MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2023, 10:27 AM |
SHB 1043 |
Records/comm. associations |
SHB 1138 |
f |
Drought preparedness |
2SHB 1322 |
f |
Walla Walla water 2050 plan |
ESHB 1466 |
f |
Dental auxiliaries |
SHB 1493 |
f |
Impaired driving |
HB 1552 |
f |
Urban agriculture study |
SHB 1753 |
Derelict vessel notices |
SHJM 4001 |
Justin DeRosier highway |
HB 1020 |
State dinosaur |
2SHB 1028 |
f |
Crime victims & witnesses |
SHB 1044 |
f |
Capital assistance/schools |
2SHB 1176 |
f |
Climate-ready communities |
HB 1230 |
f |
School websites/drug info. |
HB 1232 |
f |
College bound scholarship |
HB 1243 |
Muni. airport commissions |
SHB 1250 |
f |
Low-income home rehab. prg. |
HB 1257 |
f |
Cargo and passenger ports |
ESHB 1260 |
f |
Work-limiting disability |
2SHB 1425 |
f |
Municipal annexations |
ESHB 1436 |
f |
Special education funding |
SHB 1457 |
f |
Motor carriers/restrooms |
2SHB 1477 |
f |
Working families' tax credit |
2SHB 1534 |
f |
Construction consumers |
2SHB 1550 |
f |
Transition to kindergarten |
2SHB 1559 |
f |
Postsecondary student needs |
HB 1563 |
Medical use of cannabis |
HB 1575 |
f |
Cultural access programs/tax |
2SHB 1578 |
Wildland fire safety |
2SHB 1580 |
f |
Children in crisis |
HB 1679 |
f |
Student homelessness group |
HB 1695 |
Surplus property/housing |
SHB 1701 |
f |
Institutional ed. programs |
2SHB 1724 |
f |
Behavioral health workforce |
HB 1742 |
f |
Nontax statutes/DOR |
ESHB 1744 |
f |
Charter school oversight |
HB 1772 |
f |
Tetrahydrocannabinol & alc. |
HB 1775 |
Salmon recovery/liability |
EHB 1823 |
f |
WA student loan program |
HB 1824 |
f |
Shooting sweepstakes |
SGA 9018 |
PETER M. GAYTON, Member, Personnel Resources Board |
SGA 9088 |
JOHN W. PEDLOW, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees |
SGA 9107 |
SOPHIA DANENBERG, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission |
SGA 9135 |
KRESTIN G. BAHR, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board |
SGA 9142 |
BETHANY S. RIVARD, Member, Professional Educator Standards Board |
SGA 9145 |
MICHAEL ROSS, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners |
SGA 9151 |
MARY LAURIE CONNELLY, Member, Parks and Recreation Commission |
SGA 9157 |
GINA CARDENAS, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission |
SGA 9158 |
GREGORY C. LINK, Member, Sentencing Guidelines Commission |
SGA 9200 |
BROOKE A. BROWN, Member, State Board of Education |
SGA 9208 |
SUSANA REYES, Member, State Board of Education |
SGA 9317 |
JAMES R. VOLLENDROFF, Member, Liquor and Cannabis Board |