MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2023, 10:27 AM 92ND DAY
SHB 1043 Records/comm. associations
SHB 1138 f Drought preparedness
2SHB 1322 f Walla Walla water 2050 plan
ESHB 1466 f Dental auxiliaries
SHB 1493 f Impaired driving
HB 1552 f Urban agriculture study
SHB 1753 Derelict vessel notices
SHJM 4001 Justin DeRosier highway
HB 1020 State dinosaur
2SHB 1028 f Crime victims & witnesses
SHB 1044 f Capital assistance/schools
2SHB 1176 f Climate-ready communities
HB 1230 f School websites/drug info.
HB 1232 f College bound scholarship
HB 1243 Muni. airport commissions
SHB 1250 f Low-income home rehab. prg.
HB 1257 f Cargo and passenger ports
ESHB 1260 f Work-limiting disability
2SHB 1425 f Municipal annexations
ESHB 1436 f Special education funding
SHB 1457 f Motor carriers/restrooms
2SHB 1477 f Working families' tax credit
2SHB 1534 f Construction consumers
2SHB 1550 f Transition to kindergarten
2SHB 1559 f Postsecondary student needs
HB 1563 Medical use of cannabis
HB 1575 f Cultural access programs/tax
2SHB 1578 Wildland fire safety
2SHB 1580 f Children in crisis
HB 1679 f Student homelessness group
HB 1695 Surplus property/housing
SHB 1701 f Institutional ed. programs
2SHB 1724 f Behavioral health workforce
HB 1742 f Nontax statutes/DOR
ESHB 1744 f Charter school oversight
HB 1772 f Tetrahydrocannabinol & alc.
HB 1775 Salmon recovery/liability
EHB 1823 f WA student loan program
HB 1824 f Shooting sweepstakes
SGA 9018 PETER M. GAYTON, Member, Personnel Resources Board
SGA 9088 JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees
SGA 9107 SOPHIA DANENBERG, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission
SGA 9135 KRESTIN G. BAHR, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board
SGA 9142 BETHANY S. RIVARD, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board
SGA 9145 MICHAEL ROSS, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners
SGA 9151 MARY LAURIE CONNELLY, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission
SGA 9157 GINA CARDENAS, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9158 GREGORY C. LINK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
SGA 9200 BROOKE A. BROWN, Member, State Board of Education
SGA 9208 SUSANA REYES, Member, State Board of Education
SGA 9317 JAMES R. VOLLENDROFF, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board