S-1327 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 49th Legislature 1985 Regular Session
By Senator Goltz
Read first time 2/5/85. Under suspension of rules, read second and third times 2/6/85, and adopted.
WHEREAS, The Nuclear Waste Policy Act seeks a national solution to the disposal of high-level nuclear waste and defense nuclear waste through geologic storage in selected states; and
WHEREAS, The 1984 session of the 48th Legislature overwhelmingly passed Senate Joint Memorial 131 requesting the United States Congress to consider the question of federal liability with respect to nuclear waste depositories; and
WHEREAS, Liability remains an unresolved issue; and
WHEREAS, Liability affects the citizens of potential host states for the nuclear waste depository; and
WHEREAS, The question of liability affects the citizens of all states through which waste will be transported; and
WHEREAS, The National Conference of State Legislatures adopted a resolution in July, 1984, which states in part "the federal government should be responsible for the protection of the public against damages and personal injury incurred as the consequence of any accident in the transportation or disposal of high-level nuclear waste"; and
WHEREAS, The National Conference of State Legislature's Leader-to-Leader Program will be held February 20, 1985, through February 22, 1985, in Washington D.C. to discuss national issues of concern to the states;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Washington State Senate, the House of Representatives concurring, That the unresolved issue of liability in the transportation and disposal of high-level and defense nuclear waste be brought to the attention of the assembled leaders of state government, President Reagan, members of Congress, and members of the administration attending the Leader-to-Leader Program.