S-2072               _______________________________________________


                                         SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 3842



State of Washington                              49th Legislature                              1985 Regular Session


By Senate Committee on Governmental Operations (originally sponsored by Senators DeJarnatt, Goltz, Thompson, Owen and Gaspard)



Read first time 2/27/85.



AN ACT Relating to state legislative districts; amending RCW 44.07B.008, 44.07B.009, 44.07B.190, 44.07B.240, 44.07B.350, 44.07B.390, 44.07B.800, 44.07B.440, 44.07B.840, and 44.07B.901; and repealing RCW 44.07B.195 and 44.07B.395.




        Sec. 1.  Section 8, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.008 are each amended to read as follows:

          For election of members of the legislature, the territory of the state shall be divided into ((fifty-one)) forty-nine legislative districts and forty-nine senatorial districts described in this chapter.


        Sec. 2.  Section 9, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.009 are each amended to read as follows:

          All legislative districts shall be two-member representative districts((, except districts 19-A, 19-B, 39-A, and 39-B which shall be single member representative districts to provide better representation by protecting the community of interest in rural and urban areas in these districts)).


        Sec. 3.  Section 28, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.190 are each amended to read as follows:

          The Nineteenth legislative district ((19-A)) shall consist of the following areas:


          All of Pacific County

          ((In)) All of Wahkiakum County((:


@ieCathlamet-Elochoman Division!sc ,1(part:  ED 1T, ED 4U)))


          In Cowlitz County:


@ieT!sc ,0011

T!sc ,0013

T!sc ,0014

T!sc ,0015

T!sc ,0016

T!sc ,0017

T!sc ,0018

T!sc ,0019

T!sc ,00119


          In Grays Harbor County:


@ieWestport City

Aberdeen City

ED 687

ED 688A

@ieAny parts of the following that are not otherwise specifically described in this section:

Sections!sc ,1!ih*,215, 17-22, 27-30, 32-34 of Township 17N, Range 9W

@ieSections!sc ,1!ih*,23, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31!sc-,00134 of Township 16N, Range 9W

@ieSections 3-10 of Township 15N, Range 9W

@ieSections 22-24 of Township 17N, Range 10W




        Sec. 4.  Section 34, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.240 are each amended to read as follows:

          The Twenty-fourth legislative district shall consist of the following areas:


          All of Clallam County

          All of Jefferson County


          In Grays Harbor County:


@ieQuinault Reservation Division

Hoquiam City

ED!sc ,001663A

ED!sc ,001663B

ED!sc ,001664A

ED!sc ,001664B

ED!sc ,001664C

@ieED!sc ,001665!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  all west of Range 8W)

@ieED!sc ,001669!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  all west of Hoquiam River that is not included in the Nineteenth legislative district)

@ieED!sc ,001670

ED!sc ,001682

ED!sc ,001683

ED!sc ,001684!te




        Sec. 5.  Section 45, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 as amended by section 1, chapter 5, Laws of 1981 2nd ex. sess. and RCW 44.07B.350 are each amended to read as follows:

          The Thirty-fifth legislative district shall consist of the following areas:


          All of Mason County


          In Kitsap County:


@ieT!sc ,001805

T!sc ,001809

T!sc ,001810

T!sc ,001811

T!sc ,001812

T!sc ,001813

T!sc ,001814

T!sc ,001814.99

T!sc ,001913

T!sc ,001920!te!ix


          In Thurston County:


@ieT!sc ,001119


          In Grays Harbor County:


@ieBNA!sc ,0019901

@ieBNA!sc ,0019902

BNA!sc ,0019909

ED!sc ,001650

ED!sc ,001651A

ED!sc ,001651B

ED!sc ,001652A

ED!sc ,001653

ED!sc ,001654

ED!sc ,001655

ED!sc ,001656

ED!sc ,001657

ED!sc ,001658!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  Those portions of ED 658 not included within legislative district ((19-B)) 19.)

ED!sc ,001659

ED!sc ,001660

ED!sc ,001661A

ED!sc ,001661B

ED!sc ,001667

ED!sc ,001668

ED!sc ,001669!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  Those portions of ED 669 not included within legislative district ((19-B)) 19 or the Twenty-fourth legislative district.)

ED!sc ,001675

ED!sc ,001676

ED!sc ,001677

ED!sc ,001678

ED!sc ,001679

ED!sc ,001680

ED!sc ,001681

ED!sc ,001689!te




        Sec. 6.  Section 49, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.390 are each amended to read as follows:

          The Thirty-ninth legislative district ((39-A)) shall consist of the following areas:


          In Snohomish County:


@ieT!sc ,001415

T!sc ,001416.01

T!sc ,001416.02!sc ,1(((part:  all parts north of 124th St. SE)))

T!sc ,001417!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  all parts north of ((the extension of 108th)) 148th St. SE)

@ieT!sc ,001418.01

@ieT!sc ,001418.02!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  B 305-308, 310-313, 315, BG 9)

@ieT!sc ,001519.04!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  BG 2, B 114-117, 120, 915-918, and the part of B 724 east of the extension of 45th Avenue S.E.)

@ieT!sc ,001520!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  all parts north of 148th St. SE and east of 35th Ave. SE)

T!sc ,001521.01!sc ,01!ih*,2(((part:  all parts west of the Woodinville highway)))

@ieT!sc ,001521.02

T!sc ,001521.03

T!sc ,001522.01

T!sc ,001522.02

@ieT!sc ,001523

T!sc ,001524

T!sc ,001525

T!sc ,001526

T!sc ,001536

T!sc ,001538!te!ix




        Sec. 7.  Section 61, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.800 are each amended to read as follows:

          The senate shall consist of forty-nine members, one of whom shall be elected from each senatorial district.  Each legislative district ((except districts 19-A, 19-B, 39-A, and 39-B)) shall compose a senatorial district.  ((Legislative district 19-A shall be combined with legislative district 19-B to form the nineteenth senatorial district.  Legislative district 39-A shall be combined with legislative district 39-B to form the thirty-ninth senatorial district.))


        Sec. 8.  Section 55, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.440 are each amended to read as follows:

          The Forty-fourth legislative district shall consist of the following areas:


          In King County:


@ieT!sc ,001217!sc ,1(part:  B 208-214)

T!sc ,001218

T!sc ,001219.01

T!sc ,001220.01

T!sc ,001220.02!sc ,1(part:  BG 1, B 204, 206-208, 219-221)

T!sc ,001221!sc ,1!ih*,2(part:  B 103, 107-111, 113, 204-206, and the part of B 112 east of 75th Ave. NE and extension thereof)

@ieT!sc ,001222!sc ,1(part:  BG 1, B 212, 320, BG 4, 5)


In Snohomish County:


@ie!ih*,2All Snohomish County that is not included in legislative districts 1, 10, 21, 38, ((39-A, or 39-B)) or 39!te




        Sec. 9.  Section 65, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.840 are each amended to read as follows:

          The house of representatives shall consist of ninety-eight members, two of whom shall be elected from each legislative district((, except that one representative shall be elected from legislative districts 19-A, 19-B, 39-A, and 39-B)).


        Sec. 10.  Section 83, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.901 are each amended to read as follows:

          ((If the inclusion in this chapter of any set of separate legislative districts within a senatorial district shall render this chapter invalid, the whole senatorial district or districts shall be treated as a legislative district or districts with two representatives and without separate legislative districts.))  If any provision of this chapter or its application to any  person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the chapter or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 11.  The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:

                   (1) Section 29, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.195; and

          (2) Section 50, chapter 288, Laws of 1981 and RCW 44.07B.395.