SJM 8030



BYSenators Barr, Hansen and Sellar



Requesting expedited funding for the lighting system at Grand Coulee Dam.



House Committe on Trade & Economic Development


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendment.  (16)

      Signed by Representatives Vekich, Chair; Wineberry, Vice Chair; Beck, Cantwell, Doty, Grant, Hargrove, Heavey, Holm, Kremen, McLean, Moyer, Rasmussen, Schoon, B. Williams and J. Williams.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (1)

      Signed by Representative Amondson.


      House Staff:Stephen Hodes (786-7092)



                         AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 1, 1988




Grand Coulee Dam currently attracts in excess of 500,000 visitors a year.  The dam is illuminated at night, a feature which is an element in tours of the dam and vicinity.  The illumination system was installed in the 1950's and utilizes an array of incandescent bulbs to illuminate water flowing over the face of the dam.  Management responsibility for the dam rests with the federal Bureau of Reclamation, which has included renovation and modernization of the lighting system in its long-range budget. The modernization would include development of a laser-light show.  The lighting renovation and modernization project is not currently budgeted to be completed before the the celebration of the Washington Centennial.




The President, Congress, and Department of the Interior are petitioned to include the appropriation for the Grand Coulee dam lighting system at the earliest possible date, in order that system improvements be completed in time for display by the beginning of the state Centennial celebration.


Fiscal Note:      Not requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Senator Barr.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    The lighting system is part of a major tourist attraction, but requires the use of water falling from the dam for its impact. The new lighting system would not require water for this purpose. The new system would enhance the attractiveness of Grand Coulee Dam to the additional visitors expected to the state during the state centennial celebration.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.