SB 6535



BYSenators Talmadge and Lee



Prohibiting nonbiodegradable retail packaging.



Senate Committee on Environment & Natural Resources


      Senate Hearing Date(s):February 3, 1988


      Senate Staff:Rick Anderson (786-7717)



                            AS OF FEBRUARY 2, 1988




Many items, such as those constructed of plastics and styrofoam, pose special disposal problems because they do not biodegrade in landfills and may emit toxic emissions when incinerated.  Plastics can be recycled but have only achieved very low recycling rates around the state and nation.  Plastics comprised 9 percent of the state's waste stream last year by weight.




Plastics, styrofoam, and other petroleum-based packagings that are not biodegradable are prohibited from retail sale.  Nonbiodegradable containers for which there is a deposit is exempt.  Nonbiodegradable packaging for raw meats or vegetables is also exempt.


Appropriation:    none


Revenue:    none


Fiscal Note:      none requested