HJM 4022



BYRepresentatives Unsoeld and Belcher



Urging Congress to preserve the Olympia postmark.



House Committe on State Government


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (7)

      Signed by Representatives H. Sommers, Chair; Peery, Vice Chair; Baugher, Hankins, O'Brien, Taylor and Walk.


      House Staff:Pam Madson (786-7135)







Most United States mail sent from Olympia is currently processed in Olympia and bears the Olympia postmark.  However, letters mailed on weekends from Olympia to out-of-town destinations are taken directly to the Tacoma post office for processing, and do not bear the Olympia postmark.


The Seattle Field Division Office of the United States Postal Service is considering undertaking an efficiency study of its operations throughout Western Washington.  If the study concludes that operations could be handled more efficiently through increased centralization, more Olympia mail could be routed directly to Tacoma and postmarked there with or without the Olympia postmark.


Should the Olympia postmark be eliminated altogether, Olympia would be the only state capital in the United States without its own postmark.




The President, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United State House of Representatives, members of Congress, and the Postmaster General are asked to retain the United States Postal Service's use of the Olympia postmark.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Representative Jolene Unsoeld, prime sponsor; and Bill Daley, Mayor of Olympia.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    If United States mail processing operations are transferred from Olympia to Tacoma, Olympia jobs could be lost and the Olympia postmark discontinued.  Loss of the state capital's postmark is particularly troublesome with the state's upcoming centennial celebration.  This petition is timely because the state legislature will not have a similar opportunity to express its views during the interim, when federal action may be taken.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.