Biogas Products. Biogas refers to the gasses produced from the decomposition of organic material. This process produces emissions of gasses such as methane and carbon dioxide. Capture of biogas is a method employed to reduce emissions from organic waste and simultaneously acquire commercially useful products.
Public Utility Districts. Public Utility Districts (PUDs) are engaged in the provision of energy, water, sewer, and solid waster services. PUDs currently possess the authority to produce and sell renewable natural gas produced by landfills, water treatment facilities, and anaerobic digesters. There is currently no language expressly authorizing the capture or sale of biogenic carbon dioxide.
Biogenic Carbon Dioxide. PUDs are authorized to sell, to an end-use customer or at wholesale, biogenic carbon dioxide and other marketable coproducts resulting from the processing of biogas from landfills, anaerobic digesters, and wastewater treatment facilities.
The act provides a definition of biogenic carbon dioxide that includes carbon dioxide produced from the decomposition or oxidation of organic materials, decomposition or processing of biomass, and as a byproduct from biological processes in an industrial or manufacturing facility. Carbon dioxide produced from the combustion or processing of fossil fuels is excluded and does not constitute biogenic carbon dioxide.
No public hearing was held.