SCR 8431



BYSenators Lee, Conner, Warnke, Smitherman, McMullen, Deccio and Fleming



Creating a joint select committee on workforce training and retraining.



House Committe on Commerce & Labor


Majority Report:  Do pass with amendment.  (11)

      Signed by Representatives Wang, Chair; Cole, Vice Chair; Fisher, Jones, R. King, O'Brien, Patrick, Sanders, Sayan, C. Smith and Walker.


      House Staff:Karen Haynes (786-7779)







Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Academy of Sciences, and the National Alliance of Business indicate that there may be labor shortages in the United States by the year 2000.  These studies also indicate that a highly skilled and flexible workforce is needed in the U.S. for companies to be competitive internationally.




RESOLUTION AS AMENDED:  A joint committee on workforce training and retraining is established to review the need for basic skills training needed to enable workers to be trained and retrained, determine the areas where training would be most beneficial, review the manner in which training and retraining could best be undertaken cooperatively between all sectors of the economy, and make recommendations on programs and policies to ensure a competitive workforce.


The committee will consist of three members from each caucus in the senate and house.  One member from each caucus must be from the Senate Economic Development and Labor Committee and one member from the House Commerce and Labor Committee.  The committee will choose its chair and vice-chair from among its membership.  Advisory committees may be formed.


The committee will report to the legislature with its findings and recommendations by December 1, 1988.


AMENDED RESOLUTION COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  Committee composition was changed from all members of the Senate Economic Development and Labor committee, all members of the House of Representatives Commerce and Labor Committee, and one member from each caucus in the Senate and House.  The designation of the chairpersons of the Economic Development and Labor Committee and Commerce & Labor Committee as co-chairs was changed to selection of chair and vice-chair by the committee from among its membership.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Senator Eleanor Lee, Prime Sponsor.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Many dislocated workers don't have the basic skills required to find jobs.  Job training usually doesn't incorporate basic skills training.  This issue needs to be addressed formally to recognize the seriousness of the subject.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.