance fees, transaction fees associated with money transfers, per call and connection surcharges, bill statement fees, and refund fees;
(c) A total accounting of commissions provided to the department or correctional facility;
(d) A summary and accounting of services used by inmates categorized as indigent;
(e) One-time and ongoing costs incurred for installing and maintaining hardware;
(f) Average customer service response time rates per facility and the average time taken to resolve an issue or provide a refund for defective services; and
(g) An accounting of all revenues or losses incurred by the contractor by quarter.
(4) ((By November 1st of each year, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the department shall report to the governor and legislature on contracts for telecommunication services and electronic media services under this section and the contractor's annual compliance with this section.
(5))) This section applies to any contract in effect on June 11, 2020, and to any renegotiation, renewal, or extension of such contract.
Sec. 31. RCW 77.32.555 and 2015 c 254 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In addition to the fees authorized in this chapter, the department shall include a surcharge to fund biotoxin testing and monitoring by the department of health of beaches used for recreational shellfishing, and to fund monitoring by the Olympic region harmful algal bloom program of the Olympic natural resources center at the University of Washington. The surcharge on recreational shellfish licenses cannot be increased more than one dollar and can only be increased when the surcharge for commercial shellfish licenses is increased. A surcharge of four dollars applies to resident and nonresident shellfish and seaweed licenses as authorized by RCW 77.32.520(3) (a) and (b); a surcharge of three dollars applies to resident and nonresident adult combination licenses as authorized by RCW 77.32.470(2)(a); a surcharge of three dollars applies to annual resident and nonresident razor clam licenses as authorized by RCW 77.32.520(4); and a surcharge of two dollars applies to the three-day razor clam license authorized by RCW 77.32.520(5). Amounts collected from these surcharges must be deposited in the biotoxin account created in subsection (3) of this section. The department may not use any amounts collected from these surcharges to pay for its administrative costs.
(2) Any moneys from surcharges remaining in the general fundlocal account after the 2007-2009 biennium must be transferred to the biotoxin account created in subsection (3) of this section and be credited to the appropriate institution. ((The department of health and the University of Washington shall, by December 1st of each year, provide a letter to the relevant legislative policy and fiscal committees on the status of expenditures. This letter shall include, but is not limited to, the annual appropriation amount, the amount not expended, account fund balance, and reasons for not spending the full annual appropriation.))
(3) The biotoxin account is created in the state treasury to be administered by the department of health. All moneys received under subsection (1) of this section must be deposited in the account and used by the department of health and the University of Washington as required by subsection (1) of this section. Of the moneys deposited into the account, one hundred fifty thousand dollars per year must be made available to the University of Washington to implement subsection (1) of this section. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation.
Sec. 32. RCW 82.14.470 and 2011 c 363 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a)(i) Moneys collected from the taxes imposed under RCW 82.14.465 may be used only for the following purposes:
(A) Principal and interest payments on bonds issued to finance or refinance public improvements in a benefit zone under the authority of RCW 39.100.060;
(B) Principal and interest payments on other bonds issued by the local government to finance public improvements; or
(C) Payments for public improvement costs.
(ii) Moneys collected and used as provided in (a)(i) of this subsection must be matched with an amount from local public sources dedicated, as further provided in RCW 82.14.465 (4)(c)(ii) and (7)(k), through December 31st of the previous calendar year to finance public improvements authorized under chapter 39.100 RCW.
(b) Local public sources are dedicated to finance public improvements if they: (i) Are actually expended to pay public improvement costs or debt service on bonds issued for public improvements; or (ii) are required by law or an agreement to be used exclusively to pay public improvement costs or debt service on bonds issued for public improvements.
(c) A city, town, or county is not required to expend taxes imposed under RCW 82.14.465 in the fiscal year in which the taxes are received.
(2) A local government must inform the department by the first day of March of the amount of local public sources allocated to the preceding calendar year to finance public improvements authorized under chapter 39.100 RCW.
(3) If a local government fails to comply with subsection (2) of this section, no tax may be imposed under RCW 82.14.465 in the subsequent fiscal year.
(4)(a) A local government must provide a report to the department and the state auditor by March 1st of each year. A local government must make a good faith effort to provide information required for the report.
(b) The report must contain the following information:
(i) The amount of tax allocation revenues, taxes under RCW 82.14.465, and local public sources received by the local government during the preceding calendar year, and a summary of how these revenues were expended; and
(ii) The names of any businesses known to the local government that have located within the benefit zone as a result of the public improvements undertaken by the local government and financed in whole or in part with hospital benefit zone financing.
(((5) The department must make a report available to the public and the legislature by June 1st of each year. The report must include a list of public improvements undertaken by local governments and financed in whole or in part with hospital benefit zone financing, and it must also include a summary of the information provided to the department by local governments under subsection (4) of this section.))
Sec. 33. RCW 82.32.765 and 2016 c 207 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1))) A sponsoring local government receiving a project award under RCW 39.104.100 must provide a report to the department by March 1st of each year beginning March 1st after the project award has been approved. The report must contain the following information:
(((a)))(1) The amounts of local property tax allocation revenues received in the preceding calendar year broken down by sponsoring local government and participating taxing district;
(((b)))(2) The amount of state property tax allocation revenues estimated to have been received by the state in the preceding calendar year;
(((c)))(3) The amount of local sales and use tax and other revenue from local public sources dedicated by any participating local government used for the payment of bonds under RCW 39.104.110 and public improvement costs within the revitalization area on a pay-as-you-go basis in the preceding calendar year;
(((d)))(4) The amount of local sales and use tax dedicated by the sponsoring local government, as it relates to the sponsoring local government's local sales and use tax increment, used for the payment of bonds under RCW 39.104.110 and public improvement costs within the revitalization area on a pay-as-you-go basis;
(((e)))(5) The amounts, other than those listed in (((a) through (d) of this)) subsections (1) through (4) of this section, from local public sources, broken down by type or source, used for payment of bonds under RCW 39.104.110 or public improvement costs within the revitalization area on a pay-as-you-go basis in the preceding calendar year;
(((f)))(6) The anticipated date when bonds under RCW 39.104.110 are expected to be retired;
(((g)))(7) The names of any businesses locating within the revitalization area as a result of the public improvements undertaken by the sponsoring local government and financed in whole or in part with local revitalization financing;
(((h)))(8) An estimate of the cumulative number of permanent jobs created in the revitalization area as a result of the public improvements undertaken by the sponsoring local government and financed in whole or in part with local revitalization financing;
(((i)))(9) An estimate of the average wages and benefits received by all employees of businesses locating within the revitalization area as a result of the public improvements undertaken by the sponsoring local government and financed in whole or in part with local revitalization financing;
(((j)))(10) A list of public improvements financed by bonds issued under RCW 39.104.110 and the date on which the bonds are anticipated to be retired;
(((k)))(11) That the sponsoring local government is in compliance with RCW 39.104.030;
(((l)))(12) At least once every three years, updated estimates of the amounts of state and local sales and use tax increments estimated to have been received since the approval of the project award under RCW 39.104.100;
(((m)))(13) The amount of revenues from local public sources that (i) were expended in prior years for the payment of bonds under RCW 39.104.110 and public improvement costs within the revitalization area on a pay-as-you-go basis in prior calendar years that were in excess of the project award amount for that year and are carried forward for dedication in future years, (ii) are deemed dedicated to payment of bonds or public improvement costs in the calendar year for which the report is prepared, and (iii) remain available for dedication in future years; and
(((n)))(14) Any other information required by the department to enable the department to fulfill its duties under this chapter and RCW 82.14.510.
(((2) The department must make a report available to the public and the legislature by June 1st of each year. The report must include a summary of the information provided to the department by sponsoring local governments under subsection (1) of this section.))
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 34. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) RCW 13.32A.045 (Family reconciliation servicesData) and 2020 c 51 s 4;
(2) RCW 19.02.055 (Agency dutiesInformationCertification) and 2013 c 111 s 2;
(3) RCW 19.280.060 (Department's dutiesReport to the legislature) and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 19 s 10, 2013 c 149 s 4, & 2006 c 195 s 6;
(4) RCW 43.31.980 (Impact fee annual report) and 2015 c 241 s 4; and
(5) RCW 62A.9A-527 (Duty to report) and 2000 c 250 s 9A-527."
By Committee on State Government & Elections
On page 1, line 4 of the title, after "reports;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 28A.180.020, 28A.230.150, 28A.300.476, 28A.300.615, 28A.655.090, 28A.655.260, 43.43.545, 43.63A.510, 43.280.100, 48.43.0128, 61.24.163, 70A.420.050, 72.09.620, 77.135.090, 28A.230.095, 28A.300.490, 28A.300.530, 28A.305.035, 28A.320.196, 28B.77.220, 35.90.020, 43.21A.150, 43.60A.240, 43.61.040, 43.63A.068, 43.105.369, 47.01.330, 54.16.425, 72.09.765, 77.32.555, 82.14.470, and 82.32.765; creating a new section; and repealing RCW 13.32A.045, 19.02.055, 19.280.060, 43.31.980, and 62A.9A-527."
EFFECT: Adjusts due dates for certain reports from the superintendent of public instruction;
Eliminates a requirement for a report from the State Board of Education and the Professional Educator Standards Board to the legislature;
Eliminates reports for certain projects which have ended, or information is already collected and reported elsewhere; and
Restores RCW 43.60A.101 to provide parity with SSB 5358.
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