EHJM 4033



BYRepresentatives Jones, Vekich, Fisher, Schmidt, Baugher, Unsoeld, Prince, Walk, Walker, Lux, Hine, Crane, S. Wilson, Hargrove, Anderson, Leonard, Pruitt, Brough, Basich, Dorn, Day, Haugen, Sayan, Winsley, Cooper, Belcher, Nelson, May, Miller, Butterfield, Ferguson, Spanel and Nealey



Petitioning Congress to adopt legislation establishing a uniform closing time for polling places.



House Committe on Constitution, Elections & Ethics


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendments.  (6)

      Signed by Representatives Fisher, Chair; Pruitt, Vice Chair; Amondson, R. King, Leonard and Sanders.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (1)

      Signed by Representative Barnes.


      House Staff:Kenneth Hirst (786-7105)



                       AS PASSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 12, 1988




The U.S. Congress has before it H.R. 435 which would establish, for a Presidential general election, a single closing time for voting places throughout the continental United States. Under the provisions of the bill, the polls would close at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time during a Presidential election and no one arriving at a polling place after that time would be permitted to vote.  The bill would also extend, during each Presidential election year, the period during which daylight savings time is effective in the Pacific Time Zone.  It would end on the first Sunday after the date of the election.




Congress is requested to enact legislation similar to H.R. 435, which would establish a uniform closing time for all polling places in the continental United States, in conjunction with a pledge from news broadcasting organizations not to project election results until after such a closing time.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Representative Jones; and Ralph Munro, Secretary of State.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    (1) Exit polling and projections can convince voters that their votes are pointless.  (2) H.R. 435 is a bipartisan bill which passed the House but needs assistance in the Senate.  The New England states have, from time to time, closed their polls at 3 p.m. and many close at different times depending on which county or parish you vote in.  Therefore, these states have little interest in the Congressional legislation.  (3) The latest national survey by T.V. Guide indicates that 84% of the people favor a bill establishing a uniform closing date.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.