H-4519              _______________________________________________


                                           HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 4039



State of Washington                              50th Legislature                              1988 Regular Session


By Representatives McLean, Silver, D. Sommers and Brough



Read first time 1/27/88 and referred to Committee on Judiciary.




          We, your Memorialists, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, in legislative session assembled, respectfully represent and petition as follows:

          WHEREAS, The purpose of the juvenile justice disposition standards was to establish sure and certain penalties for juvenile criminal behavior; and

          WHEREAS, RCW 13.40.030 directs the Juvenile Disposition Standards Commission to propose to the Legislature disposition standards each even-numbered year; and

          WHEREAS, Disposition standards must be proposed by November 1, 1988, for consideration and adoption in the 1989 legislative session; and

          WHEREAS, Washington state citizens have proposed revisions to Legislators requesting statutory amendments in the 1988 session; and

          WHEREAS, Juvenile Court Judges and Commissioners stated in open meeting that some disposition standards are so narrow that they cannot always act in the best interests of the child; and

          WHEREAS, There is a perception that the disposition standards do not particularly address the second offender so as to prevent recidivism; and

          WHEREAS, There are inadequate sanctions for repeat misdemeanor behavior; and

          WHEREAS, Too many youth are kept from incarceration by failure to charge for repeat offenses when the youths are already housed in crisis residential treatment centers;

          NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists respectfully pray that the Juvenile Disposition Standards Commission address the concerns of the Legislature and the citizenry by providing broader ranges within the individual categories for sentencing, considering the option of suspended sentences, making sanctions for second offenders more severe than for first time offenders, and making certain an accelerated progression of deterrents for repeat misdemeanor behavior exists.

          BE IT RESOLVED, That copies of this Memorial be immediately transmitted to the Chairman of the Juvenile Disposition Standards Commission and each member of the Juvenile Disposition Standards Commission.