"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The legislature finds that unlawful possession of a firearm is a useful tool to keep firearms out of the hands of people intent on using firearms unlawfully to cause harm to others, especially to intimate partners and family members. Reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that victims, survivors, and witnesses of crimes have the ability to receive notice regarding the perpetrators ability to access firearms and to be fully informed of a change in their case. Prohibitions on possessing firearms should only follow conviction of a crime that shows a person has given up their constitutional right by showing a propensity to unlawful behavior by committing serious crimes. Additionally, caution should be taken to ensure that victims and those in fear of being victims of violence should have the ability to access protection and to defend themselves. The rights preserved to the people in the constitutional Bill of Rights should be thoughtfully and carefully preserved and, when they are abused, should be removed with equal thought and preservation.
(2) For crimes that logically lead to violence, especially domestic violence, such as stalking and harassment and assault, the legislature finds that there should be a process to ensure that the person convicted of a crime has taken the opportunity to be rehabilitated and to no longer be a threat before a restoration of rights to possess firearms. The legislature finds that there should be appropriate checks and balances and processes in place to ensure that a person who has their rights restored is no longer a threat. The legislature finds that those who have fully participated in the criminal justice system and have shown a desire to act as responsible members of society should have the opportunity to have their rights restored."