EHB 125



BYRepresentatives R. King,  Fuhrman, Sayan and P. King; by request of  Department of Game



Permitting the game commission to designate times and places for fishing without a license.



House Committe on Natural Resources


Majority Report:     Do pass with amendment.  (15)

     Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Basich, Beck, Belcher, Cole, Fuhrman, Hargrove, Haugen, R. King, Meyers, C. Smith, Spanel and S. Wilson.


Minority Report:     Do not pass.  (1)

     Signed by Representative Bumgarner.


     House Staff:Bill Koss (786-7129)



                  AS PASSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 16, 1987




In order to fish for game fish, an individual must purchase a fishing license at a cost of $14.  Certain people may obtain free fishing licenses -- certain veterans of the Armed Forces, individuals 70 years of age or older, a blind person, a developmentally disabled person, a physically handicapped person confined to a wheelchair, and youths under 15 years of age.


The Game Department estimates 40 percent of the individuals fish with free licenses.


The Game Commission has authority to set bag limits, fishing seasons, etc.  It does not have authority to waive the requirement that everyone except those listed above must have a valid fishing license.




Game Commission may adopt rules establishing times and places when licenses are not required to fish for game fish.  These times and places must be for the purpose of family fishing days.


Fiscal Note:    Attached.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Rich Poelker, Department of Game.


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     Game believes this will induce more people to participate in fishing and ultimately increase license sales.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.