HR 4686
ByRepresentative McClintock
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant, a junior at Prairie High School, demonstrated exceptional skill and determination by winning her third girls 235-pound wrestling state championship in the 3A/4A class at the Tacoma Dome on Saturday, February 17th; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant achieved a remarkable victory by pinning Katherine Petersen from Tahoma High School in the second round, securing her third championship match win in her junior year and completing her second-straight undefeated season with a record of 38-0 by pinning every opponent; and
WHEREAS, Her championship match, which notably extended into the second round for the first time, showcased her strategic prowess and confidence, with Faith successfully leveraging her superior positioning to secure the win; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant's journey to her third state title was marked by increased confidence and a focused determination, attributes that she credited to her experiences and rigorous preparation in practice; and
WHEREAS, Since the inclusion of girls wrestling at the Mat Classic in 2004, Faith Tarrant has distinguished herself as the 15th girl to earn at least three state titles, joining an elite group of athletes and contributing to the growth and visibility of girls wrestling in Washington State; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant has been a vocal advocate for the camaraderie and community within girls wrestling, emphasizing the unique and supportive relationships formed among competitors, thereby enriching the sport's culture; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant has acknowledged the unwavering support and inspiration provided by her mother, Nicole Tarrant, her number one fan, as well as the invaluable guidance and encouragement from teammates Seth Blick and Aaliyah Young, all of whom have played pivotal roles in her success; and
WHEREAS, Faith Tarrant's ambition extends beyond her current achievements, with sights set on capturing a fourth state title in her senior year, a feat accomplished by only four girls before her, demonstrating her commitment to excellence and her contribution to the legacy of girls wrestling in Washington;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize and honor Faith Tarrant for her outstanding accomplishments in girls wrestling, her significant contribution to the sport's growth and inclusivity, and her role as an exemplary model of dedication, perseverance, and sportsmanship for young athletes in Washington State and beyond; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to Faith Tarrant of Prairie High School.