BILLS IN SENATE RULES - February 20, 2024 - Tuesday
1:07 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
ESHB 1097 Cosmetics tested on animals Walen,etc. BFGT DP9
ESHB 1589 f Clean energy Doglio,etc. ENET DPA5 DNP3
HB 1752 f Water/consumptive quality Dye,Dent,etc. AWNP DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1890 Housing authorities Alvarado,Klicker,etc. HSG DP9
ESHB 1893 f Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts Doglio,etc. LC DPA5 DNP4
HB 1898 f Unempl. benefit charging Schmidt,Fosse,etc.,ESD LC DP9
HB 1901 f Unempl. voluntary program Springer,Schmidt,etc.,ESD LC DP9
HB 1917 f Physician assistant compact Leavitt,Ybarra,etc. HLTC DP9
SHB 1919 Private moorage/abandonment Bronoske,etc. AWNP DP7
HB 1927 f Temporary total disability Bronoske,Berry,etc. LC DP5 DNP4
HB 1992 f Superior court/Whatcom Timmons,Lekanoff,etc.,AFC LAW DP11
E2SHB 2000 f International leadership Mena,etc. BFGT DPA7 w/oRec2
SHB 2015 Adult family homes capacity Senn,etc. HLTC DP9
SHB 2045 f Adopt a fish barrier program Waters,etc. AWNP DPA7
SHB 2061 f Health employees/overtime Bronoske,etc. LC DP6 w/oRec3
SHB 2097 f Worker wage recovery Berry,etc. LC DP6 w/oRec2 DNP1
SHB 2127 Incentives to return to work Schmidt,etc. LC DP9
HB 2137 f Tourism promotion exemptions Berg,Orcutt,etc. BFGT DP8
SHB 2156 f Solar consumer protections Reeves,etc. LC DP9
SHB 2165 f Recreational use fees Kloba,etc. AWNP DP9
SHB 2226 H-2A worker program data Ortiz-Self,etc. LC DPA5 DNP4
HB 2260 f Alcohol sale to minors/civil Waters,Reeves,etc.,LACB LC DP9
EHB 2266 f Construction/sanitary cond. Stonier,Berry,etc. LC DP6 w/oRec3
ESHB 2321 f Middle housing requirements Bateman,etc. HSG DP9
SHB 2329 f Insurance market/housing Macri,etc. BFGT DP9
ESHB 2330 f Wildfire protection Reeves,etc. AWNP DP7
SHB 2355 f MRI technologists Nance,etc. HLTC DP9
SHB 2382 TNC driver death benefits Berry,etc. LC DPA6 DNP2 w/oRec1
SGA 9395 ROBERT H. MALTE, Member, Lake Washington Institute of Technology Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9396 JESSICA J. NOROUZI, Member, Renton Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9398 JEFFERY S. VINCENT, Member, Washington Student Achievement Council HEWD BC5
SGA 9399 ADRIANNE N. WAGNER, Member, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9400 ASTRID E. AVELEDO, Member, Grays Harbor College Board of Trustees HEWD BC4 w/oRec1
SGA 9401 ROBERT DECOTEAU, Member, Bellingham Technical College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9406 ELAINE CHU, Member, Green River College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9407 RAYMOND CONNER, Member, Central Washington University Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9409 ALICE E. DIETZ, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9410 ELIZABETH G. FORD, Member, Public Employment Relations Commission LC BC5 w/oRec2 NBC1
SGA 9411 ANNA M. FRANKLIN, Member, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9412 JESSE E. JOHNSON, Member, Highline College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9414 DOUGLAS T. PICHA, Member, Washington State University Board of Regents HEWD BC5
SGA 9415 TERESA N. TAYLOR, Member, Whatcom Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9416 CHRISTOPHER T. THOMAS, Member, Centralia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9417 STEVEN A. ZIMMERMAN, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9418 JAMES D. STARK, Member, Shoreline Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9419 MACK L. HOGANS, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC5
SGA 9420 ANNALEE K. TOBEY, Member, Centralia College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9421 MARTIN VALADEZ, Member, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges HEWD BC5
SGA 9427 SUZANNE DONALDSON, Member, Clark College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9428 STEPHANIE J. BARDIN, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTC BC8
SGA 9429 AMY E. PARRIS, Member, Big Bend Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9430 BRENT L. STARK, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC9
SGA 9431 HUEY YU, Member, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission HLTC BC8
SGA 9432 DOUGLASS A. NORTH, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGE BC4 NBC3
SGA 9434 LILY CLIFTON, Member, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees EDU BC9
SGA 9435 TAMRA L. JACKSON, Member, Wenatchee Valley College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9438 MICHAEL S. SHIOSAKI, Member, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board AWNP BC9
SGA 9440 JEFFERY S. VINCENT, Member, Workforce Education Investment Accountability and Oversight Board HEWD BC5
SGA 9441 WILLIAM W. WARREN, Member, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees HEWD BC5
SGA 9448 ANDREW J. DRENNEN, Member, Board of Pilotage Commissioners TRAN BC17

Total Count: 60