The Wahkiakum County ferry operates between Puget Island and Westport on the Columbia River. Under current law, counties are authorized to operate ferry service within or between counties and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) may reimburse up to 80 percent of the operations and maintenance of the service.
The total of the WSDOT and Wahkiakum County contract is limited by the appropriation to the local programs division, which is approximately $1.38 million per biennium. There is a requirement that Wahkiakum County ferry fares be comparable to those used for similar runs on the state ferry system.
The reimbursement rate for the agreement between Wahkiakum County and WSDOT is raised to 85 percent of the operating and maintenance deficit of the service. The limitation that payments do not exceed the amount appropriated within the biennium is eliminated.
PRO: The highways around Cathlamet are frequently subject to closure and the Wahkiakum County ferry is a critical link for county residents. The county absorbs the overages for the ferry operations that deplete the county road funds, the support is important for the entire county.