SB 6260



                                  C 197 L 88



BYSenators Warnke, Smitherman, Garrett and Conner; by request of Pharmacy Board



Changing requirements relating to sales of poisons.



Senate Committee on Economic Development & Labor



House Committe on Commerce & Labor



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




Any person who sells poison in the state must record the transaction in a poison register.  The purchaser must present identification to the seller which contains the purchaser's photograph and signature.  Both the seller and purchaser must sign the poison register entry.  A poison register must be maintained for two years from the date of the last entry. 


The poison register procedures do not work well if the sale is made through the mail or some other delivery system because the purchaser cannot comply with the identification and signature requirement.


It is suggested that a letter of authorization could be submitted by a purchaser of a poison instead of the identification and signature requirements.




If a delivery of a poison will be made outside the seller's premises, the seller may require the business purchasing the poison to submit a letter of authorization as a substitute for showing identification and signing the poison register.  The transaction must still be recorded in the poison register by the seller.


The letter of authorization must include the unified business identifier and address of the business, a full description of how the substance will be used, and the signature of the purchaser.  Either the seller or the employee of the seller who delivers the poison must affix his or her signature to the letter as a witness to the signature and identification of the purchaser.


Letters of authorization must be kept with the poison register and are subject to inspection.





      Senate    43     0

      House 97   0 (House amended)

      Senate    46     0 (Senate concurred)


EFFECTIVE:June 9, 1988