Washington State Senate 1st Order

2023 Regular Session of the 68th Legislature
DENNY HECK, President of the Senate KAREN KEISER, President Pro Tem
SARAH BANNISTER, Secretary of the Senate JOHN LOVICK, Vice President Pro Tem

March 15, 2023 - Wednesday 66TH DAY
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SHB 1015 f Paraeducator requirements EDU DP8 RULE
HB 1017 f Cosmetologists, etc/licenses LC DP9 RULE
HB 1107 "Master" and "servant" terms LC DP9 RULE
HB 1120 f Annuity transactions BFGT DP9 RULE
2SHB 1122 WMS bargaining LC DP5 DNP3 w/oRec1 WM
HB 1128 f Personal needs allowance HS DP7 WM
E2SHB 1188 f Child welfare services/DD HS DP7 WM
E2SHB 1189 f Total confinement release LAW w/oRec8 HS
2SHB 1204 f Family connections program HS DP7 WM
HB 1265 f Adult family homes/prop. tax HS DP7 RULE
SHB 1266 f Insurance comnr./email BFGT DP9 RULE
SHB 1267 f Rural public facilities/tax LGLT DP5 WM
ESHB 1277 f Paraeducator course of study EDU DP8 RULE
HB 1407 f Dev. disability/eligibility HS DP7, on motion referred to WM WM
SHB 1457 f Motor carriers/restrooms LC DP9 WM
SHB 1458 f Apprenticeship programs/UI LC DP7 w/oRec2 RULE
SHB 1499 Food assistance funding HS DP7 RULE
HB 1527 f Tax increment financing BFGT DPA8 w/oRec1 WM
HB 1645 County legislative meetings LGLT DP5 RULE
HB 1679 f Student homelessness group HS DP7 RULE
Bill No. Description Committee Inf. Ref.
SGA 9330 DAVID PUENTE JR., Director, Department of Veterans Affairs - Agency Head SGE BC6 RULE
SGA 9339 MARCUS J. GLASPER, Director, Department of Licensing - Agency Head SGE w/oRec6 TRAN