SB 5327



                                   C 76 L 87



BYSenators Garrett, Johnson, Peterson, Wojahn, Lee, Tanner, Warnke, Williams and Kiskaddon; by request of Joint Select Committee on Disability Employment and Economic Participation



Requiring the employment security department to report on special attention service given to disabled persons.



Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor



House Committe on Commerce & Labor



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




In 1977 the Legislature recognized unfair employment discrimination for persons of disability and enacted a policy to create equal employment opportunities.  The Employment Security Department shall give particular attention and service to persons of disability.


Disabled persons who are unable to sign their name or make a mark cannot obtain notarized acknowledgements.




An ongoing reporting requirement is added with the first report by the Employment Security Department (ESD) on its accomplishments in disability employment services due December 1, 1987 to House and Senate Committees on Commerce and Labor.  Then, ESD shall report every two years.


A notary public or other authorized officer may take an acknowledgement from a competent person who is physically unable to sign his or her name or make a mark if the person orally directs the notary to sign on the person's behalf.  The notary must state that the signature was obtained under the authority of the act.





      Senate    48     0

      House 97   0 (House amended)

      Senate    48     0 (Senate concurred)


EFFECTIVE:July 26, 1987