HR 4622
ByRepresentative Bronoske
WHEREAS, Fumiko Kimura, a longtime 28th legislative district resident, has selflessly and compassionately dedicated her long life in Pierce County to the creation and development of Asian-inspired art; and
WHEREAS, Fumiko has been a strong leader in art education in the community and has played a key role in expanding art awareness within the Puget Sound region, more specifically awareness for Sumi painting and calligraphy; and
WHEREAS, Fumiko earned her master's degree in art education from the University of Puget Sound, and her artwork has been admired by many, collected by Microsoft, the Tacoma Art Museum, the Pierce County Library, Columbia Bank, the University of Puget Sound, and others; and
WHEREAS, Now past 90 years old, Fumiko is the only living founding member of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists Association, which was founded in 1986; and
WHEREAS, Fumiko and other artists founded the Puget Sound Sumi Artists Association with a mission to: "Encourage the advancement of artistry in sumi painting and related work in Asian brush calligraphy, and foster appreciation of sumi and brush calligraphy art in the community through exhibitions, demonstrations, and by teaching in schools and other venues;" and
WHEREAS, The Association has introduced thousands of school children to the fun of Sumi painting through in-school and community workshops, also introducing art workshops for adults and seniors; and
WHEREAS, With Fumiko's guidance, the Puget Sound Sumi Artists also offered an annual art scholarship, expanded professional skills, networking opportunities, and artistic fellowship in the community; and
WHEREAS, Fumiko has displayed great excellence in the community, and personally inspired thousands of children through her volunteer Sumi painting workshops in schools and within the Puget Sound region; and
WHEREAS, She has generously provided wisdom through mentorship for hundreds of adults through community college classes in Sumi painting and Asian calligraphy, many of which she offered free of charge; and
WHEREAS, Fumiko continues to inspire, mentor, and encourage the 70-plus members of the Puget Sound Sumi Artists Association, as well as members of the community who are eager to learn more about Sumi art through community education and outreach; and
WHEREAS, She is also the author of the book "Painting in Sumi--/Stroke on Stroke" and the co-author of another book titled "Persimmon and Frog: My Life And Art, a Kibei-Nisei's Story of Self-Discovery;"
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State House of Representatives honor Fumiko Kimura, for her lifelong dedication to the creation and preservation of Sumi art, and her dedication to mentorship and inspiriting others within the community; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the value of such strong dedication to art education in the community and for the outstanding example Fumiko has set for others.