ESSB 5885



BYSenate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Halsan, Garrett, Warnke, Talmadge, Kiskaddon, Gaspard, Bender and DeJarnatt)



Gathering and disseminating information on earthquake dangers.



House Committe on State Government


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendments.  (7)

      Signed by Representatives H. Sommers, Chair; Peery, Vice Chair; Chandler, Hankins, O'Brien, Sayan and Taylor.


      House Staff:Pam Madson (786-7135)







The Washington State Seismic Safety Council was formed in 1985 as an advisory group to the Department of Emergency Management.  The council was asked to:  (1) review methods and procedures to educate the public about earthquakes; (2) recommend goals and priorities; and (3) gather and analyze information about earthquakes.


The council's final report, issued upon its termination in September 1986, included the following:  (1) major seismic hazards exist in much of Washington state; (2) state actions to address seismic hazards have been sporadic; and (3) informational, legal, and fiscal barriers constrain state action.


The report recommended the state take action, including:  (1) calling attention to seismic risks; (2) supporting research and disseminating information necessary for state and local risk reduction programs; (3) ensuring the integrity of public facilities; and (4) establishing the necessary authority for facilitating the public and private sectors in averting earthquake losses.




BILL AS AMENDED:  The Department of Community Development (DCD) is to initiate an inventory of public buildings in high risk seismic zones.  The definition of public building does not include nursing homes or day care centers.  In the inventory, the department is to assess the physical condition of public buildings to determine, if in the event of an earthquake, there would be a public danger, and to estimate the cost of repair or replacement.  The department shall complete an interim report on the inventory to the legislature and the governor on or before May 30, 1988. A final report is due May 30, 1989.


The department is to gather and disseminate information on the impact of earthquakes and methods in which people and property may be protected in the event of an earthquake.  An annual report is to be made to the governor and the legislature.


The department may establish a seismic safety task force.


AMENDED BILL COMPARED TO ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE:  The definition of public building is further narrowed by deleting nursing homes and day care facilities.  The scope of the survey is narrowed to an initiation of an inventory in high risk seismic zones.  The Seismic Safety Council is not re-established, but DCD may establish a seismic safety task force.  DCD is no longer directed to conduct informational programs on the potential of earthquake occurrence.  An appropriation clause is added.


Appropriation:    Unspecified amount, to the Department of Community Development.


Fiscal Note:      Requested April 3, 1987.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Jean Ameluxen, Department of Community Development; Peter May, Carole Martens, and Ray Lasmannis, members of former State Seismic Safety Council; Shelly Cohen, representing various parent/teacher associations; Dorothy Roberts, citizen; and Mike Roberts, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Conducting an inventory of public buildings that could cause damage to people or property in the event of an earthquake is a first step in reducing the risk to life and property when the next major earthquake occurs.  The department will utilize any currently available structural information on public buildings as part of the inventory.  School buildings should be inventoried. A similar inventory is proposed in other pending legislation.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.