SCR 8413



BYSenators Metcalf, Warnke, Vognild and Nelson



Establishing the joint select committee on labor-management relations.



Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor



House Committe on Rules



                             AS PASSED LEGISLATURE




Major economic changes and decisions by the National Labor Relations Board have produced significant changes in labor/management relations in the state.  Many bills relating to changing business practices and labor contract negotiation strategies have been introduced in the state Legislature in the past few years.




The Joint Select Committee on Labor/Management Relations is established.  The Committee shall: (1) review changes in labor/management relations that tend to cause disruption for either business or labor; (2) examine the impact of state law on changes in labor/management relations; (3) study the relationship between federal and state laws governing labor/management relations and employee entitlements; and (4) make recommendations to the Legislature which enhance: (a) labor peace; (b) business success; and (c) prosperity for all residents of the state.


The Committee consists of the Chair and ranking minority member of the Senate and House Commerce and Labor Committees and three members from each caucus in both houses.  At least one member of each caucus shall be a member of the Senate or House Commerce and Labor Committees.  The President of the Senate shall be the non-voting chair.


The Joint Select Committee shall establish an advisory group consisting of an equal number of members from labor and management and additional members from appropriate state and federal agencies.  The advisory group shall assist in the development of the Committee's recommendations.


The Joint Select Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and Legislature by the start of the 1988 Regular Session of the Legislature.





      Senate    45     0


       First Special Session

      Senate    42     0

      House 94   0