SJM 8008



BYSenators Conner, Anderson, Metcalf, Vognild, Kreidler, Tanner, Smitherman, DeJarnatt, Talmadge, Garrett, Peterson and Moore



Requesting funding for a comprehensive oil spill program.



Senate Committee on Parks & Ecology



House Committe on Environmental Affairs



                             AS PASSED LEGISLATURE




Puget Sound currently ranks fourth in the nation in refueling ships.  Oil spills resulting from this activity have raised questions concerning local government's ability to adequately respond to the spills.  The Oil Spill Advisory Committee, legislatively formed last year, recommended that Congress fund a comprehensive oil spill liability and compensation program to aid local government. 




Congress is requested to direct the U.S. Coast Guard to:  (1) authorize federal funds for an oil spill response and reimbursement program; (2) make pollution prevention and regulation a higher priority; (3) increase monitoring of pollution prevention; (4) develop oil spill contingency plans and joint training exercises with federal, state and local governments, the private sector and Indian tribes; (5) designate and control areas where vessels anchor; and (6) develop a working relationship with the appropriate state agencies.


In the event that these requests are not implemented, the following requests to Congress are made:  (1) the Department of Ecology shall be directed to develop a program for monitoring fuel transfers; and (2) the state Attorney General's office shall be given authority to board vessels.





      Senate    49     0

      House 93   0 (House amended)

      Senate    49     0 (Senate concurred)