5002-S2 AMS VAND S1637.1
2SSB 5002 - S AMD 48
By Senator Van De Wege
On page 32, line 12, after "October" strike "1, 2026" and insert "1st after the effective date of this section"
On page 32, line 25, after "expires" strike "November 1, 2026" and insert "two years after the effective date of this section"
On page 32, line 26, strike all of section 11 and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION.  Sec. 11. (1) This act only takes effect if RCW 10.31.115 is repealed.
(2) The attorney general's office must provide written notice of the effective date of this act to affected parties, the chief clerk of the house of representatives, the secretary of the senate, the office of the code reviser, and others deemed appropriate by the attorney general's office."
2SSB 5002 - S AMD 48
By Senator Van De Wege
On page 1, beginning on line 5 of the title, after "providing" strike all material through "an" on line 6 and insert "a contingent effective date; and providing a contingent"
EFFECT: Provides that this act takes effect upon the repeal of the statute requiring law enforcement officers to refer an individual's first two arrests for possession to treatment and services.
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