Biochar. Biochar is a solid substance made from burning organic material derived from agricultural and forestry wastes in a limited oxygen environment. Biochar properties vary depending on the material it is produced from and the temperature at which combustion occurs. Biochar can be used as a soil amendment by itself, or it can be blended with other soil amendments. Some benefits of biochar include carbon sequestration, improved crop yields, and soil water retention.
Washington Clean Air Act. Under the Washington Clean Air Act (Act), outdoor burning is generally prohibited in any area of the state where federal or state air quality standards are exceeded for pollutants from outdoor burning, in urban growth areas, or in certain large cities threatening to exceed state or federal air quality standards. Outdoor burning means the burning of material in an open fire or an outdoor container without controlling the fire or emissions.
Restrictions on outdoor burning do not apply to silvicultural burning to improve or maintain fire-dependent ecosystems for rare plants or animals. Outdoor burning may be allowed in the following instances:
Outdoor Burning Permits. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Department of Ecology (Ecology), and certain political subdivisions such as counties, conservation districts, fire protection authorities, and local air authorities, may issue permits under the Act for a variety of outdoor burning activities in their respective jurisdictions, including agricultural burning and silvicultural burning. In general, permit fees for agricultural burning are set by the permitting agency, in consultation with a task force, subject to certain maximum fees for field and pile burning.
DNR is responsible for issuing and regulating permits and associated fees for certain burning activities on lands under its fire protection authority to: (1) abate and prevent fire hazards; (2) facilitate forest firefighting instruction; and (3) enable burning operations to improve fire-dependent ecosystems and otherwise improve state forestlands. DNR must encourage more intense utilization in logging and alternative silviculture practices to reduce the need for burning, and to encourage landowners to develop and use alternative acceptable disposal methods subject to the following priorities:
The following definitions are added to the Act:
A biochar production fee of $1.00 per ton of agricultural waste consumed applies to outdoor burning permits for agricultural activities.
Producing biochar with biochar micro units or biochar mini units from the burning of clean cellulosic biomass from forestry operations is added to the: